These cases are included in the Campus.2008 release pack.
Data Definition Language Scripts (DDL)
This section lists data structures that were created, altered, or dropped, based on the vocabulary used to define data structures in SQL Server.
New Tables
Case Number | Table | Description |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardImport | The credit card number in the uploaded file. |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardImportHeader | The user entered information about the credit card statement upload. |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardImportItem | The lines in the credit card statement upload. |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardImportItemDistribution | The distribution of credit card statement line items between GL accounts. |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardInfo | Information on the district credit cards. |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardUploadCSVMapping | The user entered information about the CSV file mapping for credit card statements. |
SIS-125763 | APCreditCardVendor | Will maintain records of credit card vendors. |
SIS-125763 | APVendorAlias | The vendor aliases from the credit card statements. |
SIS-129416 | CFAssociation | Case competency framework association: this is the container for the data about the relationship between two cfdocuments or between two cfitems outside of the context of a cfpackage or cfitem. |
SIS-129416 | CFAssociationGrouping | Case competency framework association grouping. |
SIS-129416 | CFConcept | Case competency framework concept. |
SIS-129416 | CFDocument | Case competency framework document. |
SIS-129416 | CFDocumentSubject | Case competency framework document subject join table. |
SIS-129416 | CFImportLog | Import log for case competency framework data. |
SIS-129416 | CFItem | Case competency framework item: this is the container for the cfitem data outside of the context of a cfpackage. This is the content that either describes a specific competency (learning objective) or describes a grouping of competencies within the taxonomy of a competency framework document. |
SIS-129416 | CFItemType | Case competency framework item type. |
SIS-129416 | CFLicense | Case competency framework license. |
SIS-129416 | CFLink | Case competency framework link. |
SIS-129416 | CFSubject | Case competency framework subject. |
SIS-129416 | CurriculumStandard_CASEId | |
SIS-129486 | EarlyInterventionServiceBIE | BIE specific table for coordinated early intervening services. |
SIS-134417 | ExpandedLearningOpportunities | |
SIS-129416 | GradingTask_CASEId | |
SIS-133501 | GradingWindowExceptionGrade | Represents the grades in a particular gradingwindowexception. |
SIS-132868 | GradingWindowExceptionStudent | Represents the students in a particular gradingwindowexception. |
Modified Tables
Case Number | Table | Column | Data Type | Description |
SIS-125763 | APInvoice | parentID | int | Internal database identifier to the parent invoice (used for credit card processing). |
SIS-125763 | APInvoice | hasChildren | bit | This determines if this invoice has related children invoices. |
SIS-133565 | ARInvoice | shipToName | varchar(100) | The ship to address name on the invoice. |
SIS-133565 | ARInvoice | billToName | varchar(100) | The bill to address name on the invoice. |
SIS-129416 | CurriculumStandard | imported | bit | Indicates the standard group task was imported, may related to case standards. |
SIS-129416 | CurriculumStandard | batchImporting | bit | Indicates the standard group task is being imported with batch, skips trigger sorting for TreeTraversalSeq. |
SIS-133389 | EdFiResync | disableResources | bit | Determines whether the resources in this resync should be disabled while it is running. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | independentStudy | varchar(15) | Independent student flag. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | enrollingSchool | varchar(6) | Enrolling school. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | schoolStatus | bit | Enrolling public school. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | displacedHomemaker | varchar(15) | Displaced homemaker. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | specialServiceHours | varchar(8) | Special ed service hours. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | cISPSEOConEnr | bit | CIS PSEO concurrent enrollment flag. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | stateWard | varchar(15) | Ward of state. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | pseo1 | bit | Post secondary options indicator. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | specialCare | varchar(15) | Indicator to identify when a student has been placed in care and treatment. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | servPercent | int | Service hours percent reported. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | supplementalServices | varchar(15) | Type of supplemental educational service provided to low-income students. |
