Classic View: Federal Reporting > Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) > Maintain Survey Results
Search Terms: Maintain CRDC Survey Results
The following questions are part of the COUR: Courses & Classes questions for CRDC:
Note: Results for the SCHR: School Characteristics module must be generated at least once for a given school prior to independently generating results for other modules.
2020-2021 Version:
Instructions: Report classes that cover the content of Algebra I outlined in the definition on the Fall Snapshot Date, even if the name of the course or class is not Algebra I.
- Independent Study does not count as a class.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7 & Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 7 and/or Grade 8 = Yes.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Algebra I courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7 or 8 taught by teachers certified in mathematics on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7 & Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question COUR-1a has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Algebra I courses for the data element listed that are taught by a certified teacher.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7 on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 7 = Yes.
Logic |
Report 'Yes' if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7.
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 7. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8 on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 8 = Yes.
Logic |
Report 'Yes' if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 8.
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 8 |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grade 7 enrolled in Algebra I based on the Regular School Year.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question COUR2a = Yes.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7.
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR2a = No or NULL. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grade 8 enrolled in Algebra I based on the Regular School Year
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question COUR-2b = Yes.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 8 for each data element.
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR2b = No or NULL. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grade 7 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the Regular School Year.
- Successfully completing a course means earning a grade of D or higher, earning a credit for the class, or earning a similar passing mark.
- Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-3a.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grade 7. Do not skip if question COUR-3a has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grade 7. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-3a can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria. |
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-3a is NULL or '0' |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grade 8 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the Regular School Year.
- Successfully completing a course means earning a grade of D or higher, earning a credit for the class, or earning a similar passing mark.
- Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-3b.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grade 8. Do not skip if question COUR-3b has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grade 8. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-3b can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria. |
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-3b is NULL or '0' |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grade 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 8 = Yes.
Logic |
Report 'Yes' if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8.
Report 'No' if the school does not have any students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grade 8 enrolled in Geometry based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 8. Do not skip if question SCH-COUR5a = Yes.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9 & 10 enrolled in Algebra I for the Regular School Year.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 11 & 12 enrolled in Algebra I based on the Regular School Year.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 11, 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer 11, 12.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9,10 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I based on the Regular School Year. Count only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-6a.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10. Do not skip if question COUR-6a has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-6a can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9,10,11 or 12 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I based on the Regular School Year. Count only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in the COUR-6b.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School,Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 11 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 11 12. Do not skip if question COUR-6b has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 11 or 12. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-6b can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, for the mathematics course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - High School, Algebra II, Geometry - High School, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has any 9, 10, 11 or 12 Grades = Yes.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of mathematics classes for students in grades 9 - 12 taught by teachers certified in mathematics on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - High School, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus courses for the data element listed that are taught by a certified teacher.
- The teacher must be assigned to a course section for that course
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 enrolled in Algebra II based on the Fall Snapshot date. .
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra II, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra II in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9- 12 enrolled in Advanced Mathematics based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Advanced Mathematics, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Advanced Mathematics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9 -12 enrolled in Calculus based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Calculus, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Calculus in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9 -12 enrolled in Geometry based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Geometry - High School, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11, 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Geometry in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, for the science course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has any 9, 10, 11 or 12 Grades = Yes.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Biology, Chemistry & Physics courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Biology based on the Fall Snapshot date. Include ungraded high school age students in the count.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Biology, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Biology in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Chemistry based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Chemistry, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Chemistry in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Physics based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Physics, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Physics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels, enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes on the Fall Snapshot Date.
- Include only classes that exclude students of one sex from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex.
- If the school has single-sex students who receive all of their academic instruction from one teacher in one classroom, then each academic subject area taught in the classroom is considered one single-sex class. For example, a co-educational elementary school that has male students who receive mathematics, science, reading/language arts and social studies instruction from one teacher in one classroom should consider each subject area a single-sex class.
- A physical education class is not considered an academic class.
- Independent study is not considered a single-sex class.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: All Grades
Skip Logic: N/A: All data elements must be answered.
Instructions: Enter the number of single-sex academic classes for the courses or subject areas, as specified based on the Fall Snapshot date. Include classes with students in grades K-12, and comparable ungraded levels in the count.
- Enter the total count of classes, not the enrollment of students in those classes.
- Include only classes that exclude students of one sex from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex.
- If the school has single-sex students who receive all of their academic instruction from one teacher in one classroom, then each academic subject area taught in the classroom is considered one single-sex class. For example, a co-educational elementary school that has male students who receive mathematics, science, reading/language arts and social studies instruction from one teacher in one classroom should consider each subject area a single-sex class.
