Message Center


Viewing Messages
This article describes using the message center to view and sort messages.
View messages in the Message Center - Video
The Message Center in Campus Instruction displays all process alerts and announcements for teachers. This video demonstrates how to view messages in the Message Center.
View messages in the Message Center - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to view messages in the Message Center within Campus Instruction.
Create a Template for Sending Messages
This article describes creating a template for use in sending messages.
Create Grades Related Message Templates for Student Messenger Contacts - Video
The Message Center in Campus Instruction allows teachers to create grades-related message templates to send at a later time. This video demonstrates how to create grades-related message templates in the Message Center.
Create Grades Related Message Templates for Student Messenger Contacts - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to create grade related message templates within Campus Instruction.
Create general class message templates for students and/or guardians in a section - Video
The Message Center allows teachers to create general class message templates that can be used at a later time. This video demonstrates how to create general class message templates for students and/or guardians in a section.
Create general class message templates for students and/or guardians in a section - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to create a generate class message template within Campus Instruction.
Send General Class Messages to Students and Parents
This article describes sending general class messages to students and parents.
Send general class messages to selected students and/or guardians in a section - Video
The Message Center in Campus Instruction allows teachers to send general class messages to students and guardians. This video demonstrates how to send general class messages in the Message Center.
Send general class messages to selected students and/or guardians in a section - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to send a general class message from a previously created template within Campus Instruction.
Send a Grades Message to Guardians
This article describes sending grades messages to guardians.
Send Grades Related Messages to Student Messenger Contacts - Video
Teachers can send grades-related messages in the Message Center. This video demonstrates how to send grades-related messages to selected students and guardians in a section.
Send Grades Related Messages to Student Messenger Contacts - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to send grades related messages to students' guardians from a previously created template within Campus Instruction.
Send a Missing Assignment Message to Guardians
This article describes sending missing assignment messages to guardians.
Create Missing Assignment Message Templates for Student Messenger Contacts - Video
The Message Center in Campus Instruction allows teachers to create missing assignment message templates that can be sent at a later time. This video demonstrates how to create missing assignment message templates in the Message Center.
Create Missing Assignment Message Templates for Student Messenger Contacts - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to create a missing assignment message template within Campus Instruction.
Send Missing Assignment Messages to Student Messenger Contacts - Video
Teachers can send missing assignment messages in the Message Center. This video demonstrates how to send missing assignment messages to selected guardians in a section.
Send Missing Assignment Messages to Student Messenger Contacts - Simulation
In this simulation, the user will learn how to send a message from a previously created missing assignment message template within Campus Instruction.