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Tool Search: Household Applications

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    Application Date

    The date on which the application was signed by the parent/guardian.

    Effective Date

    The eligibility effective date based on the approval of the application.

    Expiration Date

    The expiration date of the eligibility. This field is auto-populated with the Default Expiration Date entered in FRAM Preferences, typically 30 days into the next school year. 


    It is recommended not to change the auto-populated Default Expiration Date.

    School Year The year to which the application applies.
    Opt Out Medicaid If Yes is selected, the guardian does NOT want to be contacted by Medicaid regarding Medicaid benefits.
    This option only displays if the Display Medicaid Opt Out option is marked in FRAM Preferences. This is a state requirement in some states.
    Opt Out SCHIP If Yes is selected, the guardian does NOT want to be contacted by SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) regarding insurance benefits.
    This option only displays if the Display SCHIP Opt Out option is marked in FRAM Preferences. This is a state requirement in some states.

    Determining Official

    The name of the district employee (FRAM Processor) who processed the Meal and/or Educational Benefits Application. 


    The FRAM Processor must be identified by selecting the check box in District Assignment. Only one district assignment record is needed with FRAM Processor checked to have FRAM Processor appear in the Determining Official field.

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    Field Description

    Household Income

    The sum of all income for all people in the household, as reported on the application. The amount is followed by the frequency the income is received. Household income totals and household size are compared with federal income guidelines (according to values set on the tool) to determine the outcome of the household application. Income is annualized if there are multiple frequencies entered. If all income frequencies entered are the same, it is not annualized.
    See the Income Eligibility Guidelines for more information.

    Household Size

    The number of people in the household (based on the application).

    Approved Eligibility

    The eligibility assigned to a student listed on the application.

    • Free: Students included on the application are eligible for free benefits.
    • Reduced: Students included on the application are eligible for reduced benefits.
    • High Income. Students included on the application are NOT eligible for benefits and the application will be denied based on the household earning a high income.

    Application Status

    The value in this field indicates the status of the household Meal or Educational Benefits application. The following statuses may apply:

    •  Complete: Income Approval . The application will be approved because it meets federal income guidelines. The household will be awarded free or reduced benefits with an eligibility value of "Free" or "Reduced."
    •  Complete: Categorical . The application will be approved as categorical based on a SNAP, FDPIR, TANF, Migrant, Homeless or Runaway student status. This household/student will be awarded free benefits with an eligibility value of "Free."
    •  Complete: Foster Approval . The application was approved based on the student's status as a foster child. This household/student will be awarded free benefits with an eligibility of "Free."
    •  Complete: High Income . The application was denied because the household exceeded the federal maximum household income allowed for benefits. This household will not be awarded benefits and will have an eligibility value of "Paid."
    •  Incomplete: Missing Applicant Social Security Number . This application was denied because a SSN was not provided by the application's signer. This household will not be awarded benefits and will retain previously assigned eligibilities. 
    •  Incomplete: Missing Applicant Signature . This application was denied because a signature was not provided by the application's signer. This household will not be awarded benefits and will retain previously assigned eligibilities.

    Reference Number

    The application number that is used for reference purposes.

    Application Name

    The name of the application's signer or the household name under which the application is filed (per the setting of the Auto Fill Application Name field of the FRAM Preferences). If online Meal Benefits Application is enabled the default value will be the name of the Application Signer.

    Override Status

    This dropdown list allows you to override the Eligibility status. The application will be approved based on the Override Status selected. The Override Status does not apply to Foster children and is not available for Categorical application.

    Override Reason

    The reason why the Determining Official (FRAM Processor) chose to override the original Eligibility, determined by the application, with the value shown in the Override Status field.

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    Display of the Annual frequency option is controlled by an option in FRAM Preferences and may not be available in your site.




    The names of household members included on the application.

    Work Income

    The household member's regular earnings from employment. The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

    Welfare, Child Support, or Alimony Income

    The amount of welfare, child support or alimony the household member receives. The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

    Pension, Retirement, or Social Security Income

    The amount of pension, retirement or social security benefits the household member receives. 

    The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

    Other Income

    The miscellaneous income the household member receives. The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly
    Child IncomeA lump sum total of all income the children in the household receive.

