Classic View: Point of Sale > Account Maintenance > Account > Journal tab
Search Terms: Journal
In general, the Journal tab is for viewing account activity and making transaction adjustments.
If a transaction was not processed through standard deposit tools, it may be manually created on this screen. To create a new purchase transaction, click the New Transaction button.
- Select the Customer (patron name) that should be associated with this transaction. If the account is a family account, multiple names will be available for selection.
- Select the Location where this transaction occurred.
- Enter the transaction Date in MMDDYY format or click the calendar icon to select a date.
- Enter the Time of the transaction in HHMM format,
- Select the Application (service layout) to which the transaction is assigned.
- Select the Service (serving period menu) to which the transaction is assigned.
- Enter a Description of the transaction.
In the Transaction Item List editor:
- Select the Debit button to indicate that the purchase amount to be subtracted from the patron's current account balance.
- Select the Purchasable Item to be debited from the patron's account.
- Enter a number in the Quantity field to indicate how many of the Purchasable Items should be processed.
Review and Save the new transaction. The transaction will appear in the Transaction List editor.
Generic Account or Combination Purchases
If a generic account purchase should be tracked, the Journal can be adjusted to reflect the purchase but not retain it as a debit against the patron's account.
The following types of scenarios are related to tracking generic account or combination purchases:
- Correction/Adjustment involving a generic account purchase - If a student purchases a meal on their account and also purchases an additional item with cash, but the cashier processes both to the patron's account, the Journal will require an adjustment. The cost of the cash-payed item can be credited back to the patron's account so that he/she is not getting charged twice.
- Generic account purchase occurring outside of regular processing - If a generic account purchase could not be processed via the normal method (e.g., terminal was not in use or connected to the network at the time of purchase) it can still be entered for historical purposes.
To create a new generic account deposit transaction, click the New Transaction icon in the action bar OR select the existing transaction to be corrected.
In this example, both items should be tracked for the account, but only the Lunch Meal Item was purchased with the account, while the Fruit was paid for in cash. The fruit amount must therefore be credited.
Example Transaction
The Transaction Detail and Transaction Item List editors will display.
Enter or verify information in the Transaction List editor:
- Select the Customer (patron name) that should be associated with this transaction. If the account is a family account, multiple names will be available for selection.
- Select the Location where this transaction occurred (i.e., the name of the POS terminal, unless Cafeteria Serve or Class Serve functionality was used).
- Enter the transaction Date in MMDDYY format or click the calendar icon to select a date.
Enter the Time of the transaction in HHMM format.
Best practice is to leave this field blank. Campus uses the default time of midnight which can help you identify transactions that are manually entered.
- Select the Application (service layout) to which the transaction is assigned.
- Select the Service (serving period menu) to which the transaction is assigned.
- Select the Payment Method used for the new deposit transaction.
- Enter the Reference # if it applies to the type of Payment Method selected.
- Enter a Description of the transaction.
ALL items that were purchased should then be added as debits in the Transaction Item List editor. Any item not purchased with funds from the patron's account (e.g., purchased with cash) should then be credited back to the patron. This allows the purchase to be tracked, but not charged, to the account.
- Select the Debit button for all items that were purchased (cash or account).
- Select the Credit button to credit the patron's account for purchases NOT paid for by the account (e.g., cash).
- Enter the Amount to be credited back to the patron's account.
- Enter a number in the Quantity field to indicate how many of the Purchasable Items should be processed.
Review and Save the transaction.