FRYSC Group Program Report (Kentucky)

PATH: KY State Reporting > FRYSC Group Program Report

The FRYSC Group Programs Report provides aggregate and student-level information about usage of FRYSC group programs in a given district.

This article includes the following topics:

Image 1: FRYSC Group Program Report Editor

Report Logic

The following report logic is used:

  • An aggregate count of students and parents who participate in FRYSC Group Programs is reported.
  • Only FRYSC Group Programs which start and end dates which overlap the date range entered on the extract editor will report.
  • Students marked as State Exclude or with No Show enrollment records are included in reported data.
  • If a Group Program has no end date, the report will assume the end date is June 30th of the same FRYSC school year as the Group Program's start date.
  • The Date Range on the extract editor will default to the following:
    • The Start Date will default to 07/01 of the year selected in the Campus toolbar.
    • The End Date will default to 06/30 of the school year selected in the Campus toolbar or the current date, whichever is earlier.
  • The Include Rosters checkbox is only available for Calendar and Program Report Options.
  • FRYSC centers are sorted alphabetically by name.
  • Calendars are sorted first by year and then alphabetically by name.
  • Programs are sorted first alphabetically by calendar, then alphabetically by program name.
  • The report is sorted based on the Report Option selected and then by Program Start Date, from earliest start date to most recent.

The generated file name is structured as follows:

  • District Edition: FRYSC_DistrictNameCo_YYYY_GrpPgm.pdf
    • The District name is truncated so the word County is truncated to Co and the word Independent is truncated to Ind and any part of the name after the Co or Ind is removed. If a district has neither the word County or Independent, the name is not truncated.
    • YYYY = the four digit end year being reported. This year is pulled from the end date entered in the  Date Range on the extract editor. For example, if the end date entered is 06/30/2013, the end year reported is 2013.
  • State Edition: FRYSC_YYYY_GrpPgm.pdf
    • YYYY = the four digit end year being reported. This year is pulled from the end date entered in the  Date Range on the extract editor. For example, if the end date entered is 06/30/2013, the end year reported is 2013.

Generating the FRYSC Group Program Report

  1. Enter the Date Range. Only FRYSC Group Programs active within the date range entered are reported.
  2. Select a Report Option:
    1. FRYSCReport data is run against FRYSC Center data sets.
    2. CalendarReport data is run against School (Calendar) data sets.
    3. ProgramReport data is run against Program (FRYSC Group Program) data sets.
  3. Select the FRYSC Center, Calendar or Group Programs used to report data, based on the Report Option selected. 
  4. Filter data by selecting an Ad Hoc Filter (optional).

  5. Select how the report will be generated: 

    Generate Report The report will generate immediately and display in a new window in the designated format.
    Submit to Batch The report can be scheduled for when it generates and will be sent to the Batch Queue tool.

Understanding the FRYSC Group Program Report

See the following sections for more information about each part of the FRYSC Group Program Report.

 Header Elements

Image 2: FRYSC Group Program - Header

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application


The name of the county associated with the FRYSC data being reported.

Alpha District.county System Administration > Resources > District Information > County
School The school associated with the report student's most recent enrollment by start date within the date range entered on the extract editor. Alpha System Administration > Resources > School > Name
Date The dates entered on the extract editor.

Date field, 10 characters


N/A KY State Reporting > FRYSC Group Programs Report > Date Range

 Aggregate Data Elements

Image 3: Aggregate Data Elements

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application


The name of the group program category. The category acts as a label for each row.



Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > Program Category > (the value before the colon is the program category)
Program Type The name of the group program type. The program acts acts as a label for each row. Alpha


Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > Program Category > (the value after the colon is the program category)
Program Title The title of the group program.  Alpha 


Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > Program Title 
Start Date The group program start date.

Date field, 10 characters



Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > Start Date
End Date The group program end date.

Date field, 10 characters



Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > End Date
Duplicated Students Contacts

This field reports a count of all students who have at least one active group program record, by type.

  • The group program record must be active during the date range entered on the extract editor.
  • The program must be designated for students.
  • The program must be of the specified category/type.
  • This a duplicated count, where a parent is counted for each program in which they are enrolled.
Whole Number


Student Information > FRYSC > Group Program Detail
Duplicated Parents Contacts

This field reports a count of all students who have at least one active group program record, by category/type where the program is for the parent.

  • The group program record must be active during the date range entered on the extract editor.
  • The program must be designated for parents.
  • The program must be of the specified category/type.
  • This a duplicated count, where a parent is counted for each program in which they are enrolled.
Whole Number


Student Information > FRYSC > Group Program Detail
#of Meetings

The sum of all meetings for all programs in the given category. This includes unused programs.

  • Logic adds together the values for the # of meetings in each Group Program setup page (not based on student records).
Whole Number


Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > # of Meetings
Total Contact Counts

The total number of all student and parent contacts made in the meetings during the reporting period.

  • Total Contact Counts = (Duplicated Students Contacts + Duplicated Parents Contacts) * #Meetings
Whole Number




Programs > FRYSC Group Programs
Time Frame The time frame of the group program. Alpha


Programs > FRYSC Group Programs > Time Frame

The sum of Total Program Hours for all programs in the given category. This includes unused programs.

  • Logic adds together the values for Total Program Hours from each Group Program setup page.
Whole Number


Program > FRYSC Group Programs > Total Program Hours

The sum of all volunteers for all programs in the given category. This includes unused programs.

  • Logic adds together the values for # of Volunteers from each Group Program setup page.
Whole Number


Program > FRYSC Group Programs > # of Volunteers
#Vol Hrs

The sum of all volunteer hours for all programs in the given category. This includes unused programs

  • Logic adds together the values for Volunteer Hours for each Group Program setup page.
Whole Number


Program > FRYSC Group Programs > Volunteer Hours

 Student Roster Elements

Student roster elements only appear when the Include Rosters checkbox is marked on the extract editor when generating the Calendar or Program versions of the Group Programs Report.

Image 4: Student Roster Elements

Data Element


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application


Displays the name of the student enrolled in the FRYSC Group Program.

  • The student displays regardless of whether a group program record exists for the given category.



Census > People > Demographics > Last Name, First Name
Gender The reporting student's gender. M or F Student.gender Census > People > Demographics > Gender

The reporting student's race/ethnicity.

  • 01 - Hispanic Latino
  • 02 - American Indian/Alaskan Native
  • 03 - Asian
  • 04 - Black or African American
  • 05 - Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • 06 - White
Alpha Student.raceEthnicity Census > People > Demographics > State Race Ethnicity
Grade The reporting student's state grade level. Alpha, 2 digits Student.stateGrade

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade

System Administration > Calendar > Grade


The name the student's homeroom teacher.

  • The name of the Primary Teacher is reported for sections associated with courses marked Homeroom.
Alpha Courseinfo.homeroom Scheduling > Course > Homeroom
Parent Involvement

Reports whether a parent participated in the group program along with the student.

  • The group record for the student must be active during the time period specified in the extract editor.
  • The student group program must be designated as Parent Participated.
  • Count once for each group program record with Parent Participated selected. A record may be counted more than once if the student has multiple Parent Participated records.


Student Information > General > FRYSC > Group Program Detail > Parent Participated