- Elementary schools with single-sex math classes should report those classes as other mathematics.
- A physical education class is not considered an academic class.
- Independent study is not considered a single-sex class.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: All Grades
Skip Logic: Do not skip if question COUR-12 = Yes.
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 taught by teachers certified in science, for the science course(s), as specified, based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has a total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Use the Course Count logic to determine which courses should be considered.
- The teacher must be assigned to a section on the course
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, for the computer science course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Computer Science
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has any 9, 10, 11 or 12 Grades = Yes
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Computer Science courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 taught by teachers certified in science, for the science course(s), as specified, on the Fall Snapshot date. Include classes with ungraded high school age students in the count.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question COUR-15 has a total greater than zero for each subject area.
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Computer Science based on the Fall Snapshot date.
- A student enrolled in two or more computer science courses (e.g., Computer Science Principles and Exploring Computer Science) should be counted only once.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Computer Science, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-15 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Physics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
2017-2018 Version:
Instructions: Report classes that cover the content of Algebra I outlined in the definition on the Fall Snapshot Date, even if the name of the course or class is not Algebra I.
- Independent Study does not count as a class
Category Mapping: Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7 & Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 7 and/or Grade 8 = Yes.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Algebra I courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of Algebra I classes for students in grades 7 or 8 taught by teachers certified in mathematics on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7 & Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question COUR-1a has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Algebra I courses for the data element listed that are taught by a certified teacher.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 7 on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 7 = Yes.
Logic |
Report 'Yes' if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7.
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 7. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students enrolled in Algebra I in grade 8 on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 8 = Yes.
Logic |
Report 'Yes' if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 8.
Report No if the school does not have any students enrolled in Algebra in Grade 8 |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grade 7 enrolled in Algebra I based on the Regular School Year.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question COUR2a = Yes.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 7.
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR2a = No or NULL. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grade 8 enrolled in Algebra I.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 7 or 8. Do not skip if question COUR-2b = Yes.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Algebra I in Grade 8 for each data element.
Report NULL if the answer for question COUR2b = No or NULL. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grade 7 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the Regular School Year.
- Successfully completing a course means earning a grade of D or higher, earning a credit for the class, or earning a similar passing mark.
- Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-3a.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8
Grade Levels: Grade 7
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grade 7. Do not skip if question COUR-3a has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grade 7. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-3a can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria. |
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-3a is NULL or '0' |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grade 8 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I by the end of the Regular School Year.
- Successfully completing a course means earning a grade of D or higher, earning a credit for the class, or earning a similar passing mark.
- Count only students who were enrolled in Algebra I as reported in COUR-3b.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grade 8. Do not skip if question COUR-3b has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grade 8. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-3b can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades 7 & 8 category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria. |
Report NULL if the answer for COUR-3b is NULL or '0' |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students enrolled in Geometry in grade 8 or a comparable ungraded level on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grade 8. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has a Grade 8 = Yes.
Logic |
Report 'Yes' if the school has at least 1 student enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8.
Report 'No' if the school does not have any students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a droplist to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grade 8 enrolled in Geometry based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Geometry - Grade 8
Grade Levels: Grade 8
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 8. Do not skip if question SCH-COUR5a = Yes.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students enrolled in Geometry in Grade 8 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9 & 10 enrolled in Algebra I for the Regular School Year.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 11 & 12 enrolled in Algebra I based on the Regular School Year.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 11, 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer 11, 12.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra I in Grades 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9,10 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I based on the Regular School Year. Count only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in COUR-6a.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School, Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10. Do not skip if question COUR-6a has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 9 or 10. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-6a can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9,10,11 or 12 who successfully completed (i.e., passed) Algebra I based on the Regular School Year. Count only students who were reported as enrolled in Algebra I in the COUR-6b.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra I - High School,Regular School Year IDEA Students, Regular School Year EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 11 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 11 12. Do not skip if question COUR-6b has a total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the distinct total number of students who passed Algebra I in Grades 11 or 12. Only students who were included in the total for COUR-6b can be reported in this question.
The student must have a passing score in at least 1 Algebra I course based on the Passing Score Indicator identified on the Algebra I - High School category mapping.
- The student has a posted grade to all of the grading tasks selected and are marked as passing.
- The student has a posted transcript record for the course in the reporting school year and the sum of the total number of credits earned is > or = the total # of credits on the Algebra I - Grades High School category mapping.
