Credit Groups

Classic View: Grading and Standards > Credit Groups 

Search Terms: Credit Groups

Credit Groups define how credits earned by students are counted on the transcripts and are used in tracking a student's progress towards graduation. Credits on the transcript will display chronologically, but a summary of student work is available on the transcript showing the number of credits in each category defined in the Credit Group. Credit Groups do not include the number of credits earned by a student, which is determined by the course's Grading Tasks, but instead organizes credits earned across courses on the student's Credit Summary tab. See the Uses in Campus for more information.

Credit Groups

Uses in Campus

  • Credit Groups are attached to a School on the School Standards tab, which lists all credit parent groups and parent groups for Standards in alphabetical order. If a School is selected in the Campus toolbar when you create a Credit Group, that group will be marked by default on that school's School Standards tab.
    • If a Credit Group is NOT marked on the School Standards tab for ANY school, the Credit Group is considered inactive. Any scores on the student's Transcript that are associated with an inactive credit group will display as such in the Transcript Credit Editor when entering a new transcript entry or editing an existing entry. The word INACTIVE displays behind the name of the Credit Group only; the transcript does not print this word. 
  • Credit Types, the Credit Groups within credit parent groups, are attached to Grading Tasks when they are aligned to Courses. The number of credits earned for that Grading Task are also indicated.
  • Credit Groups can be included in Transcripts by selecting the appropriate checkboxes when creating the Transcript Report Preferences. Credit Groups do not need to be selected for a specific School to be added to a Transcript Report.
  • Credit Groups are used in Academic Planning (Student Information) to define required credits and to indicate a student's progress towards completion of an academic program.
  • The student Credit Summary tab organizes the number of credits the student has earned in each Credit Group and Credit Type. In order to be included on this tab, Credit Groups must be selected in the Transcript Report Preferences AND have scores posted to the Grading Task that includes the Credit Group.

Credit Groups and Credit Types in Campus

Credit Groups vs. Credit Types

Credit Groups are buckets of credit types. They help to organize the credit types. A Group might be high level enough to be at the school level - High School, Middle School, etc. A Credit Type in this setup would be created for each area in which students receive credit - History/Social Studies, English, Science, Mathematics, etc.

Credit Groups are created first and follow a parent/child setup that other areas in Campus follow.

Credit Group Fields

The same fields exist when creating both groups and types.

Field Description
Name  Displays the name of the credit group/type.

PESC Standards are used in the eTranscript process to validate transcript records. See the eTranscript article for more information. 

If your district is using the eTranscript functionality, a value from this dropdown needs be to populated.

Parent Group

Selection indicates the credit group that is associated with this new credit type.

When creating a group, leave the Parent Group field blank. This field is only populated when creating a type.

Credit Overflow Rollup

This section indicates where the student receives credit when the student has met the credit requirement of the designated credit type and where the additional credit should now be placed. For example, a student takes 4 years of Math and only 3 years are required. The additional credit earned will overflow to Electives. Infinite Campus supports n-tiers of credit roll-ups, so it is possible for Math to roll-up to Academic Electives which roll up to General Electives.

This should only be populated on Credit Types.

Logic exists to eliminate the possibility of users creating an infinite loop of credit overflow assignment. For example, History Course A overflows to Government and Government Course B overflows to History, a loop is created. To eliminate this, a validation exists when saving the entry to check for any potential loops that may occur. Users must change the selections that are causing the loops before saving.

See the Credit Overflow Rollup section for more information and how it relates to Academic Planning.


 Enter any comments related to this new group or credit. 

Best Practices for Credit Groups and Credit Types

If you are using  Academic Planning functionality:

  • Set up a district-wide credit structure. This means all high schools within the district will have the same credit groups, and all middle schools that allow students to earn high school credits have the courses aligned to high school credits. This structure also allows for a student's academic plan to be easily updated if he transfers schools within the district.
  • Ensure Credit Types are granular enough to support all programs offered in the district. If a Credit Group is named High School, the Credit Types should be named according to each area of study in which a student can receive credit. This granularity does not need to be to the grade level, just the topic of credit (i.e., English, Math, Science).

Create Credit Groups 

  1. Click the New Group icon. A Credit Group Detail editor displays to the right.
  2. Enter the Name of the Credit Group.
  3. Click the Save icon. The new credit group is listed in the Credit Group Tree.

Create Credit Types

  1. Click the New Group icon. A Credit Group Detail editor displays to the right. 
  2. Enter the Name of the Credit Type.
  3. Select the PESC Name from the dropdown list, if desired.
  4. Select the Parent Group from the dropdown list.
  5. Select the appropriate option for the Credit Overflow Rollup option.
  6. Enter any Comments about the credit type.
  7. Click the Save button to finish creating the type.

Credit Overflow Rollup

This is necessary if you are using  Academic Planning.

The Credit Overflow Rollup field will redirect excess credits from the current credit type. Once the current credit type has met its credit requirements, any additional credits will be placed in the credit type designated by the value in the Credit Overflow Rollup field.

The Credit Overflow Override field is set for a single course Grading Task. It is used to roll credits when the current credit type has met its credit requirements. The credits from the course will first try to roll up to the override credit type. If that credit type has met its requirements, it will then look at the overflow setup for the course's credit type.

Credit Overflow Rollup Field

Credit Overflow Rollup In Practice

Taking four years of math meets the credit requirement of three years required by the state. The extra credit goes toward meeting the elective credit requirement, using the Credit Overflow Rollup field.

Campus supports n-tiers of credit rollups, so it is possible for Math to rollup to Academic Electives which roll up to General Electives. Campus also supports n-trees of credit rollups so it is possible for Math to roll up to Academic Electives and then Physical Education rolls up to General Electives for two separate end buckets.

Credit Overflow Override in Practice

A particular course may be able to count towards more than one credit type. For example, a particular CTE course may fulfill a science credit or a math credit. This course would be set up with its default credit type of Math and an override rollup credit type of Science.

If the student has completed their math requirement, this course would be counted as a science credit (only if a science credit was still needed). If both credit requirements were met, then the default rollup would occur, likely going from math to elective credit.

Course Grading Task Detail - Credit Overflow

Best Practices for Credit Overflow

  • If a credit is moved from overflow in one credit type to another, and the second credit type is full, the credit keeps moving until a credit type is found that hasn't met the minimum credit amount or a credit type that doesn't have the Credit Overflow Rollup set.
  • The Grad Progress tool will display the correct credits for:
    • each credit group total
    • each grade level/credit group field
    • each grade level total
    • each overflow total
    • and the overall total
  • The Course Plan displays the correct credits for:
    • each credit group
    • each grade level
    • each overflow credit that is counted in the correct credit group
    • all completed courses

Set Credit Overflow Rollup

  1. Create Credit Groups, following the procedures listed listed above.
  2. Create Credit Types, following the procedures listed above.

Set Credit Overflow Override

  1. Search for a Course and navigate to the Grading Tasks tab. 
  2. Select the Grading Task where the student receives credit (usually a Semester or Trimester grading task).
  3. Verify the Credit Type selected is the correct one. If not, select the correct one.
  4. Set the desired credit type option for the Credit Overflow Override field. This selection is the one in which the student receives credit if the student has met the desired credits.
