Arizona Ed-Fi Data v3.5 - Student Program Attendance Events [.2128 - .2223]

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This event entity represents the recording of whether a student is in attendance for a class that takes place during a specific program.  It will depend on a student being rostered into a course with Positive Attendance enabled, and and a value saved in the new "21st CCLC" droplist on the Course level.

Object Triggering Logic

This table describes logic for triggering syncing of this object.

PostWhen a new positive attendance event is verified for a student in a course section with the "21st CCLC" droplist is filled in on the Course editor.
  • Do not send records if the student's enrollment is marked as a No Show.
  • Do not send records if attendance records are associated with a Calendar when the Exclude check box is checked.
  • A record will send for each distinct Date, Section and Attendance Event Category Descriptor.
  • When a previously blank "21st CCLC" droplist is updated to have a value.
Delete/PostWhen a previously <> NULL "21st CCLC" droplist is updated to have a different value.
PostWhen an attendanceUnit record that is tied to a CCLC-reportable course is updated to delete='0'.

N/A - only deletes and posts are sent for this Resource.

  • If an attendance status is changed, the first event must be deleted from ed-fi and a new record sent. The Attendance Event Category Descriptor is a primary key and does now allow updates in Ed-Fi. 
DeleteDelete attendance record if all attendance is removed for the day.
DeleteWhen an enrollment is deleted or the No Show or State Exclude check boxes are checked.
DeleteIf the student is removed from the course section.
DeleteWhen a previously <> NULL "21st CCLC" droplist is updated to NULL.
DeleteWhen the attendanceUnit record that is tied to the Student Program Attendance Events record is updated to delete='1'.

Scope Year Logic

This table describes the School Exclude, Calendar Exclude, Resource Toggle and Resync logic of this object.

Business Rule

Attendance will send to the configured year for the school year the attendance dates are associated with based on the student's enrollment.

  • Data will only send for the years that have valid configuration.

Object Data Elements

Data Element Labels in bold are part of the Natural Key and are required data elements for Data to send to Ed-Fi.

Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or O

Data Source GUI Path

Database Field


The unique identifier of the resource.


  • educationOrganizationId: EducationOrganization Identity Column

Report the value.


programReferenceThe Natural Keys of the Program
  • educationOrganizationId: EducationOrganization Identity Column
  • type: Key for Program
  • name: The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services or benefits available 
  • through federal, state, or local agencies.

Report the following values:

  1. Report based on the mapped value indicated in the EdFi mapping tool, if it exists, tied to the attribute dictionary item selected.
  2. If a mapping does not exist, do not report.

Type: 'Support Program'

MCourse > Section > Course > 21st CCLCCourse.
studentReferenceThe Natural Keys for Students
  • studentUniqueId: A unique alphanumeric code assigned 
  • to a student.
Report the value.

Note: The Ed-Fi reports from the Student State ID field.


A code describing the attendance 

event, for example: Present 

Unexcused absence Excused

 absence Tardy.

Always report code value of '3', tied to 'In Attendance', as positive attendance only captures this type of eventM


The reason for the absence or tardy.

Do not Report.O


The setting in which a child 

receives education and related 

services. This attribute is only 

used if it differs from the EducationalEnvironment of 

the Section. This is only used 

in the AttendanceEvent if 

different from the associated Section.

Do not Report.O


Date for this attendance event.

Report the value.MStudent Information > General > Attendance > attendance record > Date

An unordered collection of studentProgramAttendance

EventTimeLogs. This event entity adds the time component to a student program attendance participating

Report based on Array chart below.OStudent Information > General > Attendance > Positive Attendance > positive attendance recordSee chart below

A unique system-generated value that identifies the version of the resource.



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Data Element LabelBusiness RequirementBusiness RulesM, C or OData Source GUI PathDatabase Field

The time the student began attending this program service.

Report the "Time In" value of each positive attendance record tied to the section.MStudent Information > General > Attendance > Positive Attendance > positive attendance record
attendanceEndTimeThe time the student stopped attending this program service.Report the "Time Out" value of each positive attendance record tied to the section, corresponding to a reported "Time In" value, if it exists.OStudent Information > General > Attendance > Positive Attendance > positive attendance record


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Attendance Event Category Descriptor

Code ValueShort DescriptionDescription
3In AttendanceIn Attendance