Transition Report (Kentucky)

PATH: KY State Reporting > Transition Report

The Transition Report produces a list of all students who have graduated or otherwise completed their secondary education in the prior school year. The report will review the summer enrollment or the current school year to determine if that status has changed based upon credits earned at a summer school program. 

Image 1: Transition Report Editor

Student Selection Criteria

The Transition Report includes the following two populations of students:

  • Population 1: Students who graduated during the prior school year with diploma types other than GED.
    • State Standard Code for Diploma type must be 1, 2 3 or 5 AND
    • End Status of students final prior enrollment must equal one of the following: G01, G02, G03, G04, AND
    • Diploma date must be on or after the first instructional day of the prior calendar year corresponding to the final enrollment of the prior year and prior to the first instructional day of the current year calendar of the same school. Logic then finds the calendar with earliest instructional day excluding summer school calendars. In cases where the school no longer exists in the current year, use 08/01.
  • Population 2: Students who graduated during the prior school year with GED diploma types:
    • State Standard Code for Diploma type must be 4 or 6 AND
    • End Status of students final prior enrollment must equal one of the following W26 or W27 AND
    • Student has a Diploma Date on the Graduation Tab;
      • Diploma Date must be prior to 10/01 of the current year.

Students meeting the following criteria will not report:

  • Has an enrollment record(s) for grades other than 07-14.
  • Students with enrollment marked State Exclude, in grade levels marked State Exclude or in a calendar marked State Exclude.
  • Students marked as foreign Exchange on their enrollment record.
  • Students marked Service Type S: Partial and N: Special Ed on their enrollment record.
    • If a student has only S or N enrollments, he/she will not report.
    • If a student has both P: Primary AND S or N enrollments, only the P: Primary enrollments will be considered in report logic.
  • Students with an NCO Attendance Group activity at any time during enrollment.
  • No Show enrollments are not considered by this report.

In State Edition, students will pull for each district in which they meet the criteria. When run from district edition, the report focuses only on activity within the given district.

The State Standard Code for Diploma Type is found in the Attribute Dictionary as a column (StandardCode) under Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Type. The report should be based on the Standard Code which is associated with the diploma type selected for the student.

Generating the Transition Report

  1. Select an Extract Type:
    • Transition - A list of students who have graduated or otherwise completed their secondary education.
    • Aggregate Transition - A report detailing the state or district sum of aggregated data for all selected schools.
    • Validation Report - A report detailing any errors or warnings in relation to data generated on the Transition Report. 
  2. Select the appropriate Format for the selected extract type.
  3. Select the appropriate calendar(s) to include in the report.
    • If all calendars should be selected, mark the All Calendars checkbox. 
    • If you would like to report data from an inactive school, mark the Show Inactive Schools checkbox and select the school.
  4. Click the Submit to Batch button. The report will be sent to the Batch Queue List found at the bottom of the editor.

  5. Once the report has been generated, select the blue Get report text found the in the Download column. The report will appear in a separate window in the designated format. 
  6. If errors or warnings are found in the data, that information will appear first. To continue generation of the actual report, select the Click Here button at the top of the errors/warnings page to generate the report.

Transition Report Layout

Element Name


Format, Length and Type

Campus Database

Campus Interface

District Assigned Student Number

Unique number assigned to the student by the district.



Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student Number

State Student ID

Unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Last Name

Student's last name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

First Name

Student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Middle Name

Student's middle name

Alphanumeric, 50 characters


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Middle Name

Date of Birth

Student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 digits



Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date

District Number

The District Number tied to the enrollment in which the graduation occurred (in the -1 year). 

Numeric, 3 digits


System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number

School Number

The school number tied to the enrollment in which the graduation occurred (in the -1 year).

Numeric, 3 digits


System Administration > Resources > School > Location Number

Accountable District Number

School district responsible for the student.

If the most recent primary enrollment in the -1 year is a non-A1 school, and District of Accountability is selected on that Enrollment, that value is reported. Otherwise, report district of most recent primary enrollment in the -1 year.

Numeric, 3 digits


Student Information > General > Enrollment > District of Accountability

Accountable School Number

School building responsible for the student.

If the most recent primary enrollment in the -1 year is a non-A1 school, and School of Accountability is selected on that Enrollment, that value is reported. Otherwise, report district of most recent primary enrollment in the -1 year.

Numeric, 3 digits


Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > School of Accountability


Student's federal designation of racial makeup.

