SPED State Reporting

Classic View: Student Information > Special Ed > General > State Reporting

Search Terms: State Reporting

The Special Education State Reporting allows users to store and manage student Special Education state reporting data. This tool removes the legal burden of having a Special Education team meeting for an amendment to the setting for age-based changes such as an early childhood student aging out.

Fields vary by state. Please see your state's State Tools articles for more information on Special Education State Reporting procedures in your state. 

Special Education State Reporting Editor

Tool Rights for Special Education State Reporting

For full access to Special Education State Reporting, users must have R rights to SPED State Reporting tool and at least Read Only Calendar Rights for the calendar selected in the Campus toolbar. 

Tool Rights

Tool Rights

Calendar Rights

Special Education State Reporting Information in Ad hoc Query Wizard

Special Education State Reporting Information is available in the Query Wizard for Student Data Type filters in the Student > Special Ed State folder. 

Special Education State Reporting Ad hoc Fields

Special Education State Reporting Field Descriptions

FieldDescriptionAd hoc Field Name
Start DateThe start date of the Special Ed State Reporting record.SpecialEDState.startDate
End DateThe end date of the Special Ed State Reporting record.SpecialEDState.endDate
DisabilityThe student's disability.SpecialEDState.primaryDisability
Exit Reason

The reason the student exited the Special Ed setting.

SettingThe student's Special Ed setting. This is the physical setting in which the student attends school.SpecialEDState.specialEdSetting
Alternate AssessmentIndicates the student will be taking an alternate assessment for state reporting purposes.SpecialEDState.otherAccommodation

Add a New State Reporting Record

A new record should be created anytime a student is entering a new Special Education Setting.

State Reporting records cannot overlap. This means the previous record needs to be ended prior to the new record beginning.

  1. Select the New icon. The State Reporting Detail editor displays.
  2. Enter the Start Date of the record.
  3. Select the student's Disability.
  4. Select the student's Special Ed Setting
  5. Mark the Alternate Assessment checkbox (optional) if the student will be taking an alternate assessment.
  6. Select the Save icon. The new Special Ed State Report record displays in the State Reporting Editor window.

Delete and End a Special Education State Reporting Record

To delete a State Reporting record, select the record from within the State Reporting Editor window and click the Delete button. This action COMPLETELY removes the record from Campus. Only do this if the record was completed in error. 

To end a record, select the record from within the State Reporting Editor window and enter an End Date. This ends the record and allows a new record to be added, if applicable.