CTE Credit Bearing Report (Maine) [.2144 - .2227]

Classic View: ME State Reporting > CTE Credit Bearing Upload

Search Terms: CTE Credit Bearing Report

The CTE Credit Bearing Report details the number of CTE credits earned for student(s).

Reporting Population and Business Rules 

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  • Report one record per section, where CIP Code on course matches the student's CTE Academic Program participation and reportable credit is earned. 
    • Records returned are based on the calendar/school selected on the extract editor.
  • Reportable School
    • If only one School is selected in the Campus tool bar: the School selected MUST = the student's Program Admin > Programs > Career Tech Programs > Career Tech Program Detail > School for records to report.
    • If a reportable student is enrolled in multiple calendars in the same school - one record per CTE course where credit is earned reports across all calendars in that school.
      • Must not include Calendar enrollments where Student/Calendar/Grade Level - is flagged No Show or state excluded
  • Reportable Student
    • Student must be enrolled in at least one calendar in the School selected on at least one date in the selected School Year.
    • Do NOT count student if all calendar enrollments in the School have student/calendar/grade level - is flagged No Show or state excluded.
  • CTE Program Participant & Completed Course - matching CIP Code values
    • Student MUST have at least one active CTE Program Participation on at least one date in the selected School Year to report.
    • Student MUST have reportable credits earned (in the selected school year) in at least one Course where Course > CIP Code = Academic Programs > CTE Program > CIP Code to report.
  • Reportable Grading Task with Credits Earned
    • Grading Task set up on Student's Course where Course > CIP Code = Academic Programs > CTE Program > CIP Code 
    • Grading Task MUST be flagged as both State Reported AND Final checked where the Grade earned by the student is mapped to PASSING with Credits <> 0
      • System Admin > Grading & Standards > Grading Tasks > Grading Task Detail > State Reported, Final
      • Section > Grading By Task > Score 
      • System Admin > Grading & Standards > Score Groups and Rubrics >  Rubric List Items Detail > Passing Score 
      • Course > Grading Tasks > Grading Tasks Editor > Grading Task Detail > Credit <> 0 

Generate the Report

  1. Enter the Effective Date. Only qualified course sections active as of this date will report data. 
  2. Select the report Format
  3. To filter the report for a specific set of data, select an Ad Hoc Filter. Filters are created in the Filter Designer tool. 
  4. Select which Calendar(s) will report data. 
  5. Select how the data is generated/sent:
    • Generate Report - Select this option to generate the report immediately. 
    • Submit to Batch - Select this option to schedule when the report will be generated. The report will appear in the Batch Queue List.
    • Submit to State - Select this option to send the report to the Maine State Edition of Infinite Campus. You can view upload progress to the state within the Web Service Queue list.

CourseSection is only available in the HTML format of the extract.

Report Data Elements

See the table below for details about each report element.

This report return credits earned per class - i.e. since a class/course identifier is NOT returned in the state format (CSV) of this report, records MAY appear to be duplicated

For example:

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  • Class A:  CIP Code = 01.0205, Institution = 1832, and Credit Type = AdvancedPlacement where Course Credit Earned = 1
  • Class B:  CIP Code = 01.0205, Institution = 1832, and Credit Type = AdvancedPlacement where Course Credit Earned = 1
  • Class C:  CIP Code = 01.0205, Institution = 1832 , and Credit Type = CTEAndAcademic where Course Credit Earned = 2
  • Class D: CIP Code = 01.0205, Institution = 1832 , and Credit Type = CTEAndAcademic where Course Credit Earned = 0.5
  • Class E:  CIP Code = 01.0205, Institution = 1948, and Credit Type = AdvancedPlacement where Course Credit Earned = 3
  • Class F:  CIP Code = 01.0205, Institution = 1948, and Credit Type = AdvancedPlacement where Course Credit Earned = 1.5

6 records will return for this student's CIP Code

Data Element Label


UI and Database Location


Report the District Number

  • NEO Organization ID for the attending SAU
  • District number on import MUST match district number tied to the student’s enrollment. If no match provide the following error: “Student does not have an enrollment in this SAU Id, School ID, and school year.”
  • Required
System Administration > Resources > District Info > State District Number


Report Student State ID

  • The student’s state ID
  • Must match an existing state ID of student in the selected district. If no match is found, provide the following error: “There are currently no students enrolled with this state ID”
  • Required
Census > Demographics > Student State ID


Report the School Number

  • NEO Organization ID for the attending school
  • Must match on school number of the student's enrollment in the school year. Provide the following error if student has no enrollment in selected school. “Student does not have an enrollment in this SAU Id, School ID, and school year.”
  • Required


Report concatenated school year start year-end year.

Example: 2021-2022

System Administration > Calendar > School Years




Reports the Course > CIP Code

  • CTE program code
  • The code must match the value and format in a list provided by MDOE. CIP code must match what codes have been approved for the uploading CTE
  • Required


Report Career Tech Program Start Date

  • CTE Start Date
  • Must be within the school year of the upload.
  • Required

Student Information > General > CTE > CTE Information > CTE Start Date


Institution Per student/course record look to see if the student has a code selected in the CTE Institution field on the section roster of record, if populated, report
  1. Else look to  see if there is a value selected in the CTE Institution field on Course
    • Else leave null/blank

Click here to see Institution codes. 

Scheduling > Course > CTE Institution

Scheduling > Sections > CTE Institution
Credit Type 

Report Standard Code based on the value selected in the Credit Type field on Course.

