TL (Testing Online and Barcode Report) (Indiana)

PATH: IN State Reporting > TL 

This report gathers student information used to populate student-level information for online testing and barcode labels for the ECA, ISTEP+, IREAD3, and the WIDA tests during the testing cycle for each test administration window. The barcode labels and online information help reduce the exam's time requirements and ensures more accurate student information.

Report Logic

  • When the student is in a course where the State Code value is the test selected on the extract editor, the Primary teacher reports.
    • The teacher has a District Assignment (set on the section); however, the report considers the Primary Teacher area of the section and not the District Assignment Title.
    • The teacher whose Staff History Start/End Date falls in the report date range reports.
    • If there is not a Primary Teacher during the report date range, the Teacher Email Address column reports N/A.
    • The course must be in an instructional period.
  • If a student is LEP, only accommodations A: Read Aloud and E: Extended Time report for the ECA, ISTEP+, and/or IREAD assessments.

The following logic applies when the students being reporting are Testers (students taking a test for the first time).

 Path to State Grade Levels in Campus: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level


Report Logic

Extract Example (Click to Enlarge)
Multiple Collections This option allows you to generate records for one or more the following reports at once: ISTEP, IREAD3, and WIDA. All extract editor selections will apply to all reports.


The ECA Collections reports student(s) whose enrollment is marked for one of the ECA tests.

When Collection Period is... Then the collection reports...
1, 2, 3, or 5 all students that meet the report criteria effective on the date the report is run.
4 all students that meet the report criteria between the Start and End Date of the report range.


When Period 3 is selected for Collection Period, this collection reports all students that meet the reporting criteria between the Start and End Date of the report range.

Students only report when they have an enrollment starting on or after the Start Date where the enrollment is still active on the End date of the Date Range.

Students actively enrolled in a course with a Course State Code number matching the Test(s) selected in the Extract Editor.

Students who have withdrawn from a course with a Course State Code number matching the Test(s) selected in the Extract Editor are included when

  • the student withdrew/stopped taking the course prior to the last day of class
  • the student has a grade assigned to the course that is tied to a State Reported Grading Task.

Reports a single record per student per qualifying test. Duplicate records are NOT reported for overlapping enrollments or multiple consecutive enrollments.


The ISTEP Collection reports student(s) in State Grade Levels selected on the extract editor and whose enrollment falls on or within the report date range.

Homeroom classes do not require a State Code to be entered in the Course Editor for this field to report. Period classes do require a State Code.

Students whose enrollments are flagged as ISTEP Exclude on the Enrollments tab are not reported.

When Period R is selected for Collection Period, students with the ISTEP+ Math Retest checkbox OR students with the ISTEP+ ELA Retest checkbox marked on their Enrollments tab report. If both checkboxes are marked, a record reports for each test code.


The IREAD3 Collection reports student(s) according to the Collection Period selected.

  • Collection Period 1 reports 3rd Grade students not exempt from taking the IREAD-3 (Indiana Reading Evaluation And Determination) assessment and students in any other grade who will participate in the IREAD-3 assessment.
  • Collection Period 3 reports students in any grade who will participate in IREAD-3 summer retest.



The WIDA collection reports students marked as WIDA on their most recent current, active enrollment. 

The following accommodations are reportable when the WIDA assessment is selected:

  • P: Regular Paper Format
  • L: Large Print
  • 1: Braille: UEB and/or UEB with Nemeth Contracted
  • 2: Braille: EBAE/Nemeth Contracted

Generating the Extract

  1. Select one of the Collections to generate.
  2. Select the Collection Period:

    An exception to the following logic is that students who have withdrawn are only reported when they meet the following criteria: Dropped the class before the last day of class, has as a Grade tied to a State Reported Grading Task AND meets the criteria indicated in the Report Logic section.

    Collection Period

    This Collection Period reports...

    Collection 1
    (or Period 1, 2, 3, 5 for ECA)

    all students who are active on the day the report is run report. The report selects students based on student enrollment AND current course schedule.

