Migrant Student Template (New Mexico)

Classic View: NM State Reporting > MIGRANT_STUDENT

Search Term: Migrant Student

The Migrant Student Template reports one record per enrolled student per Migrant Program Participation record that is active at least one day on or between the reporting range selected on the extract editor.

Migrant Student Template Editor

Report Logic

  • Reports one record per reportable student's Migrant Program Participation record that is active at least one day on or between the reporting range selected on the extract editor.
  • Migrant Participation is considered Active starting on the Last Qualifying Arrival Date up to and including the Eligibility Expiration Date.
  • To report, student MUST have a Student State ID that is not null.
  • To report, student's Migrant Program Participation MUST have an MSIX ID that is not null.

Report Editor

Submission Schedule

The collection period for the extract.

Start DateThe first day in the date range from which data will report.
End DateThe last day in the date range from which data will report.
Which students would you like to include in the report?

This option allows you to narrow your search results by using one of the following options.

  • Grade - Select a single grade or multiple grades. This is the mapped state grade level code. (CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to select multiple). 
  • Ad Hoc Filter - Select a filter to limit results to students included in the filter.


The format in which the report will generate. Options include HTML or Comma Separated (CSV).
Select Calendars

The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report.

Generate Report/
Submit to Batch

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

District Code

The state district number.

Alphanumeric, 20 charactersDistrict.numberSystem Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number
School Year Date

The end year of the Year selected on the Campus tool bar plus the date 06-30. For example, 2018-06-30.

Date field, 10 characters


Student IDReports the state-assigned identifier for the student.Numeric, 9 digitsPerson.stateIDCensus > People > Demographics > State ID
Reporting DateThe reporting date of the collection.This element reports the end year plus a specific value for the selected Submission Schedule.

Valid Values

  • YYYY-10-01: 40D
  • YYYY-12-15: 80D
  • YYYY-03-01: 120D
  • YYYY-06-01: EOY
  • YYYY-06-29: Summer Session

Date field, 10 characters


MSIX Student ID

Reports the MSIX ID from the student's Migrant Program Participation record.

Numeric, 12 digitsMigrant.msixIDStudent Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail > MSIX ID
Last Qualifying Arrival DateReports the Last Qualifying Arrival Date from the student's Migrant Program Participation record.

Date field, 10 characters


Migrant.lastQualifyingArrivalDateStudent Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail > Last Qualifying Arrival Date
Filler 7N/AN/AN/AN/A
Qualifying Move From State CodeReports the "From State" from the student's Migrant Program Participation record.Alphanumeric, 3 charactersMigrant.fromState

Student Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail

Filler 9N/AN/AN/AN/A
Filler 10N/AN/AN/AN/A
Qualifying Move To State CodeReports the "To State" from the student's Migrant Program Participation record.Alphanumeric, 3 charactersMigrant.toStateStudent Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail
Eligibility Expiration DateReports the Eligibility Expiration Date from the student's Migrant Program Participation record.

Date field, 10 characters


Migrant.eligibilityExpirationDateStudent Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail
Filler 13N/AN/AN/AN/A
Migrant COE Status IndicatorReports the Migrant COE Status Indicator is marked on the student's Migrant Program Participation record.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Y or N

Migrant.migrantCOEStatusIndicatorStudent Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail
Last Qualifying Move DateReports the Last Qualifying Move Date from the student's Migrant Program Participation record.

Date field, 10 characters


Migrant.lastQualifyingMoveDateStudent Information > Program Participation > Migrant > Migrant Editor > Student Migrant Detail