Classic View: Student Information > General > Enrollments
Search Terms: Enrollments
The Enrollments tool displays all current and historical occurrences of a student's enrollment in a district.
By default, enrollment records are listed first by grade level, then by enrollment start date. To reorder the list of enrollments, click the blue hyperlinked headers in the Enrollments Editor list. The list of enrollments can be sorted by Grade, Calendar, Start Date or End Date.
See the core Enrollments article for information on necessary tool rights, available Ad hoc fields, and guidance on adding and printing Enrollment records.
General Enrollment Information
The General Enrollment Information editor describes the calendar, schedule, grade, start/end date and reason for the creation or ending of the enrollment record.
Classic View: Enrollment Start Status, End Status
Enrollment Start Status indicates the reason a student began enrollment, whether entering the school or district or advancing from another grade. End Status indicates the reason a student ended an enrollment, such as leaving the school or moving to another grade.
General Enrollment Fields
The following table defines each field within the General Enrollment Information editor.
Field | Description |
Calendar | The calendar assigned to the enrollment record. |
Schedule | The schedule assigned to the enrollment record. |
Grade | The student's grade level. |
Class Rank Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from class rank calculations. |
Start Date | The start date of the enrollment record. |
No Show | Indicates the student was a no show. This field will often exclude the enrollment record from being included in state reports. |
End Date | The end date of the enrollment record. |
End Action | Indicates whether the student was promoted, demoted or retained following the end of the enrollment record. |
Service Type | Indicates the type of enrollment. Options are:
Local Start Status | Indicates the reason for starting a new enrollment record. |
Local End Status | Indicates the reason for ending the enrollment record. |
State Start Status | Displays the state start status mapped to the assigned local start status. |
State End Status | Displays the state end status mapped to the assigned local end status. |
Transfer to District | Assigned county district code of the district to which the student was transferred. |
Transfer to School | Assigned school code of the school to which the student was transferred. |
Start Comments | Comments about creating the enrollment record. |
End Comments | Comments about the ending of the enrollment record. |
State Reporting Fields
The State Reporting Fields editor contains data elements used in state reporting extracts and federal reporting.
State Reporting Fields
State Reporting Options
Field | Description | Database Location | Reports |
State Exclude | Excludes the enrollment record from reporting on all state reporting extracts that honor state exclude functionality. | Enrollment.stateExclude | N/A |
Homeless Required | Identifies a student who, at any time during the current school year, lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. | Enrollment.homeless | |
Home Schooled | Indicates the student receives an education through home school. | Enrollment.home Schooled | |
Migrant Indicator Required | Identifies a student who is a migrant and whether he/she is eligible for services. A Migrant is a student who has moved across school district boundaries within the preceding 36 months to seek or obtain (or to accompany or join a parent, spouse, or guardian who is seeking to obtain) temporary, seasonal employment in agriculture or fishing, or to work in a meat processing plant. | Enrollment.migrant | |
Immigrant | Indicates whether a student is an immigrant and either receiving or not receiving services.Values report as Y:Yes, student is an immigrant or N:No, student is not an immigrant. Previous logic the selection of specific immigrant services. This was changed in the .1342 Release Pack (October 2013). The following describes the previous options and what value reports now.
