[Title] Name of thing: Frequently Asked Questions
Intro: Make any intro as brief as possible, so users can jump right into FAQs. Try 2 sentence max.
Be sparing with notifications (div colored boxes). Follow the color guidelines: Red = Only urgent/Immediate attention required. Blue = Informational. Yellow = Vital info/Caution. Green = Best practices/Tips.
Use a vertical TOC. If you need more than 7 FAQs, review them: Can you rewrite them to combine them? Are all of them necessary?
1. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. If possible, add link when referring to other content.
2. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. For more information on dogs, see Dog School of Rock.
3. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. If possible, add link when referring to other content.
4. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. For more information on cats, see Cat School of Rock.
5. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. If possible, add link when referring to other content.
6. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. For more information on pigs, see Pig School of Rock.
7. Create brief question. No more than 14 words.
Keep answer succinct. If possible, add link when referring to other content.