Household Fees


Fees (Households)
This article provides information about the Household Fees tool.
Fees Editor
This article provides information about the available options on the Households Fees editor.
Assign a Fee to Family Members
This article provides information about assigning fees to household members.
Adjust Fees for Household Members
This article provides procedures for adjusting household fees.
Void Fees for Household Members
This article provides procedures for voiding household fees.
Record Household Fee Payments
This articles provides the process and procedures for paying household fees.
Print a Fee Billing Statement for a Household
Provides information on printing a fee billing statement.
Household Fees - Video
Fees assigned to a household can be viewed and managed from the fees tool in Census > Households. y1SMgheR Previous Versions Household Fees - Video [.2211 - .2227] Manage Household Fees - Video [.2124 - .2207] Record Household Fee Payme...