PI-1563 Pupil Head Count (Wisconsin)

Classic View: WI State Reporting > PI-1563 Pupil Count > Head Count

Search Term:  Head Count

The Head Count report sends data about the number of students enrolled in a number of categories during the count date.

PI-1563 Head Count Extract

Different data is reported on each page of the Summary Format, as follows:

For all pages of the report, the following definitions are used:

  • A Resident is defined as a student whose Resident District on their enrollment record is the same as the database housing the data.
  • A Non-Resident is defined as a student whose Resident District is not the same as the database housing the data.

Report Logic

This information applies to ALL pages of the Head Count Report. Additional reporting logic for individual pages is noted with the details of that page.

For a student to be considered Scheduled on the Count date, the Calendar Day must be  marked as Instructional, School, and Attendance, in addition to the Period Schedule into which they are scheduled is tied to the Day of the Count Date.

Students must be actively enrolled on the effective date of the report. If a student is marked as State Exclude (by enrollment record, grade level or calendar) or as a No Show, that student will not be included in the report. In addition, any student who has a Census Status of N: Private School or H: Home Schooled are not included.

A student's age is calculated as of September 1, of the school year being reported, unless otherwise stated.

  • 4 Year Old Kindergarten category's age requirement is 4 years old.
  • 5 Year Old Kindergarten category's age requirement is 5 years old.

Extract Editor



Extract Type

Determines which PI-1563 extract generates. Select Head Count to generate the Head Count Report.

Effective date

The date the report uses to pull student data based on active enrollment records and other related information. The date of the Third Friday in September for the school year selected in the Campus toolbar is auto-populated into this field. Dates can be entered in mmddyy format or by using the calendar icon to select a date.


Selection indicates how the report generates. Options are:

  • Summary Format (PDF)
  • Detail Format Pages 1-4 (PDF)
  • Detail Format Pages 1-4 (CSV)
  • Detail Format Pages 5-8 (CSV)
  • Detail Format Attendance Audit (CSV)

Use the Summary Format (PDF) to submit information to the state, and Detail Format in either PDF or CSV when reviewing data prior to state submission. Use the Attendance Audit Detail Format to review all students who have absent attendance data.

Detail formats include the student's name and general demographic information, in addition to the information the specific pages report.

Include Students Not Reported on Summary

When marked, students who were not included in the Summary Report will be included in the Detail Report.

This option displays when the following formats are selected: 

  • Detail Format Page 1-4 (PDF)
  • Detail Format Pages 1-4 (CSV)
  • Detail Format Pages 5-8 (CSV)
  • Detail Format Attendance Audit (CSV)
Choice Identifier ReportWhen marked, the Choice Program Participant Indicator column is added to the Detail Format Attendance Audit to indicate if the student is a choice student.

This option only displays when the Detail Format Attendance Audit (CSV) is selected as the format.

Calendar Selection

At least one calendar needs to be selected in order to generate. Calendars can be selected by Active Year, by School Name or by Year.
Student Selection

Select students to include on the report by choosing either a Grade level of enrollment for the students or an Ad hoc Filter.

  • To include students in all grade levels, choose All Students in the Grade Level options.
  • Selecting an existing ad hoc filter reports only those students or courses included in those filters, if they meet the reporting requirements of the report.
Report GenerationUse the Generate Extract button to immediately display the results of the selected extract type/period. For a larger data set, use the Submit to Batch button. This allows the selection of a specific time in which the extract generates (after school hours). See the Batch Queue article for more information.

Generate the Extract

  1. Select Head Count in the Extract Type dropdown box.
  2. Enter the Effective Date of the report.
  3. Select the Format in which to generate the report.
  4. If one of the Format options is selected, mark the Include Students Not Reported on Summary checkbox, if that is desired.
  5. Select the Calendars to include in the report.
  6. Select the students to include in the report by choosing either a Grade level or an Ad hoc Filter.
  7. Click the Generate Extract button to display the report immediately, or use the Submit to Batch button to determine when the report should generate. The report displays in the selected format.

