Grading Setup - Study Guide

The Grading & Standards tools allow districts to configure the system for traditional grading as well as standards-based grading.

The Report Setup tool is used to create and save templates for report cards and transcripts. Reports can be generated using these templates through different tools in Campus.

Traditional Grading Setup

Create Score Groups

Score groups are objective marks for traditional grading (e.g. 90% and above = A, 60% and below = F) that define the acceptable grades for a grading task. The key functions of score groups include filtering out invalid scores for posting and calculating GPA Values and Credits Earned for scores posted to a transcript.

Once created, score groups are aligned to grading tasks from the Grading Tasks tool.



Create Grading Scales

Grading scales are used by the Campus Grade Book to convert numeric percentages to In Progress grades. The values entered here must match items defined in the Score Group in order to post grades.



Create Credit Groups

Credit Groups define how credits earned by students are counted on transcripts and are used in tracking a student's progress toward graduation.


School Standards Setup

The School Standards Setup tool is used to determine which Credit Groups and Standards are used in grading for the selected school.


Create Grading Tasks

Grading tasks are the items that teachers will use to post grades to report cards, transcripts, midterms and/or eligibility reports. Examples of grading tasks include mid-term grades, quarter grades, semester grades, etc.




Add Grading Tasks to Course

Grading tasks are added to individual courses from the Course Grading Tasks tool.



Add Grading Tasks to a Course Master

Grading tasks can be defined for course masters, allowing districts to ensure consistency in how courses are graded across schools.


Grade Calc Options (Course)

Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book. Before setting grade calculation options, Grading Tasks and Standards must be assigned to the Course.



Grade Calc Options (Course Masters)

Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book. Before setting grade calculation options, Grading Tasks and Standards must be assigned to the Course Master.


Create Categories 

Categories are used in Campus Instruction to sort assignments into groups. Categories need to be created before assignments can be created.


Standards-Based Grading Setup

Create Rubrics

Rubrics are lists of available Proficiency Estimates and GPA Values that can be used to assess student work (e.g. 4 = Satisfactory, 1 = Unsatisfactory). Once created, rubrics are aligned to standards in the Standards Bank.




Create Standards

The Standards Bank is used to organize the standards that will be aligned with courses. Rubrics that have been created using the Score Groups & Rubrics tool can be aligned to standards from here.



School Standards Setup

The School Standards Setup tool is used to determine which Credit Groups and Standards are used in grading for the selected school.


Add Standards to Courses

The Standards tab lists the standards that the teacher needs to administer and/or grade for the selected course. Before standards can be added to a course, they must be created in the Standards Bank. To review how to create standards, visit the 'Create Standards' topic in this study guide.



Grade Calc Options (Course)

Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book. Before setting grade calculation options, Grading Tasks and Standards must be assigned to the Course.



Grade Calc Options (Course Masters)

Grade Calculation Options determine how In Progress grades for grading tasks and standards calculate in the Grade Book. Before setting grade calculation options, Grading Tasks and Standards must be assigned to the Course Master.


Create Categories 

Categories are used in Campus Instruction to sort assignments into groups. Categories need to be created before assignments can be created.


Standards Replacement Wizard

The Standards Replacement Wizard can be used to modify the standards aligned to courses and course masters en masse or to update whether standards display in the Campus Student and Campus Parent Portals. Grading tasks can also be updated using this wizard.



Standards Alignment Wizard

The Standards Alignment Wizard allows users to align standards to courses or course masters en masse, greatly decreasing the time needed to align standards. This tool may also be used for grading tasks.




Import Standards Wizard

Standards can be imported into the Standards Bank from a certified competency framework provider. They are imported using the Import wizard found in the Standards Bank.




Create Report Card Templates

Standards-Based Report Cards

Standards-Based Report Cards list the grade report by the grading task/standard name.


Conventional Report Cards

Conventional Report Cards list the grade report by course number and grading tasks for each selected term.


Report Comments

The Report Comments tool allows districts to add customized text that will appear on printed report cards and/or transcripts. Report Comments that are marked as active may be selected for a student on their Report Comments tab.


Create Transcript Templates

Transcript Template

Transcripts provide a historical record of a student's performance in courses. Using the Report Preferences tool, districts can determine which information to include on printed transcripts, including which grade levels, credit groups, standards, and GPA calculations.


Batch Reports

Report Card Batch

The Report Card Batch tool will print report cards en masse, one page per student, suitable for handing out. A saved report card format can be used, or a single-use template may be created using a list of display option preferences.



Transcript Batch

The Transcript Batch report allows users to generate transcript records for multiple students at one time. A saved transcript report format can be used, or a single-use transcript template may be created using a list of display option preferences.



Individual Student Reports

Student Grades

From a student's Grades tab, users may select a report card to print from a list of report card templates. These templates have been created using the Report Preferences tool. To learn about report card templates, visit the 'Create Report Card Templates' section of this study guide.



Student Transcript

From a student's Transcript tab, users may select a transcript to generate from a list of transcript reports. These reports have been created using the Report Preferences tool. To learn about transcript report templates, visit the 'Create Transcript Templates' section of this study guide.

