Valid State Competency (Idaho)

 PATH:   Census > People > Credentials > Highly Qualified 

In order to properly report Highly Qualified Credential types in the IURC Staff Assignment Extract, the staff person must have a Highly Qualified Credential type and the VSC: State Competency option must be selected on the credential.

 Image 1: State Competency Option 

Valid State Competency Options




Special Education and Rural


Grade 9 Class-valid 8000 Series Endorsement


Graduate Degree in Core Subject Matter Area


State Approved Alternate Certification Program (ABCTE)


National Board for Professional Teaching Standards


Out-of-State Content Assessment or Official Letter


The following logic used when reporting this information in the IURC Staff Assignment Extract:

  • Field 16, Highly Qualified Date:
    • If the record is for a Teaching Assignment and Field 14, Highly Qualified Teacher, reports as N, the date of the Expected Highly Qualified field will be reported.
    • If the record is for a non-teaching District Assignment and Field 14, Highly Qualified Teacher, reports as X, this field will report as blank.
  • Field 15, Qualification Method:
    • If the record is for a non-teaching District Assignment or if the person reports N or X in Field 14 (Highly Qualified Teacher), this field will report as blank.
    • If the record is for a Teaching Assignment and Field 14, Highly Qualified Teacher, reports as Y, the Qualification Methods report as such:

Qualification Method Reports



  • Met HOUSSE is selected
  • HOUSSE Completion Date is on or before July 1, 2008


  • Subject Matter Competency = State Valid Credential
  • State Valid Credential = Special Education/Rural


  • Subject Matter Competency = ACC
  • Staff has active Licensure/Certification of SPED Related Services Credential = OCCTHERAP


  • Subject Matter Competency = ACC
  • Staff has active Licensure/Certification of SPED Related Services Credential = PHYSTHERAP


  • Subject Matter Competency = State Valid Credential
  • State Valid Credential = Series 800 Endorsement


  • Subject Matter Competency = AMAJ or CEAM


  • Subject Type = CORE
  • Subject Matter Competency = State Valid Credential
  • State Valid Credential Type = Graduate Degree
  • Staff has active Education Credential (date obtained before the last day of the date range and before the end date of the Highly Qualified Credential)
  • Education Level = M, MA, MS, MED, MBA, EDD, EDS, PHD, MD or PSD
  • Core Subject Area is the same as the Subject Area on the Highly Qualified Credential


  • Subject Matter Competency = ACC
  • Staff has active Licensure/Certification with SPED Related Services Credential = SOCIALWORK


  • Subject Matter Competency = RSUB


  • Subject Matter Competency = State Valid Credential
  • State Valid Credential Type = State Approved Alternative Certification Program (ABCTE)


  • Subject Matter Competency = State Valid Credential Type
  • State Valid Credential Type = National Board for Professional Teacher Standards (Secondary)


  • Subject Matter Competency = State Valid Credential
  • State Valid Credential Type = Out of State Content Assessment or Official Letter