SIS-123647 | EnrollmentMN | militaryConnected | bit | Flag used to identify students who have an immediate family member who is currently in the armed forces either as a reservist or on active duty or has recently retired from the armed forces. |
SIS-129416 | GradingTask | imported | bit | Indicates the grading task was imported, may related to case standards. |
SIS-129416 | GradingTask | batchImporting | bit | Indicates the grading task is being imported with batch, skips trigger sorting for TreeTraversalSeq. |
SIS-130786 | OLPSettings | eCheckServiceFee | decimal | The service fee for using online payments with an e-check payment method, that the payer pays. |
SIS-130786 | OLPSettings | eCheckServicePercentActive | bit | If the district is charging a e-check service fee by an amount or percent. |
SIS-130786 | OLPSettings | eCheckServicePercent | decimal | The service fee for using online payments with an e-check payment method. Indicates the percentage of the amount the user must pay. |
SIS-134141 | RecurringFeePayment | lastExecutionStatus | varchar(30) | The status of the last recurring payment execution. |
SIS-134141 | RecurringFeePayment | lastExecutedDate | smalldatetime | The most previous date the recurring payment was executed on. |
SIS-134141 | RecurringPOSPayment | lastExecutionStatus | varchar(30) | The status of the last recurring payment execution. |
SIS-134141 | RecurringPOSPayment | lastExecutedDate | smalldatetime | The most previous date the recurring payment was executed on. |
SIS-134050 | SEPBehaviorIntervention | varchar2 | varchar(8000) | Generic varchar field to be used as states need. |
SIS-134050 | SEPBehaviorIntervention | varchar1 | varchar(8000) | Generic varchar field to be used as states need. |
SIS-134417 | School | pkFullDayWaiver | bit | Indicates if the school has been approved to not support full day preschool. |
Case Number | Table | Column | Data Type | Note | Description |
SIS-129416 | CurriculumStandard | description | nvarchar | Changed data type from varchar(MAX) to nvarchar. | Plain text long description of this standard. |
SIS-129416 | CurriculumStandard | name | nvarchar | Changed data type from varchar(50) to nvarchar. | User defined name of this standard. |
SIS-129416 | EdFiErrorLog | gradingTaskName | nvarchar | Changed data type from varchar(500) to nvarchar. | Used for errors associated with a grading task. |
SIS-129416 | GradingTask | description | nvarchar | Changed data type from varchar(MAX) to nvarchar. | Defintion of the standard, noting what the student is expected to perform or be able to do upon completion of the standard. |
SIS-129416 | GradingTask | name | nvarchar | Changed data type from varchar(500) to nvarchar. | Name assigned to the grading task. |
SIS-134073 | GraduationSeal | method | varchar(15) | Changed data type from varchar(5) to varchar(15). | User-defined value. |
SIS-129416 | TranscriptCourse | standardName | nvarchar | Changed data type from varchar(500) to nvarchar. | State or district-defined standardname for this course. |
Data Manipulation Language Scripts (DML)
This section lists scripts to add, modify, query, or remove data from a SQL Server database.
Case Number | State | Description |
SIS-135131 | Cleanup Script for Behavior Incident Context and Location. | |
SIS-133645 | WY | Immunization Rule Updated. |
SIS-126145 | GA | Immunization Rule Updated. |
SIS-131679 | AZ | Immunization Rule Updated. |
SIS-130255 | TC | Immunization Rule Updated. |
SIS-134698 | WI | Removed non-WI edfiResourcePreferences. |
SIS-134007 | CA | Immunization Rule Updated. |
SIS-129034 | KY | Conversion of BehaviorResolution schoolDaysDurationField. |
SIS-133389 | Converted remaining Ed-Fi v2 mapping. | |
SIS-133389 | Added DeleteOldErrorsFromEdFiErrorLog Job. | |
SIS-129486 | Added DIS Object EarlyInterventionServiceBIE. | |
SIS-123647 | MN | Moved Enrollment Fields from CustomStudent to EnrollmentMN. |
SIS-130786 | Transfered eCheck OLP Settings. | |
SIS-133896 | Added roster report tool right. | |
SIS-132265 | Deleted old mapping and choice discipline resources. | |
SIS-132886 | Updated new program column. | |
SIS-133421 | NJ | Added district. |