Custom Scanning Tools

The Scanning toolset is part of the Campus Workflow Suite.

Classic Path: Attendance > Scanning > Custom Scanning Tools

Search Terms: Custom Scanning Tools

Custom scanners created in System Administration are located in the Custom Scanning Tools module. These scanners can be used with a teacher attending the scanner or run as a kiosk. See the Custom Scanners settings documentation for additional information.

Image of a Custom Scanning ToolCustom Scanning Tools

If the Run with room selection option is selected for the custom scanner, the first screen of the scanner is the room selection screen. See the Custom Scanners settings documentation for additional information.

Image of a custom scanner with the Run with room selection optionRoom Custom Scanner Selection

If the Display Current Class option is selected for the custom scanner, the student's current and next class information display when they check in.Scanned in Student Current and Next Class Display

If a student forgets to scan out of a custom scanning location and scans into a new location, the student is checked in to the new location but not checked out of the previous location.

Previous Versions

Custom Scanning Tools [2.0.1 and previous]