- If more than 1 course is saved in the Course Requirement box, the student must pass all courses identified in 1 row to be counted. |
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
A student/course combination will appear more than 1 time in the export if the course crosses multiple sections but will only be counted 1 time |
The export looks at the current Passing Score Criteria on the Course Mapping to display students. If this was changed after the results were generated, it is possible the results will not match the export totals. |
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, for the mathematics course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - High School, Algebra II, Geometry - High School, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has any 9, 10, 11 or 12 Grades = Yes.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of mathematics classes for high school students taught by teachers certified in mathematics on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Algebra I - High School, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics, Calculus
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Mathematics & Calculus courses for the data element listed that are taught by a certified teacher.
- The teacher must be assigned to a course section for that course
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 enrolled in Algebra II based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Algebra II, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Algebra II in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 enrolled in Advanced Mathematics based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Advanced Mathematics, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Advanced Mathematics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 enrolled in Calculus based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Calculus, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Calculus in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report 0 if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in Grades 9 -12 enrolled in Geometry based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Geometry - High School, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11, 12. Do not skip if question COUR-8 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Geometry in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, for the science course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has any 9, 10, 11 or 12 Grades = Yes.
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Biology, Chemistry & Physics courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Biology based on the Fall Snapshot Date. Include ungraded high school age students in the count.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Biology, Fall Snapshot IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Biology in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Chemistry based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Chemistry, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Chemistry in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Physics based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Physics, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Physics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Indicate whether the school has any students in grades K-12 or comparable ungraded levels, enrolled in one or more single sex academic classes on the Fall Snapshot Date.
- Include only classes that exclude students of one sex from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex.
- If the school has single-sex students who receive all of their academic instruction from one teacher in one classroom, then each academic subject area taught in the classroom is considered one single-sex class. For example, a co-educational elementary school that has male students who receive mathematics, science, reading/language arts and social studies instruction from one teacher in one classroom should consider each subject area a single-sex class.
- A physical education class is not considered an academic class.
- Independent study is not considered a single-sex class.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: All Grades
Skip Logic: N/A: All data elements must be answered.
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - COUR - Courses & Classes Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
Instructions: Enter the number of single-sex academic classes for the courses or subject areas, as specified based on the Fall Snapshot Date. Include classes with students in grades K-12, and comparable ungraded levels in the count.
- Enter the total count of classes, not the enrollment of students in those classes.
- Include only classes that exclude students of one sex from enrolling or otherwise participating in that class because of their sex.
- If the school has single-sex students who receive all of their academic instruction from one teacher in one classroom, then each academic subject area taught in the classroom is considered one single-sex class. For example, a co-educational elementary school that has male students who receive mathematics, science, reading/language arts and social studies instruction from one teacher in one classroom should consider each subject area a single-sex class.
- Elementary schools with single-sex math classes should report those classes as other mathematics.
- A physical education class is not considered an academic class.
- Independent study is not considered a single-sex class.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: All Grades
Skip Logic: Do not skip if question COUR-12 = Yes.
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - COUR - Courses & Classes Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 taught by teachers certified in science, for the science course(s), as specified.
Category Mapping: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question COUR-10 has a total greater than zero for each subject area.
Logic |
Use the Course Count logic to determine which courses should be considered.
- The teacher must be assigned to a section on the course
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 enrolled in this school, for the computer science course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
Category Mapping: Computer Science
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question SCHR-1 has any 9, 10, 11 or 12 Grades = Yes
Logic |
Count and display the total number of Computer Science courses for the data element listed.
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to enter in values |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
Instructions: Enter the number of classes for students in grades 9-12 taught by teachers certified in computer science, for the computer science course(s), as specified based on the Fall Snapshot date.
Category Mapping: N/A
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12. Do not skip if question COUR-15 has a total greater than zero for each subject area.
Ad Hoc filters can be used to generate results for this question. Please refer to the CRDC - COUR - Courses & Classes Ad Hoc Filters article for more information regarding these Ad Hoc Filters.
Instructions: Enter the number of students in grades 9-12 enrolled in at least one science course in Computer Science based on the Fall Snapshot Date.
- A student enrolled in two or more computer science courses (e.g., Computer Science Principles and Exploring Computer Science) should be counted only once.
Category Mapping: Grade Levels, Computer Science, Fall Snapshot date IDEA Students, Fall Snapshot date EL Students
Grade Levels: Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12
Skip Logic: Skip for all schools that do not offer Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12. Do not skip if question COUR-15 has total greater than zero.
Logic |
Report the total number of distinct students enrolled in Physics in Grades 9, 10, 11 or 12 for each data element.
Report '0' if there are no students that meet the reporting criteria for the data element. |
In the question detail screen, an override column will be next to the results with a text box to select a value. |
Detail Report Logic will display the following information:
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