Early Childhood (Michigan)

 PATH:   MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts > Early Childhood 

The Early Childhood Extract reports any student receiving services through an agency or program that is funded by the State of Michigan.

 Image 1: MSDS Early Childhood 

The following table describes due dates for when a snapshot of data must be taken and when data must be certified before submission to the state.

Snapshot Due Date

Data Certified Date

November 17th

December 8th

February 9th

February 23rd

June 30th

July 13th

August 24th

August 31

Report Logic

The following describes report logic:

  • A record will report for any student that has an active enrollment record within the date range entered on the extract editor. The most recent enrollment record prior to the Count Date is used.
  • Students must have an active Early Childhood program within the date range entered on the extract editor.
    • The fields in the EC Programs component will report for each program that is active during the date range.
  • Students with a program End Date that is prior to the Previous Count Date will not be included on the extract.
  • Students with an Early Childhood Program of 11 do not report.

Generating the Report

  1. Select the Early Childhood  Extract Type.
  2. Enter the  Count Date  in  mmddyyyy  format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. A snapshot of data will be taken as it exists on the date entered.
  3. Enter the  Previous Count Date  in  mmddyyyy  format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This date correlates with the Count Date entered. Student data will report within the date range entered in these two fields.
  4. Check the  Students w/o UICs  checkbox, if desired. Checking this checkbox means only those students within the selected calendar(s) that do not have a State ID assigned will be reported. Leaving this checkbox unmarked means all students within the selected calendar will be eligible for reporting.
  5. Select the  Submitting Entity. This describes the entity submitting the extract to the state.
  6. Select the  Format. For submission to the state, use the State Format (XML).
  7. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reported. When an Ad hoc Filter is selected, records report based on the options selected in the editor, not the Campus toolbar. 
  8. Check the  Validate   checkbox, if desired. Checking this checkbox means Infinite Campus will run a check on the XML data to validate that it is correct. If errors are found, the extract will list these errors for correction based on the schema.  

    For guidance in validating the XML file against your state's schema using a free, third-party program, see the Validating an XML File Against a Schema File article.

  9. Select which Calendar(s)  to include within the extract.
  10. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

 Image 2: MSDS Early Childhood - HTML Format 

 Image 3: MSDS Early Childhood - CSV Format 

 Image 4: MSDS Early Childhood - State Format (XML) 

Early Childhood Extract Layout


Description & Format

Campus Location

Submitting Entity

 Submitting Entity Type Code 

A code used by the system to identify which type of entity code will be reported in the Submitting Entity Code column.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts > Submitting Entity

Not dynamically stored

 Submitting Entity Code 

The entity responsible for the certification of the collection (if applicable).
If Submitting Entity = D: District, the State District Number is reported. If Submitting Entity = B: Building, the School Override is reported. If School Override is null, the State School Number is reported.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override; System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Personal Core


The student's Unique Identification Code (UIC), also known as the State ID.

Numeric, 10 characters

Census > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID


 Last Name 

The student's legal last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


 First Name 

The student's legal first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


 Middle Name 

The student's middle name or initial.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name



The abbreviated name suffix that follows a student's full name and provides additional information about the student.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix


 Date of Birth 

The student's date of birth.

Date field, 10 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


 Multiple Birth Order 

Indicates the student is part of a multiple birth. This field is intended to provide some distinguishing data for cases where the cultural practice is to provide twins (triplets, etc) of the same gender with the same first name, or where children of the same gender have similar first names.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > MSDS > Multiple Birth Order



The student's gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Personal Demographics

 Resident LEA Number 

State assigned, five digit code for the district in which the student resides.

Numeric, 5 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


 Student Resident County Code 

Primary county code in which the child resides.

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > Addresses > Address Info > County



The student's race ethnicity.
This field is an aggregate field in which character positions pertain to a specific race. For example, a student who is considered Asian (010000) and White (000010) would report a value of 010010, indicating both race ethnicity values.
The following describes each race and corresponding character position:

  • American Indian or Alaska Native = 100000
  • Asian = 010000
  • Black or African American = 001000
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander = 000100
  • White = 000010
  • Hispanic/Latino = 000001

Numeric, 6 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Race Ethnicity


ContactsThis component is not reported if the Homeless component is reported for a student.
An address is reported if the student has an active Household address prior to the Count Date that is marked as Physical and is not marked as Secondary.  An address is also reported if the student has an active household address with Secondary and Mailing marked.  If more than one address that meets report criteria is found, reports the address that includes a household relationship to the student with Guardian marked and the lowest Emergency Priority number. If multiple Guardians or no Guardians are found, reports the address with the highest record ID. Additionally, reports any Physical Address that have a relationship of Mother, Father, or Other.
Address Type DescriptorThe type of address being reported. Reports as Physical if the student has an active household address with Physical marked. Reports as Mailing if the student has an active household address with Secondary and Mailing marked.

Census > Household > Address > Physical, Mailing

Street Number NameThe number and name of the address being reported. Reports Number + Prefix + Street + Tag + Direction.

Alphanumeric,100 characters

Census > Households > Address Info


Apartment Room Suite NumberReports additional address information, such as apartment, room, suite, or lot number.Census > Households > Addresses > Apt


The city or town of the address.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > Households > Address Info > City


State Abbreviation DescriptorThe abbreviation of the state of the address.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Census > Households > Address Info > State


Postal CodeThe 5 or 9 digit zip code of the address.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > Households > Address Info > Zip


Telephone NumberThe primary telephone number of the student's parent or guardian. Reports the household Phone Number

Census > Households > Phone


Electronic Mail Address
The email address of the student's parent or guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Personal Contact Information > Email


Fiscal Entity Type Code

Entity type as indicated in SCM/EEM for the Fiscal Entity Code. Will always report as D.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Fiscal Entity Code

Reports the Fiscal Entity Code, which is the state-assigned code identifying the entity receiving funds from the state to provide services to this student. If null, reports the State District Number.