Reported values include:

  • Hispanic
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • 2 or more

Numeric, 1 digit


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity


Individual race field. Indication of student being of Hispanic/Latino descent.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Reports Yes or No


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino

Indian or Alaskan Native

Individual race field. Indication of student being of Indian or Alaskan native descent.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Reports Yes or No


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Indian or Alaskan Native


Individual race field. Indication of student being of Asian descent.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Reports Yes or No


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Asian

Black or African American

Individual race field. Indication of student being of Black or African American descent.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Reports Yes or No


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Individual race field. Indication of student being of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander descent.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Reports Yes or No


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Individual race field. Indication of student being of European or Caucasian descent.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Reports Yes or No


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Race/Ethnicity > White


Classification of student being either male or female.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

M or F


Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Grade level of the student.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade


Indicates the student receives free or reduced meals based on economic status.

Logic pulls the FRAM State Eligibility code which is active as of last day of final enrollment of -1 year.  

Reported values are as follows:

  • 4198: Paid Lunch
  • 4103: Free Lunch Eligible
  • 4104: Reduced Lunch Eligible
  • No FRAM record = 4198 Paid Lunch

Numeric, 4 digits


FRAM > Eligibility > State Code


Indicates the student is in an English Learners (EL) program.

A value of "1" is reported if the student has at least 1 EL Service AND 1 Accommodation with a date range which overlaps the last instructional day of the -1 Year. Otherwise, a value of 0 is reported.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters





Student Information > Program Participation > English Learners (EL)

Disability Status

Student's disability status.

Field reports ‘1’ if IEP end date is greater than or equal to the end date of the last enrollment of the -1 year.

  • If Enrollment end date is blank, logic uses the last instructional day of the -1 year.

  • IEP must be locked.

  • PlanType.module must equal 'SpecialEd'
  • Only the IEP with dates that overlap the end date of the last enrollment of the -1 year is used. Later or earlier IEPs are not considered.

  • Otherwise, a value of 0 is reported.

Numeric, 1 digit

PlanType.module = ‘specialEd’

Plan.locked = ‘1’




Student Information>  Special Education> Documents >  IEP > Enrollment Status >  Special Ed Status

Primary Disability

Lists the student's primary disability.

If the student's Primary Disability is null, a 16 will populate this field.

See list of options in the Primary Disability table.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability


Indicates student meets federal guidelines for homelessness. Will report as follows:

  • Reports ‘1’ if the student is homeless at any point during their enrollment.
  • Otherwise, report ‘0’.

Numeric, 1 digit


Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless


Indicates student meets federal guidelines for migrant.

  • Reports ‘1’ if the student is an Active Migrant at any point during the reported school year.
    • A student is considered migrant if any district enrollment dates overlap a migrant record that is active for the migrant education year (9/1-8/31).
  • Else, report ‘0’

Prior to the 2019-2020 school year:

  • ‘1’, report ‘1’
  • ‘2’ OR blank/null, report ‘0’

Numeric, 1 digit

migrant.lastQualifyingArrivalDate <= 08/31 of endYear AND migrant.eligibilityExpirationDate >= 09/01 of endYear - 1

enrollment.endDate >= migrant.lastQualifyingArrivalDate AND enrollment.startDate <= migrant.eligibilityExpirationDate

  • If enrollment.enddate is null, use the earliest of last instructional day or current date

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Prior to 2019-2020 school year:

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant

Gifted and Talented 1

Indicates student is enrolled in Creative Divergent Thinking Ability programming (01).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 2

Indicates student is enrolled in General Intellectual Ability programming (02).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 3

Indicates student is enrolled in Psychosocial or Leadership Skills programming (03).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 4

Indicates student is enrolled in Specific Academic Aptitude - Language Arts programming (04).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 5

Indicates student is enrolled in Specific Academic Aptitude - Math programming (05).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 6

Indicates student is enrolled in Specific Academic Aptitude - Science programming (06).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 7

Indicates student is enrolled in Specific Academic Aptitude - Social Studies programming (07).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 8

Indicates student is enrolled in Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Art programming (08).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 9

Indicates student is enrolled in Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Dance programming (09).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 10

Indicates student is enrolled in Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Drama programming (10).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 11

Indicates student is enrolled in Visual or Performing Arts Ability - Music programming (11).

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Transition Status

Code indicating the student's transition status.

If the Transition Status is blank, but all other selection criteria is met, this field is defaulted to 7 and will be included on the Warning Report.

Possible active values:

  • 1: College in KY
  • 2: College out of KY
  • 3: Vocational / Technical / Special School (full-time)
  • 4: Military Service (full-time)
  • 5: Employment (at least 30 hours/week)
  • 6: Work-school combination
  • 7: Unsuccessful
  • 8: Deceased
  • 9: Continuing HS Education

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Information > General > Graduation > Transition Status

Diploma Date

Date the student received the diploma.

