Custom Tab

PATH: System Administration > Custom > Custom Tab

The Custom Tab editor allows a district/state to define custom data objects for tracking local or state-level information. Custom data objects will display in the interface as new custom tabs. When created, custom tabs are district-wide, but information can be displayed/hidden from users through the assignment of user tool rights.

Custom Tab Tool

Custom Tab Functionality

Custom tabs can be used to create a new tab in the following areas of the user interface:

  • General (Student Information)
  • People (Census)
  • Academic Planning
  • Medicaid
  • LEP
  • Custom Programs
  • District Information
  • Special Education (Student Information)
  • PLP (Student Information)
  • Counseling (Student Information)
  • Health (Student Information)
  • Response to Intervention General
  • School

Custom Tab functionality varies depending on the Infinite Campus Editor. The following is available:

Information on a custom tab should NOT already have a designated area in the Campus product. As a best practice, Campus recommends a thorough review of existing Campus functionality and schema and contact with a Campus Support Representative before creating custom tabs.

Custom tabs are stored in the campusTool table of the Campus database.

Custom Tabs Tool vs. Attribute/Dictionary

The Custom Tab tool allows a district/state to create and manage its own localized, custom tabs.

The purpose of the Attribute Dictionary tool is to view all elements that have been customized for a district/state in addition to core elements. Locally created elements (by a system administrator per the Custom Tab and Custom Attribute tools) can be viewed and modified in the Custom Attribute tool.