The editors available on the Texas State Reporting Special Ed Data Plan provide all required information by the State of Texas. The Texas plan is used for state reporting purposes only. Editors are listed below. Included here are descriptions of editors and any specific instructions for entering data into Campus, as well as the section of the print format in which the information will appear.
The current format of this document is the TX SRSPD 20. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.
Texas IEP Editors
Individual Education Plan Editors
The following table lists the editors available on the student's Data Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.
Editor Name | Description | Special Considerations or Instructions |
Education Plan | The Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan. | This editor must be saved before entering data into other editors. |
Settings and Disabilities | The Settings and Disabilities editor is used to document the student's disabilities and special ed setting. | N/A |
Enrollment Status | The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment. | N/A |
Parent/Guardian Demographics | The Parent/Guardian Demographics editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. | N/A |
Team Meeting | The Team Meeting editor lists the team meetings held regarding the student and the participants of the meeting. Team Meetings display based on the Meeting Date. | The Print in Plan checkbox must be marked for the team meeting record to appear on the printed document. |
Language Acquisition Services | The Language Acquisition Services editor is used to document the type, frequency, and time spent administering language acquisition services to the student. | N/A |
Language Acquisition | The Language Acquisition editor is used to document the tool or assessment used and the assessment results for the student's language comprehension. | N/A |
Hearing Amplification | The Hearing Amplification editor is used to document the student's hearing assistive technology type, access, and average daily use. | N/A |
SPED Services | The Special Ed Services editor is used to document the services provided to the student for their special education needs, including Service Provider, Location, Session Length, and Frequency information. | N/A |
Related Services | The Special Ed Services editor is used to document the developmental, corrective, or other supportive services provided to the student for their special education needs, including Service Provider, Location, Session Length, and Frequency information.
| N/A |
Reporting Progress | The Reporting Progress editor is used to document the method and frequency of reporting the student's progress towards annual goals to the parent/guardian(s) of the student. | N/A |
PLAAFP | The Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) editor describes the academic, developmental, and functional needs of the student, including the student's current strengths, parental concerns, the student's needs, the results of assessments, and the impact of the student's exceptionality on their progress.
| N/A |
Special Factors | The Special Factors editor is used to document any additional factors that might contribute to additional support from special ed services to be provided to the student. | N/A |
Goals and Objectives | The Goals and Objectives editor lists goals designed to measure the student's progress in general education curriculum. Each goal includes how the goal is measured and how success is determined.
| N/A |
LRE | The Least Restrictive Environment editor is used to describe the extent to which the student will participate with their non-disabled peers in a general education setting, curriculum, and extracurricular/nonacademic activities. | N/A |
ESY Settings and Hours | The Extended School Year Setting and Hours editor is used to document the location and amount of time the student will spend in an extended school year program. | N/A |
Extended School Year | The Extended School Year editor indicates if the student requires services beyond the standard school time, such as beyond school hours or during breaks.
| N/A |
Transition Plan/Grad Statement | The Transition Plan/Grad Statement editor is used to document the student's needs, plans, and rights in transitioning from school to post-secondary life. This editor includes current interests and course of study and the student's goals relating to education, employment and living skills. | N/A |
Transition Services | The Transition Services editor describes any services the student may need for assisting in transition to post-graduation life. | N/A |
Transition Activities/Strategies | The Transition Activities/Strategies editor is used to document any transition services and the agency responsible for providing those services/activities. | N/A |
Dist-Wide Assessments | The District Wide Assessments editor is used to document the student's participation and/or assessments required for district wide assessments. | N/A |
Alt. Dist-Wide Assessments | The Alternative District Wide Assessments editor is used to document the student's participation in alternative assessments if standardized district with assessments are not an option. | N/A |
IEP Signature Page | The IEP Signature Page is used to document that the participant was invited to the IEP preparation and provided appropriate documentation. | N/A |
ISP Signature Page | The ISP Signature Page is used to document that the participant was invited to the ISP preparation and provided appropriate documentation. | This is only used for private school plans. |