Summary Format (PDF) Example

The Detail Summary Report in PDF lists the students in each reported grade level on a separate page, or if the total number of students reported in a grade level is more than one page, a page break separates that grade level from the next grade level.

Detail Format Page 1-4 (PDF) Example

Detail Format Page 1-4 (CSV) Example

Detail Format Attendance Audit (CSV)

Report Layouts

Head Count as of the Count Date (Page 1)

The Head Count as of the Count Date page provides a summary of student attendance information.

Head Count - Summary Format, Page 1

Summary Format Column Descriptions

Counts are based on attendance entries on the student's Attendance tab.

Present on Count date

A student is counted as present if all of the following are true:

  • The student is scheduled for at least one instructional period on the effective date; and
  • The student is present in at least one period on the effective date.
    • Absences with a status of Exempt, Early Release or Tardy are not considered absences.
    • Absences must have a status of A on the effective date.
Absent on Count Date

If the student is marked absent during all instructional periods on the effective date with an absence status of A, a value reports here.

A Status of Absent and an Excuse of Exempt do not report.

TotalSum of the Total Days Present and the Total Days Absent.

Grade Level Descriptions

Preschool - Special Education
  • The student must be three years old on or before the Effective Date.
  • The student must have an active, locked IEP on the Effective Date with a Primary Disability that is not blank or N: Not Disabled.
  • The grade level can be:
    • E3: Special Ed for age 3
    • E4: Special Ed for age 4
    • E5: Special Ed for age 5
4YK - 437 Hours

Reports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:

  • 50K4:437 hours 4-yr Kindergarten, With Outreach
  • 50K4N:437 hours 4-yr Kindergarten, No Outreach
  • K4a:4-year-old Kindergarten, 437 hours
4YK - 524.5 HoursReports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:
  • 60K4:524.5 Hours 4-yr Kindergarten, With Outreach
  • K4b:4-year-old Kindergarten, 524.5 hours
5YK - Half DayReports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:
  • 50KG: Half-day KG
  • KGd:Half Day
5YK - 3 Full DaysReports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:
  • 60KG:3-Day Per Week KG
  • KGc:Full Day 3 Days a Week
5YK - 4 Full DaysReports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:
  • 80KG:4-Day Per Week KG
  • KGb:Full Day 4 Days a Week
5YK - 5 Full DaysReports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:
  • 100KG:5-Day Per Week KG
  • KGa:Full Day 5 Days a Week
5YK - Blended

Reports students who are enrolled in grade levels with one of the following Kindergarten Codes:

  • VARKG:Blended KG Program
Grades 1-12
  • Students must be enrolled in grade levels 1-12
  • Grade level must not have a Kindergarten Code required by any other row
Special Education for Birth through Age 2B2: Special Ed for birth through age 2
3 Year Old KindergartenK3: 3-year-old Kindergarten
Title One Funded PreschoolC1: Title 1 Preschool
School-Operated Head StartHD: Head Start
Subtotal RowsSum of the value in each of the previous rows.
Grand TotalSum of all rows.

Detail Format Descriptions

FieldDescriptionCampus DatabaseCampus Interface
NameReports the student's name



Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name, First Name
Student NumberReports the student's state ID.Person.stateIDCensus > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID
Grade LevelReports the grade level of enrollment.Enrollment.gradeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade
Date of BirthReports the student's birth date.Identity.birthDateCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date
Enrollment Type

Reports the student's Enrollment Service Type (P: Primary, S: Partial or N: Special Education).

This displays on the CSV format.

Enrollment.typeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Service Type
Age on September 1Reports the student's age as of September 1.Calculated, data not storedCalculated, data not stored
Age on Count DateReports the student's age as of the Count Date.Calculated, data not storedCalculated, data not stored
CategoryReports the Kindergarten Code, if applicable. Otherwise, reports a value of 1-12 for students in those grade levels.School.kindergartenCodeSystem Administration > Resources > School > Kindergarten Code
Resident District

Displays the student's resident district, if the field is populated.

This displays on the CSV format.

Enrollment.resident DistrictStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District
Is Resident?

