Teaching Center


Teaching Center
This article describes using the Control Center to take attendance and score assignments, and the other tools available.
Teaching Center - Video
The Control Center is used by teachers to view current tasks at-a-glance. This video demonstrates how to enter attendance, grades, and view demographic data in the Control Center.
Student Questions (Teaching Center)
This article describes the Student Questions tool found in the Control Center.
Student Questions - Video
Using the Student Questions tool, teachers can view and respond to student questions. In this video, you will learn how teachers can use the Student Questions tool.
Engagement Check-In (Teaching Center)
This article describes creating an Engagement Check-In for students to respond to and how to review responses.
Create Engagement Check-Ins - Video
Teachers can use the Engagement Check-In tool to gauge students well-being and level of engagement in class. In this video, you will learn how to create an engagement check-in and review student responses.