SD Extract

 PATH: SD State Reporting > SD Extracts 

Search Term: SD Extract 

The SD Extracts is made up of four different extracts which collect student and school specific data.

 Image 1: South Dakota Extracts 

The following reports are available for selection from the Extract Type field of the SD Extract Editor:



Student Demographics 

The Student Demographics extract collects basic student information.

School Calendar 

The School Calendar extract collects basic information about the calendars attached to a school.

School Days 

The School Days extract collects details of school days, such as instructional days and attendance days.


The Enrollments extract collects detail student information from student enrollments.

Report Editor

The following table defines the extract options available on the SD Extract Editor



Extract Type

The type of extract being generated:

  • Student Demographics
  • School Calendar
  • School Days
  • Enrollments


The format in which the report will generate. Options include State Format (CSV), State Format (TSV), HTML and XML. HTML and XML formats are used for data review and verification, while State Formats CSV and TSV should be used when submitting reports to the state. See the following screenshots for examples of these formats.


The calendar(s) from which data is pulled for the report. Can be set to display only the active year, or be sorted by school or year. 

Generating the Extract

  1. Select the Extract Type to be generated.
  2. Select the Format in which the report should be generated.
  3. Select the Calendar(s) to be included in the report.
  4. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the desired format.

 Image 2: Student Demographics Extract - State Format (CSV) 

 Image 3: Student Demographics Extract - State Format (TSV) 

 Image 4: Student Demographics Extract - HTML Format 

 Image 5: Student Demographics Extract - XML Format