These cases are included in the Campus.2016 release pack.
Data Definition Language Scripts (DDL)
This section lists data structures that were created, altered, or dropped, based on the vocabulary used to define data structures in SQL Server.
New Tables
Case Number | Table | Description |
SIS-125885 | ContentSecurityPolicy | Stores campus default and custom content security policies. |
SIS-125885 | ContentSecurityPolicyReport | Stores campus content security policy report violations. |
SIS-135521 | CustomNativeAmericanEligibility | A place for users to store additional Native American eligibility information |
SIS-135521 | CustomSupplementalServices | Supplemental services district elements. |
SIS-135521 | NativeAmericanEligibility | Student Native American eligibility data. |
SIS-135521 | SupplementalServices | Identifies supplemental services for a student. |
Modified Tables
Case Number | Table | Column | Data Type | Description |
SIS-121513 | AdHocFilter | forceOrder | bit | The field records whether the filter should be executed with the force order query hint. |
SIS-132255 | Calendar | foodServiceEnrollOverride | smallint | Indicates the calendar will allow enrollment override for the food service edit check report. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | jobCorpsFall | bit | Indicator of participation in job corps during the fall attendance count window. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | mtYouthChallengeFall | bit | Indicator of participation in mt youth challenge during the fall attendance count window. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | kgUnder5Fall | smalldatetime | Tracks the board approval date for under age kindergarten students during the fall attendance count window. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | kgUnder5Spring | smalldatetime | Tracks the board approval date for under age kindergarten students during the spring attendance count window. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | mtYouthChallengeSpring | bit | Indicator of participation in mt youth challenge during the spring attendance count window. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | indianLangPrgFall | bit | Indicator of a student participating in an Indian language immersion program during the fall attendance count window. |
SIS-129605 | EnrollmentMT | jobCorpsSpring | bit | Indicator of participation in job corps during the spring attendance count window. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | editorType | varchar(10) | UI editor type for the document angular app. acceptable values are flat, list, refresh, nested. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | apiPath | varchar(200) | Campus rest API base path associated with this editor. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | allowNotNeeded | bit | Allows the use of the not needed button within the document angular app. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | manualEditorCard | bit | Determines if the elements card needs to be constructed manually for this editor. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | parentCode | varchar(100) | Relates a nested editor to a parent plan editor. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | keyName | varchar(100) | The primary key associated with the editor table mapping. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | routeName | varchar(100) | The route name for editor in the the document angular app. |
SIS-134532 | EvalEditor | componentName | varchar(50) | Angular component name in the document angular app. |
SIS-134532 | EvalSectionStatus | objectID | int | References a table key for uniqueness for sections that have child records. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedAddress | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedContactFirstNameAlt | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtPhone | varchar(25) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtContactLastName | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | schoolYear | varchar(10) | The enrollment school year that relates to the evaluation. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedCity | varchar(25) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedContactLastNameAlt | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtAddress | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedState | varchar(2) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtContactFirstName | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedContactLastName | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtUrl | varchar(100) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedPhone | varchar(25) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtEmail | varchar(100) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | stateDefinedDate | datetime2 | A date to hold state defined data. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtZip | varchar(10) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtCity | varchar(25) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedContactFirstName | varchar(50) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedPhoneAlt | varchar(25) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtSpedZip | varchar(10) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | serviceSchoolCode | varchar(15) | The school code for the servicing school. |
