EIS 044 Student Classification Extract (Tennessee) (18-19 Version)

PATH: TN State Reporting > EIS Batch Transmission File

The 044 Student Classification extract reports Program, FRAM, and other student classification details to EIS.

See the EIS Batch Transmission article for an overview of the EIS Batch Transmission File, logic that applies to all extracts, and generation instructions.

Report Logic

A record reports for each Primary or Partial enrollment in the calendar(s) selected. Only one record is reported per student for each classification type. The following classifications types are not reported:

  • U: Runaway
  • V: Even Start Funded P3, P4

Records are not reported in advance for enrollments that become active in the future. Students can have multiple classifications; a 044 record is uploaded for each classification type.

Enrollments in Calendars or Grade Levels marked as Exclude and students with no State Student ID are not reported. Additionally, records are not reported for the following students. These students are included in the warning report. 

  • Students with multiple active Primary enrollments.
  • Students with multiple enrollments in the same school.
  • Students with an enrollment marked as N: Special Ed Services
  • Enrollments marked as No Show or Exclude, or in Calendars or Grade Levels marked as Exclude.

The following sections are not included in the extract. Those marked with an ( * ) are included the warning report:

  • Sections whose Course has a Type but no a State Code.*
  • Sections with a Type Override in a Course without a State Code.*
  • Sections whose Course noes not have a State Code.
  • Sections in a Course or Calendar marked as Exclude.
  • Students with a Homeless record with a start date on or within the active year with no Homeless Nighttime Residence or Unaccompanied Youth values selected. 

Multiple records report in the warning report for the 044 extract for excluded students who are tied to a course and other classifications to show what would have been reported to EIS had the student not met the exclude criteria.

If a record was previously reported and then marked as exclude, a delete record will be sent to EIS for each record.

The Record Key, which helps determine the Type of record sent (New, Edit, or Delete), is comprised of the Record ID, Record Version, District ID,  School ID, School Year, Instructional Program Number, State Assigned Student ID, Student Classification Type, and Student Classify Begin Date.

Recommended District Setup

Districts and Schools who track student classifications via Flags or Programs must create flag and program Types in the Program Admin tool.

For a Flag or Program to be state reported, a Code of the EIS Student Classification Type Code must be entered and the State Reported checkbox must be marked. Districts can create multiple flag or program instances with the same EIS Student Classification Type Code and different flag or program Names.

Programs that are not marked as Active are excluded. Students classified as Alternative are those enrolled in a School with a School Org Type of Alternative or those who have Alternative marked on their Enrollment.

Also, note that Homeless Student records are not automatically end dated when a student enrollment is ended. Campus recommends using Ad hoc Reporting to identify these records and enter End Dates as needed.

Districts can enable the Impact Aid and Military Connections tabs through System Administration > Preferences > System Preferences > Turn on Federal Impact Aid Tracking. The Military Connections tab is populated based on Relationships in the student's Households who are marked as Military. Data is reported for relationships marked as Guardian.

044 Student Classification Extract Layout

Element Name


Type, Format and Length

Campus Database

Campus Application

Record ID

Identifies the extract - reports as "044"

Numeric (3)



Record Version Identifies the extract version - reports as "02" Numeric (2) N/A N/A
Record Type

Identifies the type of extract:

  • N: New
  • E: Edit
  • D: Delete
Character (1) N/A N/A
Filler N/A. Reports as 00.
District ID Reports the TN Department of Education assigned District Number. Numeric (3) District.number System Administration > Resources > District Information > State District Number
School ID Reports the TN Department of Education assigned School Number Numeric (4) School.number System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number
School Year Reports the start year of the school calendar.

Date (4)


SchoolYear.startYear System Administration > Calendar > School Years > Start Year
Instructional Program Number Reports the unique Instructional Program Number of the school, or as 99 if blank. Numeric (2) Calendar.instructional ProgramNumber System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Instructional Program Number
Student Social Security Number Reports the student's social security number. Numeric (9) Identity.ssn Census > People > Identities > Current Identity > Soc Sec Number
Student PIN Reports the unique student identifier provided by the school. Numeric (9) Person.additionalID Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student PIN
Local Student Key Reports the locally-generated student identifier. Numeric (10) Person.studentNumber Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number
Student Classification Type The student's classification Type. See the

EIS 044 Student Classification Extract (Tennessee) (18-19 Version)#State Classification Types table following for more information.

