DF18 Student Teacher Ratio Report (Nevada)

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The DF18 Student Teacher Ratio Report is an aggregated student and teacher count by grade level used by districts to create lists of students and teachers that meet state defined class size ratio reporting criteria. This report and its associated elements are reported as designated by the Nevada Accountability Handbook.

Example DF18 Student Teacher Ratio Report Editor

Report Logic

  • The Student Teacher Ratio Report captures students enrolled in grades 01 – 06 that are scheduled into active courses and calculates an aggregate of students by grade level and displays a total sum in the report.
  • Teachers are also captured in the report and are aggregated by grade level much like the student population. If a staff member is teaching in a classroom with mixed grade levels, the staff member’s FTE is divided amongst the number of grade levels found in the classroom. Multiple teachers in a single classroom can be included in the aggregate. For example, if a staff member is teaching a section with both Grade 01 and 02, .5  is assigned to each grade level.
  • Only students and staff from Instructional sections report. To report, the section must be tied to a period where "Non-Instructional" is not marked.
  • Staff are not included if they have a District Assignment with the "Special Ed OR Program" option selected. District assignments must be active on the Snapshot Date selected on the extract editor.
  • Kindergarten is unique and reports the number of sections found within the calendar rather than the number of staff teaching sections marked as kindergarten.
  • Students are calculated according to the State Grade Level Code associated with their enrolled grade.
  • Students must be scheduled into a course section on the selected Snapshot Date.
  • Student must have an enrollment with Service Type = P.
  • Teachers are calculated on the Snapshot Date based upon the grade level(s) of the students included in the roster of the section.
  • Teachers must have a staff history record active on the Snapshot Date.
  • By default, Primary teachers are included.
  • Teachers are included if the staff member is assigned the role "Co-Teacher."
  • Kindergarten sections with the same staff and roster are only counted once.
  • Grade 01 through 06 Staff members are only counted once per grade level in the aggregate.

 Students are NOT included if:

  • their enrollment record is marked as No Show;
  • their Grade Level of enrollment is marked as State Exclude; or
  • their Calendar of enrollment is marked as State Exclude.

Report Editor

The following defines the options available on the DF18 Student Teacher Ratio Report editor.



Snapshot Date Enter a Snapshot Date to find aggregates of students and teachers. The Snapshot Date will default to December 1.

Extract Type

Determines which report will generate: School Summary or Student Detail.


Selection determines how the report will generate. Options are CSV or HTML. Use the HTML format for data review prior to sending to the state.

District Wide Marking this checkbox allows you to run the report across multiple calendars.
Ad Hoc Filter Select an Ad Hoc filter to limit report results to those that meet filter requirements.

Calendar Selection

Selection indicates from which school year and school teacher data is pulled. Multiple calendars may be selected. The calendar chosen in the Campus toolbar is automatically selected in the extract editor.

Report Generation

The report can be marked to generate immediately using the Generate Extract button or can be marked to generate at a later time using the Submit to Batch button. See the Batch Queue article for additional guidance.

School Summary Extract Example and Layout

The School Summary Extract reports the total students enrolled in grades 01 – 06 that are scheduled into active courses and the total number of teachers for each grade.

Column Description Type, Length, Format Campus Database Campus Location
School Number The state school number. Alphanumeric, 7 characters School.number System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number
School Name The school's name. Alphanumeric, 40 characters School.name System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > Name
Kindergarten Classes The total number of kindergarten classes. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Kindergarten Students The total number of kindergarten students. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Grade 01 Teachers The total number of Grade 01 teachers.

Numeric, 9 digits


Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Grade 01 Students The total number of Grade 01 students.

Numeric, 10 characters

Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Grade 02 Teachers The total number of Grade 02 teachers.

Numeric, 9 digits


Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Grade 02 Students The total number of Grade 02 students. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Grade 03 Teachers The total number of Grade 03 teachers.

Numeric, 9 digits


Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Grade 03 Students The total number of Grade 03 students. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Grade 04 Teachers The total number of Grade 04 teachers.

Numeric, 9 digits


Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Grade 04 Students The total number of Grade 04 students. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Grade 05 Teachers The total number of Grade 05 teachers.

Numeric, 9 digits


Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Grade 05 Students The total number of Grade 05 students. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Grade 06 Teachers The total number of Grade 06 teachers.

Numeric, 9 digits


Not dynamically stored Course > Section > Roster
Grade 06 Students The total number of Grade 06 students. Numeric, 10 characters Not dynamically stored Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade

Student Detail Extract Example and Layout

This extract reports individual students that are associated with a reported grade level that meets the criteria of each aggregate column in the School Summary extract.

Column Description Type, Length, Format Campus Database Campus Location
School Number The state school number. Alphanumeric, 7 characters School.number System Administration > Resources > School > School Detail > State School Number
Last Name The student's last name. Alphanumeric, 40 characters Identity.lastName Census > People > Demographics > First Name
First Name The student's first name. Alphanumeric, 35 characters Identity.firstName Census > People > Demographics > Last Name
Student Number The unique ID assigned to the student. Alphanumeric, 15 characters Person.studentNumber Census > People > Demographics > Local Student Number
Grade The student's grade level. Alphanumeric, 4 characters Enrollment.grade Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade
Gender The student's gender. This field reports M or F. Alphanumeric, 1 character Identity.gender Census > People > Demographics > Gender

The student's ethnicity. The following codes report:

Code Description
I Native American Alaskan Native
A Asian
H Hispanic
B Black or African American
C White
P Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
M Two or More Races
Alphanumeric, 1 character Identity.raceEthnicity Census > People > Race/Ethnicity