| Enrollment.immigrant | |
Title III Immigrant | Identifies an ELL student who is receiving services funded through Title III. Title III Immigrant options include the following:
| Enrollment.title3Immigrant | MOSIS Student Core |
Gifted/Talented | Identifies whether the student is considered gifted or talented. Gifted/Talented options include these:
| Enrollment.gifted | |
Title 1 | Identifies a student who is receiving Title 1 Services. In a targeted assistance program, only students receiving direct Title I services should be designated. All students in a Title I school wide program should be designated as Title I. If the school building does not receive Title I funds, none of the students in that school building should be designated as Title I. | Enrollment.title1 | |
Title III EL | Identifies an ELL student who is receiving services funded through Title III. | Enrollment.title3 | MOSIS Student Core |
Percent Enrolled | Identifies the students average hours per week divided by total possible hours the student could attend in a week. | Enrollment.percentEnrolled | |
Part Time Student | Indicates the student attends school part time. | EnrollmentMO.partTimeStudent | |
A+ Student | Identifies the DESE assigned A+ codes that designate if a student is an A+ participant or completer. A+ Student options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.aPlusStu | |
MO Option Prog | Indicates the student has or is participating in the Missouri Option Program. Only reports if Grade Level is 09, 10, 11 or 12. | Enrollment.moOptionProg | |
8th Tech Lit | Student meets or exceeds NCLB 8th grade technology literacy requirements. 8th Tech Lit options include these:
| Enrollment.eightTechLit | |
Residing District Required | The DESE assigned 6 digit county district code used to identify the students district of residence. | Element.residentDistrict | |
Residing School Required | The DESE assigned 4 digit school code for the school of residence. | EnrollmentMO.servingSchool | |
Residing County Required | The DESE assigned three digit county code used to identify in which county the student resides. | Enrollment.servingCounty | |
Attending District Required | The DESE assigned 6 digit district code for the district where the student received Career Technical instruction. | Enrollment.servingDistrict | |
Attending School Required | The DESE assigned 4 digit school code for the school of attendance. | EnrollmentMO.servingSchool | |
Reporting School | The DESE assigned 4 digit school code to indicate which school is responsible for reporting student enrollment. When populated, MOSIS Extracts report this value. | EnrollmentMO.reportingSchool | MOSIS Extracts |
First Date in District Required | Identifies if a student is considered in district less than a year. If the student was not part of the September enrollment (last Wednesday of September), the student is considered in district less than a year. | EnrollmentMO.firstDateInDistrict | |
State Aid Required | The DESE assigned residency status code for the student being reported. The State Aid options include these:
| Enrollment.stateAid | |
Res 2 Hrs in Session | Total number of actual hours a Resident II student could have attended the attending school. | EnrollmentMO.res2HrsinSession | MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Regular Hours Attended | Number of full-time and part-time hours the student spent in attendance at the attending district. | EnrollmenMOt.regularHoursAttended | MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Regular Hours Absent | Number of hours the student was absent at the attending district. | EnrollmentMO.regularHoursAbsent | |
Remedial Hours | Indicates additional attendance hours outside the traditional school day for students requiring remediation as a condition for promotion to the next grade level based on district policy. | EnrollmentMO.remedialHours | |
College Prep Certs | Designates a student has graduated with a College Prep Certificate. The state is no longer awarding College Prep Certificates, but districts may continue to offer such recognitions locally. | EnrollmentMO.collegePrepCerts | Secondary Head Count |
Precode Teacher | Indicates the teacher/examiner/class name. | EnrollmentMO.precodeTeacher | |
Neglected Delinquent | Identifies a student residing in a neglected or delinquent institution and is participating in programs for neglected or delinquent students. | Enrollment.neglectedDelinquent | MOSIS Student Core |
Disadvantaged | Indicates the student is a part of a low-income household. | EnrollmentMO.disadvantaged | |
MPP | Indicates the student participates in the Missouri Preschool Program. | EnrollmentMO.mpp | MOSIS Student Core |
SES | Identifies the students eligibility for Supplemental Education Services. The options for SES include these:
| | |
School Choice | Identifies if a student is eligible, has been offered, applied for, or received School Choice. Children enrolled in a Title I school are eligible for school choice when their school is in the first and subsequent years of school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring. Any child attending such a school must be offered the option of transferring to a public school in the district not identified for school improvement, unless such an option is prohibited by state law. School Choice includes these options:
| Enrollment.nclbChoice | MOSIS Student Enrollment and Attendance |
Non Trad Student | Indicates if the adult student taking special adult programs is entering a career education training program or occupation nontraditional to their gender. An enrollment of 75% of one gender is considered traditional. The options for Non Trad Student include these:
| EnrollmentMO.nonTradStudent | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
Displaced Homemaker | Indicates if the student is enrolled in the Displaced Homemaker program. | Enrollment.displacedHomemaker | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow-up |
Single Parent | Indicates the individual is unmarried or separated form their spouse and is pregnant or has sole or joint custody of a minor child or children | Enrollment.singleParent | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow-up |
Industry Credential | Selection indicates the approved industry-recognized credential/certification the student received. | EnrollmentMO.industryCredential | MOSIS Student Core |
Stackable Cred 1
| Used for state reporting the number of credits that can be stacked. | EnrollmentMO.stackableCred1 | MOSIS Student Core |
Stackable Cred 2 | Used for state reporting the number of credits that can be stacked. | EnrollmentMO.stackableCred2 | MOSIS Student Core |
K-8 Graduate District Code | Indicates the DESE assigned 6 digit district code of the K8 District from which the student graduated 8th grade and has remained a resident of the K-8 district. Required for grade 09 and 10 non-resident students who graduated 8th grade from a K-8 District. | EnrollmentMO.k8GradeDistCode | MOSIS Student Core |
PK Eligible State Aid | Indicates whether student is eligible for state aid (Y) or is not eligible for state aid (N). | Enrollment.pkEligibleStateAid | MOSIS Student Core |
PK Replacement ID | Lists the student's PK Replacement ID. | Enrollment.pkReplacementId | MOSIS Student Core |
CTE | |||
Career Ed | Indicates the student (grades 9-12 only) has completed or is currently taking a Career Education course approved by DESE.