If the student goes to the same district in which he resides, this field reports Yes. This fied also reports Yes if the Resident District field is not populated. If the student does not attend the district in which he resides, this field reports No.

This displays on the CSV format.

Enrollment.resident DistrictStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District
Program Code/Program

Reports the student's assigned Census Status for the following:

  • O: Open Enrollment
  • 6: 66.30
  • C: CESA Program
  • W: Tuition Waiver-Additional
  • T: Tuition Waiver - Current Year
  • TP: Tuition Paid

The Census Status Code only reports on the CSV format.

 Enrollment.censusStatusStudent Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Census Status
AbsentIf a student meets the criteria for Absent on Count Date, a value of X (for PDF) or 1 (for CSV) reports. Otherwise, reports blank.Calculated, data not storedCalculated value, data not stored

FTE amounts are assigned depending on the selected grade level and definition and Census Status. The following rules apply (in order):

  1. Non-Resident students with the following Census Statuses will report 0.0 FTE: 9, CC
  2. Resident students with the following Census Statuses will report 0.0 FTE:  YO, YA, 8, PS
  3. Any student, regardless of residence, with the following Census Statuses will report 0.0 FTE: TP, E, O, C,  F, 6, IS, N, H, RT, TR, W. 
  4.   If none of the above scenarios apply, then:
    • If student is enrolled in grade 01-12, reports 1.0 FTE.
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code E3, E4 or E5, reports .5 FTE (Sped Preschool codes).
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code K4a, 50K4N or 50K4, report s.5 FTE (4YK 437 Hour codes).
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code K4b or 60K4, reports .6 FTE (524 Hour codes)
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code KGd or 50KG, reports .5 FTE (Half Day codes)
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code KGc or 60KG, reports .6 FTE (5YK 3 days codes)
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code KGb or 80KG, reports .8 FTE (5YK 4 days codes)
    • If student is enrolled in a grade with KG Code KGa or 100KG, reports 1.0 FTE (5YK 5 days codes)
Calculated, data not stored

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Census Status

System Administration > Resources > School > Kindergarten Code

Number of StudentsReports a whole number count of students int he list.Calculated, data not storedCalculated value, data not stored
Total FTEReports the sum of the FTE column.Calculated, data not storedCalculated value, data not stored
Head Count Top

Displays a 1 if student is reported in the totals (top section only) on Head Count Page 1, Top Section. Else, displays 0.

This displays on the CSV format.

Head Count Bottom

Displays a 1 if student is reported in the totals (top section only) on Head Count Page 1, Bottom Section. Else, displays 0.

This displays on the CSV format.

NR Red

Displays a 1 if student is reported in the totals on Head Count Summary Page 2, Non-Resident Reductions. Else, displays 0.

This displays on the CSV format.

Res Red

Displays a 1 if student is reported in the totals on Head Count Summary Page 3, Resident Reductions. Else, displays 0.

This displays on the CSV format.

Res Add

Displays a 1 if student is reported in the totals on Head Count Summary Page 3, Resident Additions. Else, displays 0.

This displays on the CSV format.

Adjusted Count

Displays a 1 if student is reported in the totals on Head Count Summary Page 9, Adjusted Count. Else, displays 0.

This displays on the CSV format.


This column only appears if the user has selected "Include Students Who do not Report" on the Extract Editor.

Reports a 1 if the student is enrolled on the Count Date, but is not eligible for pages 1-4 of the Head Count Summary.

This displays on the CSV format.

Reason UnreportedDisplays the reason the student was excluded from the report from the following categories:
  • Excludes by Exclude Type (PI-1563 Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Grade Level Exclude, Enrollment State Exclude)
  • Census Status
  • Grade Change
  • IEP Status
  • Invalid Grade Level
  • Age
  • No Show

Multiple excludes display for each student if needed. If a student has multiple simultaneous enrollments, all excludes for all enrollments will report.

When the Include Students Not Reported on Summary checkbox is not marked, these exclusions are followed. When the Include Students Not Reports on Summary checkbox is marked, the exclusions are not followed (meaning, all students report).

