Graduation (New Jersey)

Classic View: Student Information > General > Graduation

Search Terms: Graduation

The Graduation tool provides districts with the ability to track graduation information used in state reporting, AYP (Average Yearly Progress) determinations and NCLB (No Child Left Behind) report cards. Districts can track when a student first entered ninth grade and calculate his/her expected graduation date.

Graduation fields are included in the Ad hoc Filter Designer using the Student Data Type. Information on those fields is included below. 

Information on this page is specific to New Jersey. For general information on the Graduation tool, refer to the main Graduation article.

New Jersey Graduation Fields

Enrollment Data Fields

The Enrollment Data section repeats the information from the student's General Enrollment Information editor. It cannot be modified from the Graduation tool. See the core Graduation article for more information.

New Jersey Graduation Enrollment Data

General Graduation Information Fields

General Graduation Information Fields

Element Name


Database LocationAd hoc Fields

Diploma Date 

Entered date (MMDDYY format) indicates when the student received their high school diploma or equivalent measure of achievement (GED).Graduation.diplomaDateStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.diplomaDate
Diploma Type

Selection indicates the received measure of achievement the student received upon high school graduation. 

Graduation.diplomaTypeStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.diplomaType
Diploma Period

Selection indicates the time of year the student received the diploma.

Graduation.diplomaPeriodStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.diplomaPeriod
Date First Entered the 9th Grade

Entered date (MMDDYY format) indicates when the student first entered the ninth grade. 

Graduation.grade9DateStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.grade9Date
NGA Cohort End Year

This field is used as part of the National Governor’s Association graduation calculation rate. The selected year is often four years after the ninth grade start year; if a student has not graduated high school in four years (could be less than or more than four years), this selection can be changed.

A System Preference exists that allows districts to set the year value for this field.

Graduation.cohortYearNGAStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduationcohortYearNGA

NCLB Cohort End Year

Read-only field that is auto-populated when the Date First Entered the 9th Grade field is set. Shows the expected year of graduation for the student for use in NCLB calculations.

This field cannot be edited

Graduation.cohortYearNCLBStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.cohortYearNCLB
Post Grad Intended LocationSelection indicates where the student is participating in after-high school activities, either IS: In-State or OS: Out-of-State. These activities are based on the selection for the Post Grad Plans fields.Graduation.postGradLocationStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.postGradLocation
Post Grad Plans

Selection indicates what the student is planning on doing after high school graduation.

Graduation.postGradPlansStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.postGradLocation

State Reporting Graduation Fields

New Jersey State Reporting Graduation Fields

Element Name


Campus DatabaseAd hoc Fields

Projected Graduation Year

Entered year (YYYY) indicates when the student is expected to graduate.Graduation.gradYearStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.gradYear
ELA Graduation Pathway

Indicates the graduate's pathway to graduation for ELA.

Graduation.gradPathELAStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.gradPathELA
Math Graduation Pathway

Indicates the graduate's pathway to graduation for Math.

Graduation.gradPathMathStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.gradPathMath
IEP Graduation Course RequirementAn indication of whether the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of a student with a disability contains an exemption or modification to the state course requirement component of NJDOE graduation requirements.Graduation.iepGradCourseReqStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.iepGradCourseReq
IEP Graduation AttendanceAn indication of whether the Individualized Education Program (IEP) of a student with a disability contains an exemption or modification to the local attendance requirement component of NJDOE graduation requirements.Graduation.iepGradAttendanceStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > graduation.iepGradAttendance

State Seal Information

State Seal Information

The Language Assessment and the Language fields report in the SMART SID Management Extract in the World Language Assessment and World Language fields. Up to five State Seals can be assigned.

Element Name


Campus DatabaseAd hoc Fields

State Seal


Indicates the Seal of Biliteracy the student achieved.GraduationSeal.stateSealStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.stateSeal
Date Awarded
Indicates the date the State Seal was awarded.GraduationSeal.earnedDateStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.earnedDate
Language Assessment

Lists the assessment taken by the student.GraduationSeal.methodStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.method
Lists the language that was assessed.GraduationSeal.languageStudent > Learner > Graduation Elements > Graduation Seal > graduationSeal.language