| EnrollmentMO.careerEd | |
Career Cluster | Identifies the DESE primary career education path for the career education student who has completed at least 1 credit of approved career education instruction. | EnrollmentMO.careerCluster | |
CTE Tech Skills Attainment | Identifies if the student has completed the Student Technical Skills Assessment. CTE Tech Skills Attainment include these options:
| EnrollmentMO.cteTechSkills | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
CTE Program Type | Identifies the students Career Technical Education program. | EnrollmentMO.cteProgramType | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
CTE Attending District | 6-digit count district code of the district where the student received career technical education, if applicable. This field only reports in the MOSIS Student Grad Follow Up Report if the CTE Program Code field is populated. | EnrollmentMO.cteAttending District | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
CTE Attending School | 4-digit school code of the school where the student received career technical education, if applicable. This field only reports in the MOSIS Student Grade Follow Up Report when the CTE Attending District Code is populated. | EnrollmentMO.cteAttending School | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
CTE Adult | Indicates if the student is considered an adult student taking a special adult program in Career Technical Education. | | |
CTE Other Barriers | Indicates if the adult student taking special adult programs was previously considered educationally disadvantaged. Educationally disadvantaged means an individual scored below the 25th percentile on a standardized achievement or aptitude test, whose secondary grades are below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale (where the grade "A" equals 4.0), or who fails to attain minimum academic competencies. This does not include individuals with learning disabilities. | EnrollmentMO.otherBarriers | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
Vocational/COOP | Indicates a student participates in the Vocational Rehabilitation Work Experience COOP Program. | Enrollment.vocationalCode | |
CTE Certificate | Indicates a student is a CTE Concentrator and receives a CTE Certification | Enrollment.cteCertification | MOSIS Student Core |
ECO Early Childhood Outcomes | |||
ECSE Entry Date | Identifies the day the student started the ECSE program. | EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryDate | |
Eco Entry Indicator 1 | Indicates the student's ECO status. Eco Entry Indicator options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryInd1 | |
Eco Entry Indicator 2 | Indicates the student's ECO status. Eco Entry Indicator options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryInd2 | MOSIS Student Core |
Eco Entry Indicator 3 | Indicates the student's ECO status. Eco Entry Indicator options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.ecoEntryInd3 | |
ECSE Exit Date | Identifies the day the student exited the ECSE program. | EnrollmentMO.ecoExitDate | |
ECO Exit Indicator 1 | Indicates the student's ECO status. Eco Exit Indicator options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.ecoExitInd1 | |
ECO Exit Indicator 2 | Indicates the student's ECO status. Eco Exit Indicator options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.ecoExitInd2 | |
ECO Exit Indicator 3 | Indicates the student's ECO status. Exit Entry Indicator options include these:
| EnrollmentMO.ecoExitInd3 |
Special Education Fields
The Special Ed Fields editor contains all special education items that need to be indicated on a student's enrollment record for state and local reporting purposes.
Special Education Options
The following fields appear in the Missouri Special Ed Fields editor. The Reports Used In column indicates which state reports draw from each field.
Field | Description | Database Location | Reports Used In |
Special Ed Status | Indicates if the student has special education status. Special Ed Status options include:
| Enrollment.special EdStatus | |
Sped Definition Met | Indicates if the student meets the available special education definitions: Sped Definition Met options include:
| Enrollment.spedMetDefinition | MOSIS Student Graduate Follow Up |
Special Ed Settings | The setting in which the student Receives special education services. | Enrollment.special EdSetting | |
Exit Reason | Indicates the student's reason for exiting a special education program. | Enrollment.sped ExitReason | |
SPED Exit Date | Identifies the date the student exited from the special ed program. | Enrollment.sped ExitDate | |
Primary Disability | Indicates the student's most dominant disability. | Enrollment.disability1 | |
MAP-A | Indicates the student's IEP team has determined the student is eligible for the MAP Alternate (MAP-A) Assessment. | EnrollmenMO.mapA | |
High Need Student | Indicates the student is considered high needs, where educational costs exceed three times the LEA's current expenditure per Average Daily Attendance (ADA). | Enrollment.highNeed | MOSIS Student Core |