Schedule Structures

Classic Path: System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Schedule Structure

Search Terms: Schedule Structure

Schedule Structures provide a means of allowing different groups of students (by grade level, by different terms, by different day layout) to have a unique layout for their learning day. They allow the school calendars to have multiple schedules in one calendar, instead of having one calendar with each type of schedule. 

Consult with Infinite Campus prior to creating Schedule Structures. There may be other ways to accomplish the needs of the district without using this tool, and there may be limitations with your state reporting.

Schedule Structure Editor

Schedule Structures

Multiple schedule structures can be used when different groups of students meet at different times during the day. For example, when a schedule structure is created for kindergarten students who meet three days a week for four hours, a term structure and a period schedule is created for that schedule structure. The same is true for the first through fifth grade students, and the sixth through eighth grade students.

If different term structures are needed (quarters and trimesters), a separate schedule structure is needed for each one and will be tied to a term structure and period schedule. Multiple term structures should not be used with a single schedule structure.

Schedule structures are not the same as period structures.

  • Period structures are used for rotating days where the structure of the day is the same.
  • Schedule structures can provide a school with more ways to achieve their education goals because they have more fluidity.

The concept of schedule structures is a calendar within a calendar that permits variations in grade levels, terms, period and day structures.

After creating schedule structures, the user may need to log out of the application and log back in to select a structure from the dropdown list, so that term structures and period schedules can be created.

Be aware that schedule structures affect everything, including enrollments, attendance recording and course layout. It is best to use schedule structures only where appropriate.

Students can only be enrolled in one schedule structure at any given time in a selected calendar. There could be situations where a student is enrolled in a schedule structure in one calendar, and a different schedule structure in another calendar.

Every calendar automatically has one schedule structure that is called Main. This can be renamed at any time. When two or more schedule structures are created, an additional dropdown list will become available from the Campus toolbar. The tabs for grade levels, terms, periods and days are all dependent on the schedule structure selected from the dropdown list.

Add Schedule Structures

  1. Select the New icon.
  2. Enter a Name for the schedule structure. This name can be reflective of the grade levels served.
  3. Enter a numeric value (1-1000) in the Sequence field. This allows a structure to be sorted in order of preference. Structures with a sequence of 1 display first in the list. Structures without a sequence are sorted alphabetically.
  4. Mark the External LMS Exclude checkbox to exclude this record from being shared with an external learning management system, such as through OneRoster or a custom district configuration. Marking this checkbox for a Schedule Structure also applies to all Grade Levels, Sections, and Enrollments within it.
  5. Click the Save icon when finished. The new structure will be listed in the Schedule Structure Editor list.

Once the schedule structures have been added for this calendar, the Grade Levels can be entered.




