RTI Interventions

Classic Path: System Administration > Response to Intervention > Interventions

Search Terms: RTI Interventions

Interventions are set up to provide teachers and staff a set of predefined interventions they can select and use when setting up an RTI plan for a student. 

For example, a school has established an intervention for Behavior, Tier 2 requiring the student to use a Check In/Check Out attendance sheet.


  • Plan Types must be established (preferably for all Content Areas).

Image 1: RTI Interventions

Create RTI Interventions

  1. Select the New button. The Intervention Detail editor will appear on the right.
  2. Enter the Name of the intervention. 
  3. Enter the Content Area(s). This is important as it ties the intervention to plan types of this same Content Area. The intervention is only available for selection in RTI plans using a plan type which has this same content type. 
  4. Enter the Intervention Tier
  5. Enter a Description of the intervention. This should describe the nature of the intervention and/or any instructions for the user when performing this intervention.
  6. Enter a Link (if available). This should be a URL link to any materials or websites that should be accessed when performing this intervention.
  7. Click the Save button. This intervention is now available for teachers and staff to select when creating an RTI plan for a student (see Image 2).

Image 2: Select an Intervention on an RTI Plan