Eligibility Certified Types (v1)

Certified Type


Certified TypeDescription
IncomeType of approval based on household income. The Eligibility can be Free, Reduced or Paid.
CategoricalType of benefit based on participation in federal programs such as SNAP/FDPIR/TANF. The Eligibility should be Free.
OverrideType of approval based on the district selecting to override the assigned Eligibility for student on a Meal Benefits Application.

Type of approval based on confirmation approving the student's runaway status. The Eligibility should be Free.

  • If the certified type is Non-Direct, then confirmation is received from the district runaway coordinator.
  • If the certified type is Direct, then confirmation is received from a direct certification file.

Type of approval based on confirmation approving the student's homeless status. The Eligibility should be Free.

  • If the certified type is Non-Direct, then confirmation is received from the district homeless coordinator.
  • If the certified type is Direct, then confirmation is received from a direct certification file.

Type of approval based on confirmation approving the student's foster status where the child is living in a foster home or another type of facility which deems the student as foster. The Eligibility should be Free.

  • If the certified type is Non-Direct, then confirmation is received from the district foster coordinator.
  • If the certified type is Direct, then confirmation is received from a direct certification file.

Type of approval based on confirmation approving the student's migrant status.

  • If the certified type is Non-Direct, then confirmation is received from the district migrant coordinator.
  • If the certified type is Direct, then confirmation is received from a direct certification file.
Even StartType of approval based on the student participating in the Federally-funded Even Start Family Literacy Program for preschool/pre-kindergarten children.
Head Start

Type of approval based on the student being enrolled as a participant in a Head Start program.

  • If the certified type is Non-Direct, then confirmation is received from the district Head Start coordinator.
  • If the certified type is Direct, then confirmation is received from a direct certification file.
RCCIType of approval based on the student attending a residential child care institution (RCCI) that participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or School Breakfast Program (SBP).
Early Childhood

The Local Education Agency (LEA) can use this designation if the LEA is participating in a CAACFP program.


Type of approval based on the household receiving Medicaid benefits.

  • If the certified type is Non-Direct, then confirmation is received from any method EXCEPT from a Direct Certification file or source. The student's eligibility will be Free.
  • If the certified type is Direct, then confirmation is received from a direct certification file.
DeclinedThis status is used to track households who decline free/reduced eligibility benefits. This status is collected in some state's for state reporting data.
DeniedThis status is used to track households who are denied free/reduced eligibility benefits. This status is collected in some state's for state reporting data.
Did Not ApplyThis status is used to track households who did not apply for free/reduced eligibility benefits. This status is collected in some state's for state reporting data.
Socioeconomic StatusType of approval based on an Educational Benefits Application processed via non-food service department staff. This Certified Type is only allowed with an Eligibility Type of SES.
SNAPType of approval based on confirmation from a local agency through direct certification that the household receives Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. All students identified as members of the household are categorically eligible for free meals or milk.
TANFType of approval based on confirmation from a local agency through direct certification that the household receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance. All students identified as members of the household are categorically eligible for free meals or milk.

Type of approval based on confirmation from a local agency through direct certification that the household receives assistance from the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR). All students identified as members of the household are categorically eligible for free meals or milk.