    Collection 2 (or Period 4 for ECA)

    students who meet the following criteria:
    - Enrollment begins on or after the Start Date of the report’s Date Range; AND
    - Enrollment is active ON the End Date of the Date Range.

    Period R students that are Grade 10 Retesters. This Collection Period only reports for the ISTEP Collection.
  3. Enter a Date Range. (Does not apply to all Collections)
  4. Select one of the following Tests (ILEARN Only)
    1. 3024: ILEARN Biology
    2. 1540: ILEARN U.S. Government
  5. Set up the following Grades Level and Class Period options:


    Extract Options


    Select the appropriate grades.
    Select the Homeroom checkbox or enter the appropriate Period.

    or WIDA
  6. Select one of the following Sort By options (ILEARN Only):
    1. Collection
    2. Student Identifier
  7. Select one of the following formats:
    • Comma Separated
    • HTML
    • XML
  8. Select the calendar(s) to include in the report.
  9. Click Generate Now or Submit to Batch.

    Tip: The Batch Queue tool is used by some districts/states to generate large, system-intense reports. See the Batch Queue help article for more information.

Testing Online and Barcode Report Layout

Element Name


Type, Format, and Length

Campus Database

Campus Location

School Number

The state assigned School ID where the student is being tested.

Numeric, 4 digits


System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number

Last Name

The student's last name.

This field is only included in HTML format.

Alphanumeric, N/A Identity.lastName Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name
First Name

The student's first name.


This field is only included in HTML format.

Alphanumeric, N/A Identity.firstName Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Student Test Number (STN)

The official Student Test Number (STN) assigned to the student.

Numeric, 9 digits


Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

Enrolled Grade

The grade in which the student is enrolled.

If there are... Then....
multiple enrollments in the year and the dates don’t overlap the grade level set on the last enrollment reports.
multiple enrollments that have overlapping dates the grade level set on the Primary enrollment reports.
multiple Primary enrollments that have overlapping dates the grade level set on the enrollment with the highest enrollmentID reports.
Alphanumeric, 2 characters GradeLevel-dep20101.stateGrade System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grades > State Grade Level

Primary Exceptionality

The exceptionality area that describes the special education student’s primary eligibility classification. See the Primary Exceptionality Codes following this table.

The following collections only report locked IEPs that have not been end dated by the date on which the report is generated:

  • ISTEP, IREAD3, and WIDA - Period 1
  • ECA - Periods 1, 2, 3, and 5

Numeric, 2 digits


Student Information > Special Ed > Enrollment Editor > Primary Disability

Section 504 Plan

Identifies whether the student is covered by a Section 504 Plan. A Section 504 Plan allows a student that does not have an IEP to take the test with accommodations.

  • If CSEP is selected on the enrollment, C reports.
  • If CSEP is NOT selected and the student has an active Section 504 record on the Effective date or within the Date Range of the report and
    • the student has NO active IEPs, Y reports.
    • the student has an IEP and they are already eligible for test accommodations, N reports.

Otherwise, N reports.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Information > Program Participation > Section 504


Identifies the accommodations, if there are any, that are to be given to this student.

Accommodations report when they are selected on the Test Accommodations tab and associated with a Test Code that has a Standard Code reporting.

  • If there is no Accommodations Record, reports.
  • If multiple accommodations are selected and ALL have an N in the value field on the data dictionary, reports.
  • If multiple accommodations are selected, accommodations that have an N in the value field on the data dictionary do not report. For example, 3 Accommodations are present  with the values of A, B, and N. Only AB reports.

Allowable Codes

  • A, E, L, P, S, T, 1, 5,
  • ILEARN only: B, H, M, R, V
  • or any combination of the letters and numbers
Alphanumeric, 1-5 characters


Student Information > General > Test Accommodations

English Language Proficiency Level

Identifies whether the student qualifies for LEP services based on the Result found on their selected LEP Assessment.

Valid Values

  • N - No reports if the Result on the selected LEP Assessment is 5 or 6.
  • Y - Yes reports if the Result on the selected LEP Assessment is 1, 2, 3, or 4. The student was assessed on the Alternate WIDA for Special Education Students (an assessment where the State Code is 10).