  • The type of credits or units of value available for the completion of a course in addition to Carnegie Units.
  • The code must match the value and format in a list provided by MDOE.  (See Appendix B)
    • Valid Values:  
      • AdvancedPlacement
      • DualCredit
      • Other
      • CTEAndAcademic
  • Required

Click here to see Credit Type codes.


Cumulative Credits from all Grading Tasks flagged final.  

If only one Final Grade Grading task is present, reports credits earned captured only on that task

 regardless of how many other grading tasks may hold potential credits earned.

If >1 Final Grade Grading task is present on the reporting section for that student, report cumulative credits earned from all Grading Tasks flagged final.

  • The amount of credit earned by the student.
  • Required
  • The value must be in .5 increments and cannot be greater than 20.0

Examples:  (per student/section)

  1. 2 grading tasks present each holding 1.0 credits possible, but only one task is marked final with the student earning a passing grade, report record with credits earned = 1.0
  2. 2 grading tasks present each holding 1.0 credits possible with both tasks marked final
    1. with the student earning a passing grade on both tasks, report record with credits earned = 2.0
    2. with the student earning a passing grade on only one task (the other is failing) report record with credits earned = 1.0
    3. where both tasks earn a failing grade, NO record reports.

Reports as concatenated: 

course name + space + section #

Return only one record representing the reportable section the student is rostered into and earned the reportable credit/s for.

This field is only available in the HTML version of this extract.

Appendix A - Institutions

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Aveda Institute Maine-A Capilo School1948
Bates College - Lewiston1832
Beal College-Bangor1865
Bowdoin College-Brunswick1866
Capilo School of Haird Design1949
Central Maine Community College1887
Colby College-Waterville1867
College of the Atlantic-Bar Harbor1868
Cosmotech School of Cosmetology1946
Dube Enterprises Inc1947
Eastern Maine Community College1889
EEG INC-Bangor1942
EEG INC-Caribou1941
EEG INC-Portland1940
Empire Beauty School-Bangor1945
Empire Beauty School-Caribou1944
Empire Beauty School-Portland1943
Euphoria Inst of Beauty Arts & Sciences-Lincoln1952
Great Bay Community College-Portsmouth NH1869
Headhunter II School of Hair Design Inc1950
Husson University-Bangor1871
Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte1874
Johnson & Wales University-Denver1876
Johnson & Wales University-Miami1875
Johnson & Wales University-Providence1873
Kaplan University-Augusta1878
Kaplan University-Lewiston1879
Kaplan University-Online1877
Kaplan University-South Portland1880
Kennebec Valley Community College1890
Lakes Region Community College-Laconia NH1870
Lincoln College of New England-Southington1881
Lincoln College of Technology-Lincoln1883
Lincoln Culinary Institute-Lincoln1884
Maine College of Art-Portland1885
Maine College of Health Professions-Lewiston1886
Maine Maritime Academy-Castine1895
Maine Media College-Rockport1897
MassBay Community College-Ashland MA1908
MassBay Community College-Framingham MA1907
MassBay Community College-Wellesley MA1906
MEMA Maine Energy Marketers Associations1909
New England Institute of Technology-East Greenwich1896
New England School of Communication1872
Northern Maine Community College1891
Ohio Technical College-Cleveland OH1911
Saint Josephs College of Maine-Standish1912
Seacoast Career Schools-Manchester NH1914
Seacoast Career Schools-Sanford1913
Southern Maine Community College1892
SPA Tech Institute1951
The Culinary Institute of America-Napa CA1915
The Culinary Institute of America-NY1916
The Culinary Institute of America-TX1917
Thomas College-Waterville1918
UMass Amherst-Amherst1938
Unity College-Unity1919
Universal Technical Institute-Avondale1926
Universal Technical Institute-Dallas/Ft Worth1922
Universal Technical Institute-Houston1924
Universal Technical Institute-Long Beach1921
Universal Technical Institute-Mooresville1928
Universal Technical Institute-Norwood1927
Universal Technical Institute-Orlando1920
Universal Technical Institute-Orlando-MARINE2093
Universal Technical Institute-Orlando-MMI2094
Universal Technical Institute-Phoenix1925
Universal Technical Institute-Rancho Cucamonga1929
Universal Technical Institute-Sacramento1930
University of Maine-Augusta1931
University of Maine-Farmington1932
University of Maine-Fort Kent1933
University of Maine-Machias1934
University of Maine-Orono1935
University of Maine-Presque Isle1936
University of Northwestern Ohio1939
University of Southern Maine-Portland1937
Washington County Community College1893
York County Community College1894

Appendix B - Credit Type Codes

Advanced Placement (AP)Advanced Placement is specified as the type of credits or units of value available for the completion of a course in addition to Carnegie Units.AdvancedPlacement
Dual CreditDual Credit is specified as the type of credits or units of value available for the completion of a course in addition to Carnegie Units.DualCredit
Enhanced ArticulationOther is specified as the type of credits or units of value available for the completion of a course in addition to Carnegie Units.  Maine defined courses with MDOE Enhanced Articulation agreements.Other
Simultaneous CTE and Academic CreditSimultaneous CTE and Academic Credit is specified as the type of credits or units of value available for the completion of a course in addition to Carnegie Units.CTEAndAcademic

Previous Versions

CTE Credit Bearing Report (Maine) [.2128 - .2140]