Classic View: Student Information > Enrollments
Search Terms: Enrollment
The Enrollment tab displays all occurrences of a student’s enrollment in the district. Because this is an historical view, this list could be long.
By default, enrollments are first sorted by grade level and sorted by enrollment start date second. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
General Enrollment Information
Classic View: Student Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information
Search Terms: Enrollments
Under General Enrollment Information, some fields are specific to the state of Michigan. These fields are further described below. All other fields in General Enrollment Information do not require unique, state-specific data. However, many of these fields are required and data entry in these fields is necessary. For more information on these fields, see the Enrollments article.
Local Start Status
Start Status indicates the reason for beginning the student enrollment, whether entering the school or district or continuing on from another grade. When creating an enrollment for a student, students must have a Start Date and a Start Status. An enrollment cannot be saved without an entry in these fields.
Start Date
The date on which the student's enrollment began.
Local End Status
The End Status indicates the reason a prior year student in grade 7-12 has not enrolled in the district during the current school year. All students with an end-dated enrollment must also have an End Status assigned to the end-dated enrollment. Users are not allowed to save an end-dated enrollment without an assigned End Status. However, this condition does not apply if the No Show checkbox is marked. If the No Show checkbox is marked, you can enter an End Status without an End Date.
End Date
The date on which the student's enrollment ended.
No Show
A no show student is defined as a student who is enrolled in the school but never attends class and does not officially withdraw from the school. These enrollment records are ended after a certain number of school days, depending on district and/or state policy.
Service Type
The Service Type is used to indicate the type of enrollment and the intended service the student receives. Service Types include: (P) Primary, (S) Partial, and (N) Special Ed Services.
State Reporting Fields
Data entries made in the State Reporting Fields section of the Enrollments tab are unique to the state of Michign and may directly affect the way students are reported to the state department of education.
Michigan Enrollment State Reporting Fields
State Exclude
Excludes a student from reporting on certain Michigan state reporting extracts and resources.
This field is used for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting.
Section 25
This field is used for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting.
FTE in General Education
The pro rata share for which the student receives educational programs and/or services from the operating district.
Resident District
The LEA Number of the student's resident district. Numeric, 5 digits
Serving District
This field is used for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting.
District Start Date
The date on which the student's enrollment in the district started.
Student Residency
Indicates the student's residency related to the geographic boundaries of the district.
Tuition Funded Enrollment
School Override
The entity responsible for the certification of the collection (if applicable). Generally this is the entity receiving funding from the state. It may or may not be the entity that is directly providing education services to the student.
The code from the Educational Entity Master (EEM) for the student being educated through a Specialized Shared Educational Entity (S2E2).
Building Otherwise Attend
Indicates the school the student would have otherwise attended other than the enrolled school.
Other Test Type
This field is used for district-tracking purposes and is not used in state reporting.
Early Reading Deficiency Fields
Use the Early Reading Deficiency fields to indicate reading deficiencies in the student. If a reading deficiency was identified for the student at any time during the school year, mark the checkbox. Leave the field blank if there were no identified reading deficiencies.
If a reading deficiency still exists for the student at the end of the current school year, mark the checkbox. Leave the field blank if reading deficiencies no longer exist for the student.
Michigan Early Reading Deficiency Editor
Was there a reading deficiency identified any time during the current school year?
Select Yes if the student had a reading deficiency identified any time during the current school year.
Is there a reading deficiency that still exists at the end of the current school year?
Select Yes if the student's identified reading deficiency still exists at the end of the current school year.
What additional instructional-time grant related activities were delivered to the student?
Use the checkboxes to indicate the reading activities in which the student participated. Select as many as are applicable.