Idaho State Reporting


ISEE Extracts

All ISEE (previously IURC) extracts are submitted for a specific date range. They are run as individual extracts and submitted to the state in a single file.

Disciplinary Actions Extract

The Disciplinary Actions extract reports behavior resolutions.

Performance Measure Files

The Idaho Performance Measure Files report individual student data and student counts for Carl Perkins Annual Report Submission.

 Unique ID Export  

The Unique ID Export is used to request a State ID for new students.

 Unique ID Import  

The Unique ID Import allows users to import State IDs from the file generated by the State.

 ISAT Extract  

The ISAT Extract collects enrollment, course and ISAT and alternative assessment information for the ISAT Test.

OSBE Direct Admissions
The OSBE Direct Admissions extract is a district-level report that includes demographic and mailing address information for students who are expected to graduate in the next school year.