Alphanumeric (5) See below See below
Student Classify Begin Date The date the student's classification began. See the EIS 044 Student Classification Extract (Tennessee) (18-19 Version)#State Classification Types table following for more information.

Date (8)


See below See below
Student Classify End Date The date the student's classification ended. See the EIS 044 Student Classification Extract (Tennessee) (18-19 Version)#State Classification Types table following for more information.

Date (8)


See below See below
State Assigned Student ID Reports the unique state-assigned student ID generated in EIS. Numeric (9) Person.stateID Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID
Filler N/A N/A N/A N/A

State Classification Types

Reporting Window Logic: The reporting window is defined as follows: In the calendar in which the student is enrolled, the window is the earliest day with a Day Event of AS and the earliest day with a Day Event of AE. (System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Day Event)

State Classification Type Student Classification Type Student Classify Begin Date Student Classify End Date Campus Database Campus Application
LEAPs Participant

If the student is participating in a state reported program or flag with a Code of 1 and a Start Date on or within the Reporting Window, reports the State Classification Code from the most recent record.

For programs: Reports the Program Start Date if entered, or the Program Session Start Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag Start Date.

For programs: Reports the Program End Date if entered, or the Program Session End Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag End Date.






Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Program (Code), Start Date; Student Information > General > Flags > Flag (Code), Start Date; Program Admin > Programs > Programs > State Reported; Program Admin > Flags > State Reported

21st CCL Participant

If the student is  participating in a state reported program or flag with a Code of 2, and a Start Date on or within the Reporting Window, reports the State Classification Code from the most recent record.

For programs: Reports the Program Start Date if entered, or the Program Session Start Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag Start Date.

For programs: Reports the Program End Date if entered, or the Program Session End Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag End Date.






Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Program (Code), Start Date; Student Information > General > Flags > Flag (Code), Start Date; Program Admin > Programs > Programs > State Reported; Program Admin > Flags > State Reported

Juvenile Court Referral If Juvenile Court Referral is marked, reports as 7. Reports Enrollment Start Date Reports Enrollment End Date




Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Juvenile Court Referral
IEA Program If IEA Program is marked, reports as 8. Reports Enrollment Start Date Reports Enrollment End Date




Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > IEA Program
Alternative If the School Org Type is 02 or the enrollment is marked as Alternative, reports as A Reports Enrollment Start Date Reports Enrollment End Date





System Administration > Resources > School > School Org Type; Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Alternative
Fee Based P3, P4 If Fee Based P3, P4 is selected for the P3/P4 Classification on the Roster Batch Edit tab, and the student's grade level is P3 or P4, reports as B. Reports the Roster Start Date if entered, or the earliest scheduled Term Start Date if not.

Reports the student's Roster End Date if populated, otherwise reports the last Term End Date. 






Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > P3/P4 Classification > Fee Based P3, P4; Student Information > General > Schedule > Start Date, End Date; System Administration > Calendar > Terms > Start Date, End Date

Adult If School Org Type is 01, reports as D Reports Enrollment Start Date Reports Enrollment End Date




System Administration > Resources > School > School Org Type; Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date, End Date

Head Start Funded P3, P4 If Head Start Funded P3, P4 is selected for the P3/P4 Classification on the Roster Batch Edit tab, and the student is enrolled in a grade level of P3 or P4, reports as E. Reports Enrollment Start Date Reports Enrollment End Date.






Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > P3/P4 Classification > Head Start Funded P3, P4; Student Information > General > Schedule > Start Date, End Date; System Administration > Calendar > Terms > Start Date, End Date

Locally Funded P3, P4 If Locally Funded P3, P4 is selected for the P3/P4 Classification on the Roster Batch Edit tab, and the student is enrolled in a grade level of P3 or P4, reports as F. Reports Enrollment Start Date Reports Enrollment End Date.






Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > P3/P4 Classification  > Locally Funded P3, P4; Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date, End Date Student Information > General > Schedule > Start Date, End Date; System Administration > Calendar > Terms > Start Date, End Date


If the student's most recent homeless record has a Homeless Nighttime Resident entered or Unaccompanied Youth marked, reports as H.

