Handling Remote Reload Requests

Administrators have the ability to remotely manage district POS terminals from any computer that has access to the Campus system. This means the administrator does not need to be physically present at the school in which the terminal is located to reboot, shutdown or reload it.

As such, cashiers should be prepared for the following scenarios at any time.

Remote Reboot Request

If necessary, an administrator can reboot any POS terminal in the district any computer connected to the Campus system. A reboot request will be sent to the terminal, and the terminal operator will see the following message:

When this message appears, the cashier may choose to do the following:

  • Reboot. The reboot will start immediately.
  • Delay. The reboot will start in five minutes, allowing the cashier to finish his/her current tasks.
  • Cancel. The reboot will be canceled.

If one of the previous actions is not selected within 30 seconds of the message appearing, the reboot will begin automatically.

Remote Shutdown Request

If necessary, an administrator can shut down any POS terminal in the district from any computer connected to the Campus user interface. A shutdown request will be sent to the terminal, and the terminal operator will see the following message:

When this message appears, the cashier may choose to do the following:

  • Shutdown. The shutdown will start immediately.
  • Delay. The shutdown will start in five minutes, allowing the cashier to finish his/her current tasks.
  • Cancel. The shutdown will be canceled.

If one of the previous actions is not selected within 30 seconds of the message appearing, the shutdown will begin automatically.

Remote Reload Request

If necessary, an administrator can (re)load any POS terminal in the district from any computer connected to the Campus user interface. A (re)load request will be sent to the terminal, and the terminal operator will see the following message:

When this message appears, the cashier may choose to do the following:

  • Reload. The reload will start immediately.
  • Delay. The reload will start in five minutes, allowing the cashier to finish his/her current tasks.
  • Cancel. The reload will be canceled.

If one of the previous actions is not selected within 30 seconds of the message appearing, the reload will begin automatically.