Date field, 10 characters



Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Date

Diploma Type

Type of diploma student received.

If a student has a Diploma Type field of 2: Commonwealth Diploma, the Transition to Adult Life record will populate with a 3 in the Diploma Type field

See list of options in the Diploma Type table.

Numeric, 1 digit


Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Type

Diploma Period

Period in which the student received the diploma.

  • 1 = Early Graduate
  • 2 = Spring Graduate
  • 3 = Summer Graduate

Numeric, 1 digit


Student Information > General > Graduation > Diploma Period

NCLB Cohort End Year

Indicates the student's end year as defined by NCLB rules.

Date Field, 4 characters




End Status The end status of the reporting student's most recent Primary enrollment record. Alphanumeric, 3 characters Enrollment.endStatus Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Status

Aggregate Transition Report Layout

The Aggregate Transition version of the report includes a state or district total of the sum of aggregated data for all selected schools.

Element Name


Format, Length and Type

Campus Database

Campus Interface

District Number

The district number of the district reporting data.

In State Edition, this field reports blank.


3 digit number

including leading zero(s)
District.number System Administration > Resources > District information > State District Number

District Name

Name of the reporting district.

In State Edition this reports as 'All Districts'.

Alpha System Administration > Resources > District information > District Name

School Number

The school number of the school reporting data.

A row is reported for each school selected in the extract editor.


3 digit number

including leading zero(s)
School.number System Administration > Resources > School > Location Number
School Name

The name of the school reporting data.

A row is reported for each school selected in the extract editor.

Alpha System Administration > Resources > School > School Name
Total Transition Students The total number of transition students who attended the school during the -1 year. Whole Number N/A N/A


Aggregate number of Hispanic transition students. Whole Number Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Hispanic/Latino

Indian or Alaskan Native

Aggregate number of Indian or Alaska Native transition students. Whole Number Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Indian or Alaskan Native


Aggregate number of Asian transition students. Whole Number Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Asian

Black or African American

Aggregate number of Black or African American transition students. Whole Number Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Aggregate number of Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander transition students. Whole Number Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander


Aggregate number of white transition students. Whole Number Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > Race/Ethnicity > White
Male Aggregate Number of male transition students. Whole Number Identity.gender Census > People> Demographics > Gender
Female Aggregate Number of female transition students. Whole Number Identity.gender Census > People> Demographics > Gender

Grade 12

Aggregate number of transition students in Grade 12. Whole Number Enrollment.grade Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade
Grade 14 Aggregate number of transition students in Grade 14. Whole Number Enrollment.grade Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade


Aggregate number of Transition Students whose SES Status = 4198

  • Pulls FRAM State Eligibility Code which is active as of last day of final enrollment of -1 year.
  • Uses FRAM data in the district associated with the most recent Primary Enrollment by start date.
  • No FRAM Record = 4198 Paid Lunch
Whole Number v_posEligibilityStateCode.
FRAM > Eligibility > State Code


Aggregate number of Transition Students whose SES Status = 4103

  • Pulls FRAM State Eligibility Code which is active as of last day of final enrollment of -1 year.
  • Uses FRAM data in the district associated with the most recent Primary Enrollment by start date.
Whole Number v_posEligibilityStateCode.
FRAM > Eligibility > State Code

Aggregate number of Transition Students whose SES Status = 4104

  • Pulls FRAM State Eligibility Code which is active as of last day of final enrollment of -1 year.
  • Uses FRAM data in the district associated with the most recent Primary Enrollment by start date.
Whole Number v_posEligibilityStateCode.
FRAM > Eligibility > State Code
LEP Aggregate Number of LEP transition students. Whole Number





Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > Accommodations > Services

Special Education Students

Aggregate number of transition students who were active in special education at the end of their enrollment in the -1 year.

  • If Enrollment end date is blank, logic uses the last instructional day of the -1 year.

  • IEP must be locked.

  • PlanType.module must equal 'SpecialEd'
  • Only the IEP with dates that overlap the end date of the last enrollment of the -1 year is used. Later or earlier IEPs are not considered.

  • Otherwise, a value of 0 is reported.