Numeric, 10 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Fiscal Entity Code; System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number


Fiscal Entity Code 2
Reports the Fiscal Entity Code 2, if entered. If null, this field does not report.
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Fiscal Entity Code2

EC Programs

School Facility Number

The state-assigned number in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Numeric, 5 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override; System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number


Provider License NumberReports the Provider License Number Override entered on the student's Early Childhood tab, if entered. Otherwise reports the EC Provider License Number. 

Numeric, 11 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Provider License Number Override; System Administration > Resources > School > EC Provider License Number

EC Comment
Reports the EC Comment entered on the Early Childhood tab, or as null if blank.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > EC Comment


EC Program

Indicates the early childhood program(s) in which the child is participating in.
Reported values include:

  • 01: Michigan School Readiness Program (MSRP)
  • 02: GSRP/Head Start Blend
  • 03: Head Start
  • 04: Title I Preschool
  • 05: Child Care
  • 10: Early Head Start
  • 17: Tuition-Based Preschool
  • 18: Sec 32p Early Childhood Block Grant
  • 21: GSRP-Wait List
  • 99: Other Program

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Program


EC Program Start Date

Date child first received services with this program.

Date field, 10 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Start Date


EC Delivery Method

Primary location where services are provided.
Reported values include:

  • 1: School based
  • 2: Community based
  • 3: Home based
  • 4: Non-Wait List

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Delivery Method


 EC Delivery Schedule 

Indicates when the student receives programming.
Reported values include:

  • 01: Part-Day 4 Days Per Week
  • 02: Part-Day 5 Days Per Week
  • 05: Full-Day 4 Days Per Week
  • 06: Full-Day 5 Days Per Week
  • 07: Served By Family Care Center
  • 08: Other

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Delivery Schedule


Federal Poverty Level QuintileIndicates the Federal Poverty Level quintile to which the student belongs. 

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Federal Poverty Level Quintile

Additional Eligibility Factor

Additional factors used to determine a child’s eligibility for a Great Start Readiness Program, along with income information collected in the Federal Poverty Level Quintile (FPLQ) characteristic.

Reports Additional Eligibility Factors selected on the student's Early Childhood tab. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Additional Eligibility Factors

Qualifying Factor

Additional factors used to determine a child’s eligibility for a Great Start Readiness Program, along with income information collected in the Federal Poverty Level Quintile (FPLQ) characteristic.

Reports the Qualifying Factors selected for the student. 

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Qualifying Factors


 EC Program End Date 

Date child last received services with this program, and exited the program.

Date field, 10 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > End Date


 EC Program Exit Reason 

Reason child exited the program.
Reported values include:

  • 063 - Program Completed
  • 064 - Parent Initiated Transfer
  • 065 - Program Initiated Transfer (e.g., special ed referral)
  • 066 - Child's Behavior does not meet expectations (e.g., expulsion)
  • 067 - Parent Withdrew Child (e.g., move from district, no information on subsequent program, etc.)
  • 068 - Death of Child
  • 069 - Program Termination (e.g., license expired, lack of enrollment, insufficient funds, staffing issues, building condemned, etc.)
  • 999 - Other Reason or Reason Unknown/Undetermined

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Early Childhood > Exit Reason


Homeless Demographics

Reports if the student has an active homeless record on or between the Count Date and Previous Count Date with a Primary Nighttime Residence selected. 


Indicates student's Primary Nighttime Residence. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless


 Unaccompanied Youth 

Indicates the student meets Federal requirements for unaccompanied youth status. This field will only report if the student is reported as Homeless.
Reports as True (T) or False (F).

Bit character, 1 digit

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Unaccompanied Youth



 Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility 

The student's eligibility status for free or reduced-price meal/milk program for the current school year.

Reports the lowest number from any eligibility status tied to the reported calendar year. If Eligibility = paid or null, reports as null.

Bit character, 1 digit

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility


Program Participation
Program Eligibility Participation

Identifies the type of categorical program or service which the student is eligible for or participates in.  


Reports the Code if the program is active on or between the Count Date and Previous Count Date, is marked as State Reported, is associated with an enrollment, and has a code of 3060, 3500, 7760, 9110, 9120, 9130, 9210, 9220, 9222, 9229, or 9230. 

Title I Programs

Reports as 6010 if the program is active on or between the school Start Date and the extract Count Date, is marked as State Reported, is associated with an enrollment, and has a code of 6011, 6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6016, 6017, 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, or 6027. 

Military Connections

If the student has an active Military Connections record on or between the Previous Count Date and Count Date, reports as 9140. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Programs; Program Admin > Programs  > Code, State Reported; Census > People > Military Connections

Seclusion and RestraintThis component reports if the student has any incidents between the Previous Count Date and the Count Date with a Response Type of Seclusion or Restraint marked.
Date OccurredReports the date of the Incident. 

Datefield, 10 characters
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident

Number SecludedReports the total number of times the student has a behavior response of Seclusion. 

Behavior > Behavior Management > Behavior Response

Number RestrainedReports the total number of times the student has a behavior response of Physical Restraint. 

Behavior > Behavior Management > Behavior Response


Previous Version

Early Childhood (Michigan) [.2136 - 2223]