With the release of Campus.2140 (on or around September 27, 2021), Campus is releasing an option to print seating charts from the Section list. This simple report is intended to assist schools in contact tracing.
In preparation, schools may want to encourage their teachers to create and maintain seating charts for their classes, especially as students drop and add sections, to ensure the accuracy of this report.
What's Coming
Classic View: Scheduling > Courses > Section
Search Terms: Course Sections
An option is being added to the end of the Section list to generate a PDF version of the section's seating chart(s). If a section has multiple seating charts, they are each included in the PDF.
Click the Seating Charts link to view a PDF
A user needs at least Read rights to this Sections tool to view this report.
In conjunction with a student's schedule, a seating chart allows school personnel to see who sits near a student who has been diagnosed with Covid-19 for contract tracing purposes.
Note: The Seating Charts link displays even if the section does not have a seating chart. In that case, a message of "No Seating Chart Reports are available for this section." displays.
How to Prepare
Classic View: Instruction > Seating Charts
Search Terms: Seating Charts
Many teachers already create seating charts for use in taking attendance. However, schools may want to put extra emphasis on creating and maintaining seating charts to ensure that this new report is accurate, especially given the frequent roster changes that often accompany the start of the school year.
Manage seating charts in Instruction
Teachers create Seating Charts in Instruction. Open the seating charts tool and click New to create a new chart or select a section and an existing chart and click Open Chart to edit it.
It may not be possible to exactly duplicate the layout of a classroom in the seating charts tool, but teachers are encouraged to consider contact tracing benefits when they create their charts.