Transcript (Texas)

Classic View: Student Information > General > Counseling > General > Transcript

Search Terms: Transcript

A transcript is a historical record of a student's performance in a course. The information printed on the transcript can vary from district to district depending on district preferences. Each district records grading information that students receive on transcripts and report cards. Grading information is connected to the course schedule of a student. Transcript fields that are specific to the state of Texas are described below. For all other inquiries, please visit the Transcript (Counseling) article. 

Much of the data that appears in the Transcripts tab is auto-populated from other areas of the software. Users may change the value of these fields within Transcripts. However, be aware that making a change here, does NOT change the value of the originating field. For this reason, modifying posted Transcript records may cause discrepancies in records.

Transcript Credit Information

Transcript Credit Information

Pass/Fail Credit

The Pass/Fail Indicator Code is used to indicate the outcome for a course taken by a particular student. The Pass/Fail Credit field automatically populates from the Pass/Fail Indicator Code field on the Grading By Task tab.

Making a change here, does NOT change the value of the originating field. For this reason, modifying posted Transcript records may cause discrepancies in records.

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Additional Information

Additional Information fields provide further details on the transcript entry, and includes localized fields (used for state reports) and district-defined fields (created by the district) This section is collapsible or expandable by clicking the minus/plus sign on the right-hand side.

Additional Transcript Information

Abbreviated Course Name

Abbreviated Course Name allows users to enter a shortened name for the course. Abbreviated Course Name is not used for state reporting. The Abbreviated Course Name field automatically populates from the Abbreviated Course Name field on the Course tab.

Making a change here, does NOT change the value of the originating field. For this reason, modifying posted Transcript records may cause discrepancies in records.

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Distance Learning

Distance Learning means remote instruction (instruction provided through a technology that allows for real-time, two-way interaction between a student and teacher who are in different physical locations) in which a student physically located at his or her home campus participates in a class provided at another campus in the same district or in another district at which students and a teacher are physically present. Distance Learning does not include instruction provided through the TxVSN. The Distance Learning field automatically populates from the Distance Learning field on the Course tab. Distance Learning is not used in state reporting.

Making a change here, does NOT change the value of the originating field. For this reason, modifying posted Transcript records may cause discrepancies in records.
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Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Learner Portfolio > Transcript Detail > distanceCode

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Ad Hoc Inquiries:

Student > Learner > Learner Portfolio > Transcript Detail > distanceCode

Special Explanation

The Special Explanation Code is a description authorized by TEA as a means to document on the transcript (AAR) specific information regarding the course to which the code is associated. Examples include explanation codes for course credit earned in middle school or at a college-level. More than one code may be included with a Course Type.

Making a change here, does NOT change the value of the originating field. For this reason, modifying posted Transcript records may cause discrepancies in records.

Only Special Explanations with a value in the Value column of the dictionary are reported.

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3Home/Private School CourseA course for which credit is awarded based on the district’s evaluation of the student’s records from any school that operates outside the Texas public or charter school system (i.e., home school, private school, out-of-state school, etc.)
7TEKS Based PE CourseA TEKS-based course that includes 100 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per five-day school week taken to satisfy the physical education requirement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
8LOTE FHSP CourseA course other than a Languages other than English (LOTE) course taken to satisfy the LOTE requiremment on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
9FHSP Fourth Science CourseA course taken by a student with written permission from the student's parent/guardian to satisfy the fourth science requirement for the arts and humanities endorsement on the Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
10FHSP CourseA course taken as a part of a Foundation High School Program (FHSP)
AATCP College Credit CourseA high school course for which college credit may be awarded by a college under the conditions of a local articulation agreement or the statewide Advanced Technical Credit Program agreement
CCorrespondence CourseA course taken by correspondence from an approved institution
DCollege Dual Credit CourseA college course for which the student earns dual credit
EExam Credit without Instruction CourseA course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had no prior instruction (Credit by Exam)
GGifted and Talented CourseA gifted/talented (G/T) course
HHonors CourseAn honors course (Note: This refers to locally approved honors courses. TEA does not review or approve honors courses.)
IIB CourseAn International Baccalaureate (IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools)
JPre 9th Grade High School CourseA high school course completed prior to grade nine
KPre IB CourseA pre-International Baccalaureate (pre-IB) course (for use only by authorized IB schools)
LLocal Credit CourseA course taken for local credit only
MMagnet School CourseA magnet course
PAP CourseA College Board-approved Advanced Placement (AP) course
QPre AP CourseA pre-Advanced Placement (pre-AP) course
RNon Traditional CourseA course completed in summer school, night school, or other instructional arrangement outside the regular school year and/or day
TExam Credit with Instruction CourseA course for which credit is awarded by examination in an academic subject in which the student has had some prior instruction
VTEKS Modified Course

A state-approved course in which content as described by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) has been modified as a result of an ARD committee decision.

This code is used only in the permanent records of students receiving special education services to indicate modifications in TEKS course content. The code is not used to indicate accommodations in instructional methods. It is not used to indicate where the course was taught such as in a resource, homebound, or self-contained setting. It is not used to indicate instructional accommodations for students under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

XInnovative CourseAn innovative course approved for state elective credit by the State Board of Education or the Commissioner of Education
ZDistance Learning CourseA course taken by distance learning, including but not limited to the Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN), television instruction, electronic transmission, or satellite broadcast

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Course Sequence

Course Sequence identifies the unique part(s) of a course when a course is taught during a single grading period, semester, or across multiple grading periods/semesters. The Course Sequence field  automatically populates from the Course Sequence field on the Course tab.

Making a change here, does NOT change the value of the originating field. For this reason, modifying posted Transcript records may cause discrepancies in records.

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