This reports on both the CSV and PDF formats.


Tuition Waiver - Current Year Special Rules

Special rules apply to students assigned the Census Status of T: Tuition Waiver - Current Year. This status reports ONLY on page 1 and only under the following circumstances.

Resident DistrictServing DistrictReports on Page
Same as Database or NULLSame as Database or NULLPage 1 only
Different than the databaseSame as Database or NULLPage 1 only
Different than the databaseSame as the databasePage 1 only
Same as the database or NULLDifferent than the databaseDoes not report

Non-Resident Reductions (Page 2)

The Non-Resident Reductions page counts students who are enrolled in a district that is not considered their primary district for funding purposes and who meet certain Census Status criteria. These students are subtracted from the totals reported on page 1 of the report.

Census Statuses

The following Census Statuses are included in the Non-Resident Reductions count:

  • 6: 66.30
  • C: CESA Program
  • IS: Incarcerated Students (Reported for 1-12 only)
  • TR: Integration Transfer (Reported for KG and 1-12 only)
  • E: Outside Age Eligibility
  • O: Open Enrollment
  • W: Tuition Waiver - Additional Year
  • TP: Tuition Paid
  • 9: 9 Week Waiver

Each Census Status is counted in a separate column by grade level. Students with multiple enrollments in the same calendar report one time. See the list of Grade Level Descriptions for more information.

Non-Resident Reductions - Summary Format

Non-Resident Reductions - Detail Format

Resident Reductions (Page 3)

The Resident Reductions Page counts students who are considered a resident of the district which provides services to the student but who are less than full time enrollment or outside of the age eligibility criteria.

Census Statuses

Only students who have a Census Status of the following are included:

  • E: Outside Age Eligibility
  • F: Less than Full Time Enrollment

See the Grade Level Descriptions for a list of included grade levels.

A student with multiple enrollments in the same calendar reports once.

Resident Reductions - Summary Formt, page 3

Resident Reductions - Detail Format, page 3

Resident Additions (Page 4)

The Resident Additions page counts students who are considered a resident of the district, but who receive services through another district or program. Students reported here are included in the Page 1 Totals for Page 9: Adjustments, as well as the Reconciliation Record.

See the Grade Level Descriptions for more information.

A student with multiple enrollments in the same calendar reports only once.

Census Statuses

Students with the following Census Statuses are included. 

  • 6: 66.30
  • C: CESA Program
  • TR: Integration Transfer (Reported for KG and 1-12 only)
  • O: Open Enrollment
  • 8: s.118.15 (Reported for 1-12 only)
  • PS: Partnership School
  • RT: Residential Treatment
  • TP: Tuition Paid
  • W: Tuition Waiver – AY
  • YO: Youth Options (Reported for 1-12 only)
  • YA: Youth Apprentice (Reported for 1-12 only)

Resident Additionas - Summary Format, page 4

Resident Additions - Detail Format, page 4

Preschool Special Education (Page 5)

The Preschool (4 year old) Special Education page reports students who have Grade Level Kindergarten Codes associated with 4 year olds who are active special education students on the effective date of the report. Students must be 3 years old on or before the Effective Date.

This requires students to be enrolled in specific early childhood/kindergarten programs that are defined by the Kindergarten Code on the grade level and require the student to have a locked IEP and a valid disability.

Census Statuses

The following Census Statuses are reported:

  • O: Open Enrollment
  • W: Tuition Waiver - Additional Year
  • 6: 66.0301
  • C: CESA Program
  • TP: Tuition Paid
  • 9: 9 Week Waiver
  • E: Outside Age Eligibility
  • F: Less than Full Time
  • PS: Partnership School
  • RT: Residential Treatment

4 Year Old Information Special Education

Column Descriptions

In addition to Head Count Logic for all pages of the report, the following logic is applied to this page.

