Graduation Data Extract (South Dakota)

PATH: SD State Reporting > Graduation Data Extract

New Look of Campus Path: Reporting > SD State Reporting > Graduation Data

The Graduation Data Extract allows the state and districts to generate graduation data for 9-12 grade students.

Report Population and Business Rules

Report all student in state grades 9-12 who are or were enrolled between report generation dates in selected calendar of report generation

  • Report Primary and Partial enrollments:
    • If student has both a primary and partial enrollment, report a record for each if Enrollment Status is unique.
    • If student has both a primary and partial enrollment, report one record if Enrollment Status is the same.
  • Student does not have to be actively enrolled as of report generation end date.
  • Report a record for each enrollment record the student has in the selected calendar.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Start Date. Only enrollment records active on or after this date are considered for the report.
  2. Select the End Date. Only enrollment records active on or before this date considered for the report.
  3. Select which grades are included in report data.
  4. Select which calendar(s) will report data.
  5. Select the Extract Format.
  6. Click Generate Extract to generate the report immediately or click Submit to Batch to schedule when the system will generate the report.

Report Data Elements

Data Element

Business Rules

Data Source GUI Path

First NameThe student's first name.Census > People > Identity > First Name
Last NameThe student's last name.Census > People > Identity > Last Name
State IDThe student's State ID.Census > People Demographics > Student State ID
District NumberThe reporting district's District Number.System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Code

District Name

The name of the reporting district.System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Name
School NameThe name of the reporting school.System Administration > Resources >School > School Name
GradeThe student's state grade level code.State Grade Level
GenderThe student's gender.Census > People > Identity > Gender

Start Date

The Start Date of the student's current Primary enrollment record in the reporting school.

  1. When Enrollment Status code is unique on multiple enrollments, report a record for each enrollment with a unique Enrollment Status code reporting each start and end dates for enrollment
  2. When state funding code is the same on multiple enrollments, just report active enrollment's start date and end date if populated.
Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date

End Date

The End Date of the student's current Primary enrollment record in the reporting school.

  1. When Enrollment Status code is unique on multiple enrollments, report a record for each enrollment with a unique Enrollment Status code reporting each start and end dates for enrollment
  2. When state funding code is the same on multiple enrollments, just report active enrollment's start date and end date if populated
Enrollments > End Date

State Funding Enrollment StatusIndicates the student's Enrollment Status:Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Enrollment Status
Graduation CohortThe student's graduation NCLB Cohort End Year. Graduation > NCLB Cohort End Year

Percent EnrolledThe student's percentage of enrollment in reporting school.Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Percent Enrolled
9th Grade Entry The date the student entered 9th grade. Graduation > Date First Entered the 9th Grade

Diploma TypeThe type of diploma the student received. Graduation >
Diploma PeriodIndicates when the student received their diploma:
  • EA: Early
  • SP: Spring
  • SU: Summer
Graduation >
Graduation Endorsement (State Seal)Any endorsements the student may have. Each code can be reported once.Graduation > Graduation Endorsements > Endorsements

1, 2, 3
Graduation DateThe student's graduation date. Graduation > Diploma Date


Active Year

The 4-digit end year of the active calendar year.
For example, a value of 2022 would report for the 2021-2022 school year.
Calendar > End year