Health Reports

Health Reports provide information about student health related to immunization, health office visits and alerts, medication summaries, etc.

Health Reports

Health reports should be generated by a health official at the school. Health reports are available in District Edition applications only.

The following reports only allow users to pull information from schools and calendars to which the health personnel have rights.


School Use

District Use


Archived Health Visits Report
This report generates a list of health events and resolutions that have been archived from the Health Visits tab. The current calendar scope is used to filter which students are included in the report and is used to filter the grade list. The date range applies ONLY to health visits.

Immunization Batch Report


The Immunization Batch Report will provide a view of selected students’ immunizations. This is a very complex report, so try to limit the number of students run per batch. The Immunization Batch report uses data that is entered on a student’s Immunization tab. Data should be up to date on this tab for the report.

Immunization Certificate Report



The Immunization Certificate Report provides a listing of students that have met immunization compliances on the basis of a valid certificate, rather than the dates and numbers of immunizations.

Immunization Summary Report


The Immunization Compliance Summary Report provides a listing students and their compliance of health vaccinations. This report is organized by grade level, compliance status and exemptions/waivers.

Immunizations Report


The Immunizations Report provides a listing of students and their compliance of health vaccinations. This report is organized by grade level, compliance status and exemptions/waivers.

Health Alert Summary Report



The Health Alert Summary report provides a list of students who have active programs marked as medical between an entered start and end date. The report will output the total number of active medical flags by program name, with aggregate totals, showing the number of students who have the alert and the grand total of all medical alerts.

Health Condition Summary Report



The Health Conditions Summary report will allow users to review health conditions, including the ability to view conditions by groupings, such as allergies. This report will consist of aggregate numbers and grand totals on health conditions for students.

Medication Summary Report



The Medications Summary Report lists prescription information for students in the selected calendar or the student list. The Medication Summary Report pulls data from the student’s Medications tab. The entered date range specifies the period in which to check if any medications were submitted.

Health Condition Alerts Report


The Health Conditions Alerts Report provides a list of students who have the selected health conditions and health alerts. This report can be used to identify all students who have health conditions that also have a health alert. Users can display students by school, grade or course section. Data is returned in alphabetical order by student last name.

The following health reports are not limited to users based on their school or calendar rights. If a user has rights to only one school or calendar, that person is able to see data from other schools in the district.


School Use

District Use


Health Screenings Compliance Report



The Screening Compliance Report aids districts in assessing compliance for health. The report finds the following situations:

  • Students who do not have any screening records;
  • Student who have a screening record for a particular date;
  • Students who have a screening record of a particular type;
  • Students who have a screening record with a particular status.
    Information returned on this report is stored in the student’s Health Screenings area.

Health Office Visits Report



The Health Office Visit Report generates a list of health visits that occurred on the effective date entered in the current school year.

Generic Immunization Extract

XXThe Generic Immunization Extract reports immunizations that have been entered for a student, much like the Immunizations Report. Additional sort options are available, allowing users to determine the format of the report, sort options, and generate the report using Batch Queue functionality.
Immunization Compliance Summary Report

The Health Immunization Compliance Summary Report provides a summary of immunization compliance broken out by grade, compliance status, and exemptions with totals for all vaccines selected and each individual vaccine with rules.


This report is not available for Illinois, Kentucky, and Ohio districts.

The following reports are only available in the noted states.


School Use

District Use


Annual Immunization Report



(MN ONLY) The Annual Immunization Report summarizes the students enrolled in the selected school and provides a total number of students that have immunizations for DTP, Polio, MMR and other standard immunizations.

Blue Card Report



(CA ONLY) The Blue Card Report generates an Immunization Record for selected students.