ReportedValue reported on equivalent Head Count page for equivalent category. Always equals the Total column.
4 Year Old Resident
  • Student must be a Resident
  •  Student must be 4 years old  on or before September 1 of the school year in which the report is run.
Not 4 Years Resident
  • Student must be a Resident
  • Student must not be 4 years of age on or before September 1 of the school year in which the report is run.
4 year old Non-Resident
  • Student must be a Non-Resident
  •  Student must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the school year in which the report is run. 
Not 4 years Non-Resident
  • Student must be a Non-Resident
  • Student must not be 4 years of age on or before September 1 of the school year in which the report is run.
TotalSum of all columns (equal to the Reported column)

Non-Resident Rows Descriptions

In addition to Head Count Logic for all pages of the report, the following logic is applied to this page.

After non-Resident ReductionsEquals Row 3 minus Row 12
Non-Res 66.30
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of 6: 66.0301
Non-Res 9 week Waiver
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of 9: 9 Week Waiver
Non-Res CESA Program
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of C: CESA Program
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of CC: CCDEB
Non-Res Outside Age Eligibility
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of E: Outside Age Eligibility
Non-Res Tuition Paid
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of TP: Tuition Paid
Non-Res Tuition Waiver
  • Student is a Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of W: Tuition Waiver - Additional Year
Non-Res Open Enrollment
  • Student is Non-Resident
  • Student has a Census Status of O: Open Enrollment
Absent (Before and After)Student must be absent on the count date. Values in this row indicate the student did not meet the reporting logic applied to all report pages.
Summary (Subtotal)Total of Rows 1 and 2
Non Res SubtotalTotal of Rows 5-11
Present on Count Date

Student must be scheduled for at least one instructional period on the effective date, and:

  •   The student is present in that period on the effective date (a period with no absence).  
  • Absences with a Status of "Early Release" or "Tardy" or "Present" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences).    
  • Absences must have a Status of "A" on the effective date to count in this calculation.  
  • Absences with an Excuse of "Exempt" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences). All other Excuses are accepted.  

4 Year Old General Information (Pages 6 and 7)

The 4 Year Old General page reports information for students who have Grade Level Kindergarten Codes associated with 4 year olds. Students must be 4 years old on or before September 1 of the reporting year.

4 Year Old Information, page 6

4 Year Old Information, page 7

Column Descriptions

In addition to Head Count Logic for all pages of the report, the following logic is applied to this page.

1ReportedReports the total number of students previously noted on page 1 of the report. This always equals the Total column.
2Receiving Special Ed - Resident
  • Student must be a resident.
  • Student must have an active, locked IEP on the effective date of the report. 
  • The locked IEP must have a Primary Disability value other than NULL or N: Not Disabled.
3No Special Ed - Resident
  • Student must be a resident.
  • Student must NOT have an active, locked IEP on the effective date of the report.
4Receiving Special Ed - Non-Resident
  • Student must be a non-resident.
  • Student must have an active, locked IEP on the effective date of the report. 
  • The locked IEP must have a Primary Disability value other than NULL or N: Not Disabled.
5No Special Ed - Non-Resident
  • Student must be a non-resident.
  • Student must NOT have an active, locked IEP on the effective date of the report.

6TotalSum of the previous four columns, equal to the value reported in the Reported column. 

Non-Resident Rows Descriptions

In addition to Head Count Logic for all pages of the report, the following logic is applied to this page.

1Present on Count Date

Counts a student as being present when the student is scheduled for at least one instructional period on the effective date and:  

  • The student is present in that period on the effective date (a period with no absence).
  • Absences with a Status of "Early Release" or "Tardy" or "Present" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences).
  • Absences must have a Status of "A" on the effective date to count in this calculation.
  • Absences with an Excuse of "Exempt" are ignored by the logic (not considered absences). All other Excuses are accepted.
2Absent (Before and After)Reports students absent on the Count Date.
3(Summary) SubtotalTotal count of students reported in rows 1 and 2.
4Non-Res Open EnrollmentReports students who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of O: Open Enrollment and are included in the Present on Count Date total.

