Graduation Program Setup


Graduation Programs
Provides information on creating graduation plans.
Create Graduation Programs
Provides information on creating graduation programs.
Assign Credit Requirements
Provides information on assigning credit requirements as part of a graduation program.
Enter Course Requirements
Provides information on entering course requirements for graduation programs.
Establish Test Requirements
Provides information on added test requirements to graduation programs.
Set GPA Requirements
Provides information on defining GPA requirements for graduation programs.
Enter Compound Requirements
Provides information on creating compound requirements for graduation programs.
Create Course Plan Templates
Provides information on creating Course Plan templates for Graduation or CTE Programs.
Enter Academic Program Requirements
Provides information on defining CTE requirements for a Graduation program.
Define Test Requirements for a Program - Video
Specific tests that students are required to pass can be aligned to a program. This lesson demonstrates how to do so.
Define Amount of Credits and Minimum GPA Required for a Program - Video
This video demonstrates how to define the amount of credits and minimum GPA that are required for program completion.
Define Course Plan Templates for a Program - Video
This video demonstrates how to set up a Course Plan Template so that you can mass add courses to a student's Course Plan.
Define Academic Program Requirements for a Program - Video
This video demonstrates how to define Academic Programs a student must take in order to meet the requirements of a Graduation Program.