Assignments Articles


Assignments & Resources
This article describes adding assignments and resources from various places in Campus Instruction, including a description of assignment fields.
Create Assignments (Grade Book) - Video
From many places within Campus Instruction, teachers can quickly create new assignments using the assignment editor. The assignment editor is the same in all locations. In this video, a teacher will create a new assignment in the Grade Book for one of their course sections.
Creating Resources - Video
Using Resources, teachers can provide students and parents additional content related to their course. In this video you will learn how to share curricular content with students assigned to your course sections.
Modifying Assignments - Video
Assignments can be modified wherever assignments are listed, including the Grade Book, Progress Monitor, Planner, or Assignment Overview. This video demonstrates how to manage scored assignment details and alignments in the Grade Book.
Attach Content (Assignments & Resources)
This article describes the options available in the Attach Content section of assignments and resources.
Attach Content - Video
The Attach Content options allow teachers to attach additional content to assignments and deliver them to students through Campus Student. In this video you will learn how to attach content to assignments and resources.
Submissions (Assignments & Resources)
This article describes enabling and accessing student submissions for assignments.
Enable Student Submissions in Assignments - Video
The Submissions assignment option allows students to submit work through Campus Student. This video demonstrates how to enable student submissions in assignments.
Folders (Instruction)
This article describes creating folders for organizing curriculum.
Create and Manage Folders - Video
Using Folders, teachers can arrange their assignments and resources to organize the curriculum for their course sections. In this video, you will learn how to create and manage folders.
Create Scoring Rubrics
This article provides information about the options available when creating a Scoring Rubric.
Create Scoring Rubric - Video
Learn how to create a scoring rubric.
Quizzes (Instruction)
This article describes creating and administering quizzes through assignments.
Create Quizzes - Video
Quizzes allow teachers to attach simple assessments to assignments and administer them through Campus Student. This video demonstrates how to create a quiz and attach it to an assignment.
Share Quizzes - Video
Teachers can search for and use existing quizzes that have been shared by other teachers in their district. In this video, you will learn how to search for and use existing quizzes.
Manage Google Drive Integration - Video
Using Google Drive, teachers can attach files to assignments and resources and receive Google Drive student submissions. This video demonstrates how to manage Google Drive Integration for an assignment.
Extra Credit Assignments
This article describes two ways of recording extra credit in the Grade Book.
Duplicate (Copy an Assignment or Resource)
This article describes using Duplicate to copy assignments.
Duplicate Assignments and Resources - Video
Teachers can use Duplicate to create an exact copy of an assignment or resource. This video demonstrates how to duplicate an assignment.
Copy Curriculum from Library - Video
The Curriculum Library allows teachers to search for imported curriculum and copy it into their own course sections. In this video, you will learn how to copy curriculum from the library into any sections that you teach.
Release Scores
Release scores functionality is part of the Campus Learning premium offering and requires the Enhanced Curriculum  tool right. Visit What is Campus Learning? to learn more. Classic View: Tools throughout Instruction, including Grade Bo...
Release Scores - Video
The Release Scores option allows teachers to schedule when assignment scores are released to students and parents. In this video, you will learn how teachers can use the Release Scores option.