Non-Res Tuition Waiver - AY

Reports students who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of W: Tuition Waiver - Additional Year and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
6Non-Res 66.30Reports student who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of 6: 66.0301 and are included in the Present on Count Date Total.
7Non-Res CESA ProgramReports student who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of C: CESA Program and are included in the Present on Count Date Total.
8Non-Res Tuition PaidReports student who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of TP: Tuition Paid and are included in the Present on Count Date Total.
9Non-Res 9 Week WaiverReports student who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of 9: 9 Week Waiver and are included in the Present on Count Date Total.
10Non-Res Outside Age EligibilityReports student who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of E: Outside Age Eligibility and are included in the Present on Count Date Total.  
11Non-Res CCDEBReports student who are a Non-Resident, have a Census Status of CC: CCDEB and are included in the Present on Count Date Total.
12(Non-Res) Subtotal)Total count of students reported in rows 5-11.
13After Non-Resident ReductionsTotal count of students in Rows 12 subtracted from the total count of students in Row 3 (Row 3 - Row 12).

Resident Rows Descriptions

In addition to Head Count Logic for all pages of the report, the following logic is applied to this page.

14Resident Outside Age EligibilityReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of E: Outside Age Eligibility and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
14.5Resident < Full Time EnrollmentReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of F: Less than Full Time Enrollment and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
15(Resident Outside Age) SubtotalSum of the previous two rows.
16After Resident ReductionsTotal count of student in Row 15 subtracted from the total count of students in Row 15 (Row 13 - Row 15)
17Resident Open EnrollmentReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of O: Open Enrollment and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
18Resident Tuition Waiver - AYReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of W: Tuition Waiver - Additional Year and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
19Resident 66.30Reports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of 6: 66.0301 and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
20Resident CESA ProgramsReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of C: CESA Program and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
21Resident TuitionReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of TP: Tuition Paid and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
21.5Resident Integration TransferReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of TR: Integration Transfer and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
22Resident Partnership SchoolsReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of PS: Partnership School and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
23Resident Residential TreatmentReports students who are Residents, have a Census Status of RT: Residential Treatment and are included in the Present on Count Date total.
24(Resident Additions) SubtotalSum of Rows 17-23
25Adjusted Head Count TotalTotal of ((Row 3 - Row 12 - Row 15) + Row 24)

Other Adjustments (Page 8a)

The Other Adjustments page reports students who attend school part-time and are eligible for state aid up to a maximum of two periods per day. The Adjusted Head Count matches the Pupil Count for the September/January days on the Reconciliation Report.

Data includes students in grade 4K, 5K, and 1st-12th.

Students must be a resident of the reporting district, must have a Census Status of F: Less than Full Time Enrollment, and must be scheduled into 1 or 2 course periods on the Effective Date.

Other Adjustments, page 8

Page 8 Record Population

A student reports once in a given cell for each calendar period.

Students must be scheduled into classes during the reporting period.

Question NumberLogic
1How many students, that meet the above criteria, does your district have in the following grades?Reports students who are Residents and have a Census Status of F: Less than Full Time Enrollment, and students who are scheduled into 1 or 2 course periods on the Effective Date.
2How many hours of instruction during the semester are scheduled in total for the students identified in Question 1 (up to a maximum of two classes per student per semester)?

Reports the sum of the instructional time in hours for all students reported in the previous question for the reported semester.

Non-instructional periods are not included. Only calendar days marked as School Day, Attendance and Instruction are reported.

The Semester Reported is determined by the End Date of the term divided by two (if there is an even number of terms) or the middle date of the middle term (if there is an odd number of terms). The Semester Date is then compared to the Effective Date.

  • If the Effective Date is on or before the Semester Date, days between the Start Date of the first Term Schedule and the Semester Date are counted.
  • If the Effective Date is after the Semester Date, days between the day after the Semester Date and the end of the last term school are counted.
3How many annual hours of instruction are scheduled for a full-time student in the following grades?

Reports the maximum sum of instructional hours out of all schedule structures in the selected calendar(s).

The statutory minimum hours of instruction are printed on the report, and are as follows:

  • 4K/5K - 437
  • Grades 1-6 - 1,050
  • Grades 7-12 - 1,137

Part Time Home-Schooled Non-Resident Pupils (page 8b)

The Part Time Home-Schooled Non-Resident Pupils page provides a total of those students who are NOT residents of the district and are enrolled in a home-based private educational program.

