Finance Account Rights (User Group)

PATH: System Administration > User Security > User Groups > Finance Account Rights

Access Groups control access to General Ledger accounts and access to Budgets. Access Groups are the UserAccess Code Groups set up in the General Ledger application.

Until you assign an Access Group to a user, the user does not have access to any General Ledger accounts. When you give General Ledger Access to a user, the user is given access to the General Ledger Accounts contained within the User Access Code Group for all transactions, reporting and inquiry.

When you give a user Read, Write, or Approve Budget access to an Access Group, you are specifying the Budget Centers to which the user has access. For more information, see the Creating Budget Centers article.

Access Groups are assigned on the Finance Account Rights tab. The Finance Account Rights tab is part of the User and User Group tool sets.

To Control Account Access




Set up the User Access Code Group. Code Groups are filters that specify specific ranges of dimension code(s). Users will have access to all records that include the account codes specified in the User Access Code Group.


Assign Access Groups, found on the on the Finance Account Rights tab, to users or user groups