    The amount is entered in the Income field, and the Frequency is selected to indicate how often the amount is received:

    • Annual

    • Monthly 

    • Twice Per Month Semi-monthly (24 payments annually)
    • Every Two Weeks Bi-weekly (26 payments annually)
    • Weekly

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    Current Eligibility

    The student's current eligibility status as processed in the current school year.

    If there is an eligibility displayed here, the FRAM Processor should investigate the existing eligibility before processing the application. If the application is processed, the existing eligibility may be overwritten or end dated depending on the existing eligibility dates. Point of Sale customers should keep in mind that this could create a discrepancy between eligibilities on Point of Sale transactions processed to date.

    NameThe name(s) of students included on the application.
    Birth DateThe birth date for the listed student(s).
    GradeGrade level for the student in the selected School Year
    SchoolSchool the student is enrolled in for the selected School Year.
    Student Indicator Select the appropriate option for Homeless, Runaway, Migrant, Foster or Head Start student(s).

    Remove Student

    This button removes selected students from the Student(s) in Household section.

    Add Student from Census

    This button allows you to add selected people to the Student section of the application. Only students entered in  Census may be added. 


    It is possible to add a non-enrolled child to the student section. If a child will be enrolled in school at some point during the school year or at the start of the next school year consider adding the child to the student section. Upon receiving an enrollment the eligibility will auto-populate for the child.

  5. Click the New button.
  6. Select the Application Type - Meal Benefits Application or Educational Benefits Application. Click Next.

    Screenshot of the Application Type Selection options, including meal or educational benefits.

    Educational Benefits Application is only available if one or more schools in your district participates in Provision programs. A school must have Provision fields entered on the School Information and the Educational Benefits Applications Processed preference enabled on the FRAM Preferences tool. 
  7.  Enter information in the Application Details.

    Screenshot of the New Application Detail section of the Household Application tool

  8. Select the relevant Share Permission radio buttons if the parent wishes to have their child's eligibility status shared with district programs or staff.Screenshot of the Permission Detail section of the Household Application tool
    • The School Store and Activity Permission shares the student’s eligibility with the Campus School Store and Activity Registration tools. If the School Store setting to allow free and reduced pricing is enabled, students are charged a free or reduced price for items, activities, or athletics.
    • Districts may create additional Permissions, such as for a weekend food backpack program
     This section is only available if Permissions have been created within in FRAM Preferences.
  9. Select Race & Ethnicity information.

    Responding to this section is optional and does not affect eligibility for free or reduced price meals. The race and ethnicity information is linked to the Household application and not to a specific person.

    Screenshot of the Race & Ethnicity section of the Household Application tool.

  10. Enter Student Details.

    Each student currently included in the application signer's household display. You may add or remove students as necessary. The Current Eligibility column is most likely blank; however, if a value appears, the student currently has an eligibility assigned. The student's current eligibility status should be verified, as processing this application may override the existing eligibility shown in this column. 

    Screenshot of the New Students section of the Household Application tool.Student Details Field Descriptions

  11. Enter the case number for SNAP/FDPIR/TANF benefits in the Case Number field.

    This number is issued to a household member by the agency and indicates student members are eligible for free benefits based on participation in the program. If a case number is entered, the application can be processed without an SSN being entered.

    Screenshot of the Case Number section of the Household Application tool.

  12. Enter Household Income information.

    Per USDA policy, income may only be whole dollar amounts.

    Screenshot of the New Income in Household Section of the Household Application tool.Member Information Field Descriptions

  13. If individuals are listed in Campus, but are not listed on the paper application, select Remove Person.

  14. If individuals are listed on the paper application but are not listed in Campus, they need to be added using the options in  Add People to a Household Application.

  15. Enter the Household Child Income amount and frequency.. This lump sum is the amount of income all children in the household receive.

  16. Select the Application Signer.

  17. Enter the Last 4 Digits of the Social Security Number provided on the application. If the applicant indicated they do not have a SSN, mark the No Signer SSN checkbox.

  18. Click the Next button.

  19. Review the results on the Review page. The Approved Eligibility lists the results for the household based on the information in their application. This can be overridden in the Override Status.

    Application Status Field Descriptions

  20. If selecting an Override Status,

  21. Click Process.

  22. A confirmation window displays and asks whether you want to print the Approval/Denial Letter. Click OK to print the letter or Cancel to return to the Household Application.

    Approval/Denial Letters will only generate for Meal Benefits Applications.