Whole Number

PlanType.module = ‘specialEd’

Plan.locked = ‘1’




Student Information>  Special Education> Documents >  IEP > Enrollment Status >  Special Ed Status

Primary Disability 01

Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 01 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

01: Mild Mental Disability

Primary Disability 02 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 02 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

02: Functional Mental Disability

Primary Disability 03 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 03 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

03: Reserved

Primary Disability 04 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 04 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

04: Hearing Impaired

Primary Disability 05 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 05 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

05: Speech Language Impaired

Primary Disability 06 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 06 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

06: Visually Impaired

Primary Disability 07 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 07 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

07: Emotional Behavior Disability

Primary Disability 08 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 08 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

08: Orthopedically Impaired or Physically Impaired

Primary Disability 09 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 09 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

09: Other Health Impaired

Primary Disability 10 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 10 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

10: Specific Learning Disability

Primary Disability 11 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 11 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

11: Deaf Blind

Primary Disability 12 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 12 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

12: Multiple Disabilities

Primary Disability 13 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 13 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

13: Autism

Primary Disability 14 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 14 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

14: Traumatic Brain Injury

Primary Disability 15 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 15 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

15: Developmentally Delayed

Primary Disability 16 Aggregate number of transition students whose primary disability = 16 Whole Number Calculated

Student Information > Special Education > Documents > IEP > Enrollment Status > Primary Disability

Uses Primary Disability from IEP.

16: Blank/Null


Aggregate number of homeless transition students. Whole Number Enrollment.homeless

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless


Aggregate number of migrant transition students. Whole Number Enrollment.migrant

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant

Prior to the 2019-2020 school year:

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Migrant

Gifted and Talented 1

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’01: Creative or Divergent Thinking Ability’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 2

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’02: General Intellectual Ability'.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 3

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’03: Psychological or Leadership Skills’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 4

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’04: Specific Academic Aptitude-Language Arts’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 5

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’05: Specific Academic Aptitude-Math’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 6

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’06: Specific Academic Aptitude-Science’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 7

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’07: Specific Academic Aptitude-Social Studies’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 8

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’08: Visual or Performing Arts Ability-Art’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 9

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’09: Visual or Performing Arts Ability-Dance’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 10

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’10: Visual or Performing Arts Ability-Drama’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Gifted and Talented 11

Aggregate number of transition students whose Gifted and Talented Category equals ’11: Visual or Performing Arts Ability-Music’.

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Program Participation > Gifted & Talented > Gifted Category

Transition Status 1

Aggregate number of transition students with a Transition Status of '1: College in KY'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 2

Aggregate number of transition students with a Transition Status of '2: College out of KY'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 3

Aggregate number of transition students with a Transition Status of '3: Technical School'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 4

Aggregate number of transition students with a Transition Status of '4: Military Service/Community Service/Peace Corps'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 5

Aggregate number of transition students with a Transition Status of '5: Employment'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 6

Aggregate number of transition students with a Transition Status of '6: Work-school combination'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 7

Aggregate number of Transition students with a Transition Status of '7: Unknown'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 8

Aggregate number of Transition students with a Transition Status of '8: Deceased'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status
Transition Status 9

Aggregate number of Transition students with a Transition Status of '9: Continuing HS Education'.

Whole Number Graduation.postGradPlans Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Transition Status

Diploma Period 1

Aggregate number of transition students with a Diploma Period value of '1: Early Graduate'.

Whole Number Graduation.diplomaPeriod Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Diploma Period
Diploma Period 2

Aggregate number of transition students with a Diploma Period value of '2: Spring Graduate'.

Whole Number Graduation.diplomaPeriod Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Diploma Period
Diploma Period 3

Aggregate number of transition students with a Diploma Period value of '3: Summer Graduate'.

Whole Number Graduation.diplomaPeriod Student Information > General > Enrollments > Graduation > Diploma Period

Understanding the Transition Warning Report

A warning is issued if the student's enrollment End Status equals W09, W26, W27 or their Diploma Date is within the school year of the requested reporting time frame AND one of the following fields on the Graduation tab in the district associated with the student's primary Enrollment (by start date) is blank:

  • Diploma Date
  • Diploma Type
  • Diploma Period
  • Transition Status
  • NCLB Status
  • Date 1st Entered 9th Grade

Image 2: Transition to Adult Life Warning

  Disability Status 








Eligible - Parents Refused




Not Eligible





  Primary Disability 




Mild Mental Disability


Functional Mental Disability




Hearing Impaired


Speech Language Impaired


Visually Impaired


Emotional Behavior Disability


Orthopedically Impaired or Physically Impaired


Other Health Impaired


Specific Learning Disability


Deaf Blind


Multiple Disabilities




Traumatic Brain Injury


Developmentally Delayed

  Diploma Type 



Standard Code


Advanced Diploma



Commonwealth Diploma



General Diploma



District/State Approved



Secondary GED



Certificate of Attainment