How the LEP Assessment is Selected

  • Campus first reviews the most recent assessment by the Assessment Date with Assessment Type "LPF: LEP for Proficiency" where the LEP Assessment Date is the same or previous to the Snapshot Date.
  • If the student does not have an LPF assessment, Campus uses the most recent Assessment taken by date with the type "LID: LEP for Identification" where the LEP Assessment Date is the same or previous to the Snapshot Date.
  • Only assessments tied to a State Test with State code 1-6, 05, 06 OR a District Test with code of 7-9 are selected.
  • If multiple LPF or LID assessments exist on the same date, Campus uses the assessment with the highest ID.

Alphanumeric, 1 character


Student Information > General > Assessments > LEP > Result

Test Code

The code for the subject or test. See the Test Codes following this table.

Numeric, 4 digits


Scheduling > Courses > Course Editor

Grade Level Options




Grade 3


Grade 4


Grade 5


Grade 6


Grade 7


Grade 8


Grade 9


Grade 10


Grade 11


Grade 12


Grade 12+/Adult 

13 = Grade 12+/Adult students may be
students who received Certificates of
Achievement or Course Completion and who
have returned for further education and to
possibly earn a regular or other diploma.

Primary Exceptionality Codes




Not Applicable to this student


Multiple Disabilities


Orthopedic Impairment


Blind or Low Vision (formerly Visual Impairment)


Deaf or Hard of Hearing (formerly Hearing Impairment)


Emotional Disability (Full Time)


Emotional disability (Other)


Specific Learning Disability (formerly Learning Disability)


Developmental Delay (Ages 3-5A only)


Language or Speech Impairment (formerly Communication Disorder)


Mild Cognitive Disability (formerly Mild Mental Disability)


Moderate Cognitive Disability (formerly Moderate Mental Disability)


Severe Cognitive Disability (formerly Severe Mental Disability)




Autism spectrum disorder


Traumatic brain injury


Other health impairment

Accommodations needed for the student to participate in State Testing

Code Accommodation
N None (No Accommodations)
D American Sign Language

Extra Time

K Scribe
L Large Print Booklet

Paper Booklet

1 Braille: UEB and/or NEB with Nemeth Contracted
9 Alternative Indication of Response

Test Codes

Test codes report based on the Test(s) selected on the extract editor.




  • 1004 = ECA GQE English 10
  • 2520 = ECA GQE Algebra I


  • 9900 = ISTEP+ Grades 3-8
  • 9901 = ISTEP+ ELA Retest checkbox
  • 9902 = ISTEP+ Math Retest checkbox
  • 9903 = ISTEP+ Grades 4 & 6
  • 9904 = ISTEP+ Grades 5 & 7
  • 9910 = 4th Grade ISTEP without I-READ3
  • 9920 = ISTEP+ High School Biology
  • 9921 = Biology, Advanced Placement
  • 9922 = Biology, International Baccalaureate Part 1

If the 4th Grade ISTEP without I-READ3 checkbox is marked on the student’s enrollment, the code set 9911, 9912, and 9913 report. Otherwise, the codes report based on the student's grade level and the test boxes selected on their enrollment.

Students in a Biology course (state code = 3024) report 9920.

If a grade level / period combination does not identify another test code, 9900 reports.

If the ISTEP+ Math Retest checkbox is marked on the Enrollments tab for Period R, 9901 reports.

If the ISTEP+ ELA Retest checkbox is marked on the Enrollments tab for Period R, 9902 reports.

  • 8802 = WIDA ACCESS 2.0 ONLINE, Grades 1-12
  • 8810 = WIDA Tier A
  • 8820 = WIDA Tier B
  • 8830 = WIDA Tier C
  • 8840 = Kindergarten
  • 8850 = Alternate ACCESS

If the WIDA Tier is blank, the Test Code element reports according to the student's grade level.

  • If the Enrollment Grade reported is KG, the Test Code element reports 8840.
  • If the Enrollment Grade reported is 1-12, the Test Code element reports 8802.
  • 9975 = IREAD-3 Grade 3