SIS-134532 | EvalState | districtState | varchar(2) | Snapshot from district table. |
SIS-134532 | EvalType | elements | bit | Indicates this plan type is loaded into the document elements app. |
SIS-135126 | Gifted | acceleratedPlacement | varchar(15) | Means the practice of assigning a student to a specific content area at a higher instructional level than is typical given the student's grade. |
SIS-135126 | Gifted | giftedTest | varchar(15) | Gifted children who give evidence of high performance capability. |
SIS-136286 | archive | bit | Indicates this print format should no longer be accessible/used and is hidden from UI. | |
SIS-135961 | Product | defaultComments | varchar(500) | Default comments to be displayed to user. |
SIS-135961 | Product | variableRate | bit | Indicates if product can have a price determined by a consumer. |
SIS-135961 | ProductItem | seq | int | Sequence used to order items on the customer display. |
SIS-135961 | ProductSale | pickedUp | bit | Indicates if product from sale has been picked up. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProgress | reEvaluation | varchar(8000) | This table is used in special education evaluations. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProgress | seq | tinyint | Sequence number used to manually order records. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | documentProvided1 | bit | Copy of the document provided to parents. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | documentProvided3 | bit | Copy of the document provided to parents. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | providedMethod3 | bit | Provided method documents were delivered. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | providedMethod2 | bit | Provided method documents were delivered. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | dateProvided | datetime2 | Date a copy of the special ed evaluation is provided to parents. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | documentProvided4 | bit | Copy of the document provided to parents. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | providedMethod4 | bit | Provided method documents were delivered. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | providedMethod1 | bit | Provided method documents were delivered. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | bit | Whether to print this data in the evaluation. | |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | documentProvided2 | bit | Copy of the document provided to parents. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | providedMethodOther | varchar(8000) | Specify the method provided. |
SIS-134532 | SEEProvideToParent | documentProvidedOther | varchar(8000) | Specify the document provided. |
SIS-134532 | SEETeamMember | comments | varchar(8000) | Additional team member comments. |
SIS-134612 | SpecialEDState | recordedDate | datetime2 | Date the user supplies to indicate when the record was entered. |
SIS-134612 | SpecialEDState | exitDate | datetime2 | Date the student exited from special education programming. |
Case Number | Table | Column | Data Type | Description |
SIS-135762 | CurriculumStandard | name | nvarchar | User defined name of this standard. |
SIS-136051 | EdFiErrorLog | gradingTaskName | nvarchar | Used for errors associated with a grading task. |
SIS-132438 | Evaluation | physicianPhone | varchar(22) | Student's physician phone. Changed data type from varchar(20) to varchar(22). |
SIS-136051 | GradingTask | name | nvarchar | Name assigned to the grading task. |
SIS-135961 | Product | description | varchar(MAX) | Product description. Changed data type from varchar(1000) to varchar(MAX). |
SIS-55428 | SecurityAccess | name | varchar(128) | If the remote IP can be matched to a user, his/her name (last name, first name, middle initial) will be displayed. Changed data type from varchar(75) to varchar(128). |
SIS-136051 | TranscriptCourse | standardName | nvarchar | State or district-defined standardname for this course. |
Data Manipulation Language Scripts (DML)
This section lists scripts to add, modify, query, or remove data from a SQL Server database.
Case Number | State | Description |
SIS-133444 | MA | SIF was not sending correct Ed Services Code. |
SIS-136512 | WI | Added value to unlocked Day eventType dictionary. |
SIS-136511 | COVID-19 Campus Attribute. | |
SIS-134612 | MT | Data Conversion Enrollment To SpecialEdState. |
SIS-134612 | Added SpecialEDState DIS Object. | |
SIS-136511 | COVID-19 Attendance ScheduledTasks. | |
SIS-135762 | Increased curriculum standard name length. | |
SIS-135984 | CA | Converted graduation postsecondaryStatus to multiselect. |
SIS-134907 | PartialReturned payment state. | |
SIS-124022 | MD | Conversion of gifted flags to Enrollment.giftedTalented. |
SIS-135376 | OLPBadPaymentsIdentifierJob. | |
SIS-131823 | WI | Inactive edfiResourcePreferences based on config profile. |
SIS-135976 | MN | Immunization Rule Update. |
SIS-136086 | Created a core field trip custom module. | |
SIS-134086 | New Recurring Payment Frequencies. | |
SIS-135771 | Expanded length of standard and standard group names. | |
SIS-134659 | IN | Immunization Rule Update. |
SIS-135478 | Copied existing tool rights to new copy tools. | |
SIS-135178 | Enrollment converted bits to not null. | |
SIS-55428 | Updated SecurityAccess name to varchar 128. | |
SIS-125885 | Created CspReportCleanUpJob. | |
SIS-125885 | CSP preference creation. |