Remote Dial-In Administration

The following information is provided by Shoutpoint. More information regarding Shoutpoint can be found here.

Remote Dial-in Administration covers user and contact maintenance. For information about creating and maintaining notifications see Creating Remote Dial-in Campaigns.

This article contains the following topics:

Accessing the Remote Dial-In Console

  1. Go to:
  2. Enter your username and password or enter your numeric PIN.
  3. Click OK. The Notifications screen displays.

Remote Dial-in Web Access


Notifications are voice/text message campaigns districts create to send urgent or important messages to students, parents and staff. Notifications can be sent immediately or scheduled for a later date and time.

Remote Dial-In - Notifications

Remote Dial-In - Notifications
By default, notifications scheduled for the the current date will be displayed. To see notifications for a different date range, enter the desired start and end dates (or use the calendar feature to select the dates) and then click the filter icon.

Results will be displayed in the user’s local time zone, from newest notification to oldest. 

  • A notification that is actively in progress will show as “running,” followed by “stopping” when it is nearing completion.
  • Notifications set to begin at a later time will
    show as “waiting."
  • A current-date notification that was stopped before it could complete will show as "stopped."
  • A notification that was completed on the current date will show as "done."
  • Notifications from past dates will show as "not loaded" regardless of their completion status.

PIN Users

View a List of PIN Users

Users may click the vertical ellipsis icon in the upper right-hand corner, and then select “Share List of Users” to send the full list of users to an email address. Users on computers and some wireless devices will also have the option to download the full list of the district’s current PIN users.

Remote Dial-In - PIN Users

Adding a New PIN User

  1. Select Pin Users from the Index.
  2. Select the Create a new user icon. A User Detail editor will display. 
  3. Enter a First Name, Last Name, and Email for the new user.
  4. Click SAVE. The new PIN user's information will appear in the PIN Users list and a confirmation message will be sent to the email address of the new user.

Create a new user

PIN Users can not set up new users or manage contact queries.

Deleting a PIN User

  1. Select the correct user from the list.
  2. Click the Delete button. The user will be removed from the list.

Delete User PIN

Resetting a PIN

  1. Select the correct user from the list.
  2. Select Reset PIN icon. The new PIN will be emailed to the address provided.
  3. Click Save.

Reset PIN

Recipient Segments

Send Voice/Text messages to a specific group of student and staff recipients by creating a Recipient Segment. Using the filter options available, identify specific recipient groups to receive only the information they need. Example: create a Recipient Segment for each school in the district for only students/staff of the selected school to receive Call/Text notifications. Users may edit and delete existing segments as needed.

Create Student and Staff Recipient Segments

A sample of recipients displays in the Sample Recipients box. Select the refresh icon in Sample Recipients to query the recipient sample on only the selected filters. 

Create new Recipient Segments

  1. Select the Recipient Segments tab.
  2. Enter a Segment Name.
  3. Select the desired Recipient Types.
  4. Select a school or multiple schools to filter the recipient segment to.
  5. Select Grade Levels filter if desired.
  6. Select Languages filter if desired.
  7. Select a Relationship Types filter of the student's contacts.
  8. Select Save.

Recipient Imports

To manage importing and updating contacts automatically through Campus, see the Automatically Importing and Updating Contacts (Remote Dial-In) article.

The Recipient Imports tab is where the administrator can import and update contacts. The admin can manually upload a new data file into the system. The file still requires the same format as what is sent automatically, but it allows the admin to navigate to their local computer or a network drive and perform a manual upload. As with the automatic load, this WILL replace the existing data.

Recipient Impor

Importing and Updating Contacts

  1. Select the Recipient Imports tab.
  2. Select Import/Update Contacts. A window will open displaying files for uploading.
  3. Locate the desired file.
  4. Click Save. Contacts will be imported.
The Recipient Imports page displays the district’s recently loaded contact lists, with a pink “Active” label next to the most recently loaded list. Only the “Active” list will be used for creating new notifications; previous list imports are displayed for reference. Updated lists are automatically imported from the contact database nightly

Shoutpoint - Recipient Imports 

Recipient Import StatsDescription
If there are any import warnings or errors, there will be a blue “Export Errors” button for users to select to download a file containing details about the warnings and errors.
Recipient Contact Methods
Reflects how many recipient phone numbers are in the
contact list. Each recipient (parents/guardians and school staff members) may have 1 or more
contact method (phone number set to receive phone calls or text messages).

Imported RecipientsReflects how many recipients are in the contact list.
Import Warnings
Reflects the number of contact list records that contain invalid data,
but were still imported. 
Import Errors
Reflects the number of contact list records that
could not be imported at all. Most import errors are due to invalid phone numbers, or a recipient not having any contact methods set.