Reports from the most recent Homeless record within the reported calendar. 

Reports Homeless Start Date if that date falls within the student's Enrollment. If Date is prior to the student's Enrollment Start Date, reports as Enrollment Start Date. If Date is after the student's Enrollment End Date, a record is not reported.  Reports Homeless End Date

Homeless.primary NightTimeResidence




Student Information > General > Program Participation > Homeless > Homeless Nighttime Resident, Unaccompanied Youth, Start Date, End Date
Migrant If the student is participating in a state reported program or flag with a Code of i or I, and a Start Date on or within the Reporting Window, reports the State Classification Code from the most recent record.

For programs: Reports the Program Start Date if entered, or the Program Session Start Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag Start Date.

For programs: Reports the Program End Date if entered, or the Program Session End Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag End Date.






Student Information > General > Program participation > Programs > Program (Code), Start Date; Student Information > General > Flags > Flag (Code), Start Date; Program Admin > Programs > Programs > State Reported; Program Admin > Flags > State Reported

Direct Certified Economically Disadvantaged

Reports from the most recent FRAM record within the Active Year if the student is not enrolled in a grade of P3 or P4. If the student's FRAM Eligibility Source is marked as Direct and the Certified Type is one of the following values, reports as J:

  • SNAP
  • TANF
  • Foster
  • Head Start
  • Homeless
  • Medicaid
  • Migrant
  • Runaway
Reports the student's Enrollment Start Date.  Reports FRAM Eligibility End Date





Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade, Start Date; FRAM > Eligibility > Source, Certified Type
Juvenile Detention Center Reports the code of the Detention Center from the Detention Center record with a Start Date entered that is on or before the Reporting Window. Reports from the student's most recent Detention Center record.  If Detention Center Start Date is before the start of the Reporting Window, reports Enrollment Start Date. Otherwise reports Detention Center Start Date.  If Detention Center End Date is before the Reporting Window, reports Detention Center End Date. Otherwise reports as zeros. 




Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Detention Center > Start Date, End Date, Detention Center. Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date
Residential Mental Health If the student is participating in a state reported program or flag with a Code of K, and a Start Date on or within the Reporting Window, reports the State Classification Code from the most recent record.

For programs: Reports the Program Start Date if entered, or the Program Session Start Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag Start Date.

For programs: Reports the Program End Date if entered, or the Program Session End Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag End Date.






Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > State Classification, Start Date; Student Information > General > Flags > State Classification, Start Date; Program Admin > Programs > Programs > State Reported; Program Admin > Flags > State Reported

Pre-K EconDis If the student is enrolled in a grade of P3 or P4 and Pre-K EconDis is marked on their enrollment, reports as L. Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date.




Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Pre-K EconDis
Lottery Funded, P4 Only If  Lottery Funded, P4 Only is selected for the P3/P4 Classification on the Roster Batch Edit tab, and the student is enrolled in a grade level of P4, reports as F. Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date.






Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > P3/P4 Classification  > Locally Funded P3, P4; Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date, End Date Student Information > General > Schedule > Start Date, End Date; System Administration > Calendar > Terms > Start Date, End Date

Private School If Private School is marked on the student's enrollment, reports as P. Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date




Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > Private School
State Funded: Expansion/Pilot If State Funded: Expansion/Pilot is selected for the P3/P4 Classification on the Roster Batch Edit tab, and the student is enrolled in a grade level of P3 or P4, reports as Q. Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date.






Course > Section > Roster Batch Edit > P3/P4 Classification  > Locally Funded P3, P4; Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date, End Date Student Information > General > Schedule > Start Date, End Date; System Administration > Calendar > Terms > Start Date, End Date

Title 1, Regular If the student is enrolled in a grade of P3 or P4 and in a section with Title 1 marked OR the School has a Title 1 valued of Schoolwide Program selected, reports as T. Otherwise reports as R. Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date





Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade; Scheduling > Course > Section > Title 1; System Administration > Resources > School > Program Participation > Title 1

Imagination Library If the student is enrolled in a grade of P3, P4, or K and in a state reported program or flag with a Code of w or W, and a Start Date on or within the Reporting Window, reports the State Classification Code from the most recent record.