Students must be non-residents and must have a Census Status of F: Less than Full Time Enrollment.

Students must be scheduled into one or two classes on the report Effective Date. If the student is scheduled for one class period, the value reports in the One Course column; if the student is scheduled for two class periods, the value reports in the Two Course column

Part Time Non-Resident Home Schooled Students, page 8b

Adjusted Count as of the Count Date (Page 9)

The Adjusted Count page sums data reported on Pages 1-4 and gives a final adjusted total. A student will only report in a given cell once for each calendar reported. See the list of Grade Level Descriptions for reporting logic on the grade levels.

Adjusted Count - Summary Format, page 9

Unreported Students

The Unreported Student page reports on the Detail PDF and CSV formats (the last column in the CSV output) when the Include Students who do not report checkbox is marked.  This section displays after page 4 and only includes those students who are not reported elsewhere on the report. 

Unreported Students - Detail Format

Detail Format Attendance Audit (CSV) Layout

Data ElementDescriptionType, Format and LengthCampus DatabaseCampus Interface
School NameReports the name of the school in which the student is enrolled.Alphanumeric, 30 charactersSchool.nameSystem Administration > Resources > School > Name
School NumberReports the number of the school in which the student is enrolled.Numeric, 15 digitsSchool.numberSystem Administration > Resources > School > School Number
Calendar NameReports the calendar of enrollment.Alphanumeric, 20 charactersCalendar.nameStudent Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Editor > Calendar
Last NameReports the student's last name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.lastNameCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name
First NameReports the student's first name.Alphanumeric, 50 charactersIdentity.firstNameCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name
Student Number
Reports the student' State ID. If there is no state ID, the local student number reports.Numeric, 9 digits



Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Local Student Number

GradeReports the student's grade level of enrollment.Alphanumeric, 2 charactersEnrollment.gradeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Grade Level
Date of Birth
Reports the students date of birth.

Date Field, 10 characters


Identity.birthDateCensus > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date
Enrollment Type

Reports the student's Enrollment Service Type (P: Primary, S: Partial or N: Special Education).

This displays on the CSV format.

Enrollment.typeStudent Information > General > Enrollments > General Enrollment Information > Service Type
Date Present Closest to Count Date - Before

Reports the latest date before the Count Date in which the student was in attendance in the selected calendar.

The student must be scheduled for at least one instructional period on the date in question and the student must be present in that period on the effective date (a period with no absence).

  • Absences with a status of Early Release, Tardy or Present are ignored as they are not considered absences.
  • Absences with an Excuse of Exempt are ignored as they are not considered absences.
  • Absences must have a Status of A on the effective date.

If the student was not present any days prior to the count date, a value of None reports.

Date field, 10 characters


Calculated value, data not stored

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance  Codes > Status and Excuse Options

Student Information > General > Attendance

Date Present Closet to Count Date - After

Reports the first date the student was in attendance in the selected calendar after the Count Date.

The student must be scheduled for at least one instructional period on the date in question and the student must be present in that period on the effective date (a period with no absence).

  • Absences with a status of Early Release, Tardy or Present are ignored as they are not considered absences.
  • Absences with an Excuse of Exempt are ignored as they are not considered absences.
  • Absences must have a Status of A on the effective date.

If the student was not present any days after the count date, a value of None reports.

Date field, 10 characters


Calculated value, data not stored

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance  Codes > Status and Excuse Options

Student Information > General > Attendance

Choice Program Participant Indicator Reports if student is a choice student.

  1. If Profile (System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection Detail) is Choice Only or Choice + Private Opt In, thenreport Yes.
  2. If Profile (System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection Detail) is Public, report based on the following:
    • If Choice Student is Y in Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields for the student, then report Yes.
    • If Choice Student is N in Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields for the student, then report No.
Alpha, 3 characters
System Administration > Ed-Fi > Ed-Fi Configuration > Connection Detail