For programs: Reports the Program Start Date if entered, or the Program Session Start Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag Start Date.

For programs: Reports the Program End Date if entered, or the Program Session End Date if not.

For flags: Reports the Flag End Date.






Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade; Student Information > Program Participation > Programs > Program (Code), Start Date; Student Information > General > Flags > Flag (Code), Start Date; Program Admin > Programs > Programs > State Reported; Program Admin > Flags > State Reported

Active Military If the student has a Guardian Relationship with someone with a Military Connections record active on the extract Effective Date with a Status of 4: Active Duty Military, reports as 4. Reports the Military Connection Start Date if after the Enrollment Start Date. Otherwise reports the student's Enrollment Start Date.  Reports as 00000000 if the most recent Military Connection End Date is blank or after the last day of the Reporting Window. If on or before last day of Window but after Enrollment End Date, reports Enrollment End Date. Otherwise, reports Military Connection End Date. 






System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Start Date, End Date; Census > People > Military Connections > Start Date, End Date; Census > People > Relationships > End Date
National Guard Military If the student has a Guardian Relationship with someone with a Military Connections record active on the extract Effective Date with a Status of 5: National Guard Military, reports as 6. Reports the Military Connection Start Date if after the Enrollment Start Date. Otherwise reports the student's Enrollment Start Date.  Reports as 00000000 if the most recent Military Connection End Date is blank or after the last day of the Reporting Window. If on or before last day of Window but after Enrollment End Date, reports Enrollment End Date. Otherwise, reports Military Connection End Date. 






System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Start Date, End Date; Census > People > Military Connections > Start Date, End Date; Census > People > Relationships > End Date
Section 504 If the student has a 504 record with a Start Date before or within the Reporting Window, reports as 504.  Reports as Enrollment Start Date if the 504 record Start Date is before the Reporting Window or the Enrollment Start Date. Otherwise reports the 504 record Start Date.   Reports the 504 record End Date if before the end of the Reporting Window. Otherwise reports the end of the Reporting Window. 



System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Day Event Type; Student Information > Program Participation > Section 504 > Start Date, End Date; Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date
Reserve Military Dependent If the student has a Guardian Relationship with someone with a Military Connections record active on the extract Effective Date with a Status of 6: Reserve Military Dependent, reports as 6. Reports the Military Connection Start Date if after the Enrollment Start Date. Otherwise reports the student's Enrollment Start Date.  Reports as 00000000 if the most recent Military Connection End Date is blank or after the last day of the Reporting Window. If on or before last day of Window but after Enrollment End Date, reports Enrollment End Date. Otherwise, reports Military Connection End Date. 






System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Start Date, End Date; Census > People > Military Connections > Start Date, End Date; Census > People > Relationships > End Date
Foster Care If the student's most recent Foster Care record is active during the Reporting Window and the student's Enrollment, reports as FOS01. Reports the student's Foster Care Start Date of before the Enrollment Start Date. Otherwise reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports the Foster Care End Date. 




System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Start Date, End Date; Student Information > General > Program Participation > Foster Care > Start Date, End Date; Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date
VPK Grant If the student is enrolled in a grade of P3 or P4 and VPK Grant is selected in a section in which the student is enrolled, reports as PDG02.  Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date.






Scheduling > Courses > Section > VPK Grant; Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date, End Date
PDG Expansion If the student is enrolled in a grade of P3 or P4 and EDG Expansion is selected in a section in which the student is enrolled, reports as PDG01.  Reports Enrollment Start Date. Reports Enrollment End Date.






Scheduling > Courses > Section > State Funded: Expansion/Pilot; Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date, End Date
Dyslexia Specific If the student has a Dyslexia record with a Start Date entered that is not after the Reporting Window, reports as DYS01. If the student has more than one record, reports from the most recent record. 

Reports Dyslexia Start Date if inside the reporting window. Otherwise reports Enrollment Start Date. 

Reports Dyslexia End Date if inside the reporting window. Otherwise reports as 00000000.




System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Days > Day Event Type; Student Information > Program Participation > State Programs > Dyslexia > Start Date, End Date; Student Information > General > Enrollment > Start Date


























