General Collection (Michigan) [.2140 - 2223]

 PATH:   MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts > General Collection 

The General Collection Extract reports pupil membership count and participation data.

 Image 1: MSDS General Collection 

The General Collection is reported in three collection periods: Fall, Spring and End of Year. The following table describes collection period Reporting Windows:

Collection Period

Reporting Window

Count Dates


September 30 - November 4

Fourth Wednesday after Labor Day in September


February 10 - March 17

Second Wednesday in February

End of Year

June 30 - July 17

June 30th

Report Logic

A record is reported for any student that has an active enrollment record between the Previous Count Date and Count Date entered on the extract editor. The most recent enrollment record prior to the Count Date is used when reporting data.

Generating the Report

  1. Select the General Collection  Extract Type.
  2. Enter the  Count Date  in  mmddyyyy  format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. A snapshot of data is taken as it exists on this date.
  3. Enter the  Previous Count Date  in  mmddyyyy  format or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This date correlates with the Count Date entered. Student data will report within the date range entered in these two fields.
  4. Check the  Student w/o UICs  checkbox, if desired. Checking this checkbox means only those students within the selected calendar(s) that do not have a State ID assigned will be reported. Not checking this checkbox means all students within the selected calendar(s) are eligible for reporting.
  5. Select the  Submitting Entity. This describes the entity submitting the extract to the state.
  6. Select the Reporting Window. This is the collection and reporting window for which the generated extract is submitted.
  7. Select the  Format. For submission to the state, use the State Format (XML).
  8. Select an Ad hoc Filter to limit records reported. When an Ad hoc Filter is selected, records report based on the options selected in the editor, not the Campus toolbar.
  9. Check the  Validate  checkbox, if desired. Checking this checkbox means Infinite Campus will run a check on the XML data to validate that it is correct. If errors are found, the extract will list these errors for correction based on the schema. 

    For guidance in validating the XML file against your state's schema using a free, third-party program, see the Validating an XML File Against a Schema File article.

  10. Select which Calendar(s)  to include within the report.
  11. Click Generate Extract to generate the report in the indicated format or Submit to Batch to schedule when the report will generate.

Users have the option of submitting a report request to the batch queue by clicking Submit to Batch instead of Generate Extract. This process allows larger reports to generate in the background, without disrupting the use of Campus. For more information about submitting a report to the batch queue, see the Batch Queue article.

 Image 2: MSDS General Collection - HTML Format 

 Image 3: MSDS General Collection - CSV Format 

 Image 4: MSDS General Collection - XML Format 

General Collection Extract Layout



Campus Location

Submitting Entity

Submitting Entity Type Code 

A code used by the system to identify which type of entity code will be reported in the Submitting Entity Code characteristic. Entity codes in EEM are unique within type categories. This characteristic identifies which category the system uses for validation of the submitting entity and to confirm user entity permissions.

This field always reports as B.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

MI State Reporting > MSDS Extracts > Submitting Entity

Submitting Entity Code 

The entity responsible for the certification of the collection (if applicable). Generally this is the entity receiving funding from the state. It may or may not be the entity that is directly providing education services to the student.
If Submitting Entity = D, the State District Number is reported. If Submitting Entity = B, the School Override is reported. If School Override is null, the State School Number is reported.

Alphanumeric, 10 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override


System Administration > Resources > School > State School Number

Personal Core


The Unique Identification Code (UIC) produced by the Center for Educational Performance and Information.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > State ID


Last Name

The student's legal last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First Name

The student's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle Name

The student's middle name.
Students are not required to report a middle name. Users may submit a middle initial or the full middle name.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name



The abbreviated name suffix that follows the student's full name and provides additional information about the student.

Alphanumeric, 9 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix


Date Of Birth

The student's date of birth.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Census > People > Demographics > Date of Birth


Multiple Birth Order

Indicates the student was part of a multiple birth.
This field is intended to prove some distinguishing data for cases where the cultural practice is to provide twins (triplets, etc) of the same gender with the same first name or where children of the same gender have similar first names.

If null, reports as 1.

Numeric, 1 digit

Census > People > Demographics


The student's gender.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Census > Peoples > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


School Demographics

School Facility Number 

State-assigned numbers in the official Educational Entity Master (EEM).

Numeric, 5 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School Override; System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Code


Student ID Number 

The student's local student number.

Alphanumeric, 20 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifier > Student Number


Grade Or Setting 

The student's grade level or the education setting in which the student is enrolled.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade; System Administration > Calendar > Calendar > Grade Levels > State Grade Level Code


S2E2 Code

The code from the Educational Entity Master (EEM) for the student being educated through a Specialized Shared Educational Entity (S2E2).

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > S2E2 Code


Bldg Otherwise AttendThis field reports the Building Otherwise Attend value selected on the student's enrollment, indicating the school that the student would have otherwise attended other than the enrolled school.

Numeric, 5 digits
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Building Otherwise Attend

Personal Demographics

Resident LEA Number 

State-assigned code for the district in which the student resides. This number may differ from the operating district if a student is enrolled in multiple districts (with total fulltime equivalency (FTE) less than or equal to "1.00"). The two numbers may also differ if a student takes part in schools of choice, charter schools, or certain other programs.

Numeric, 5 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Student Resident County 

County code in which student resides. Reports with a leading zero if the value reported is one digit.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District



Identifies the student's race ethnicity.
This field is an aggregate field in which certain character positions pertain to a specific race. The following describes reported values:

  • If the American Indian or Alaska Native checkbox is checked, a value of 100000 is reported.
  • If the Asian checkbox is checked, a value of 010000 is reported.
  • If the Black or African American checkbox is checked, a value of 001000 is reported.
  • If Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander checkbox is selected, a value of 000100 is reported.
  • If the White checkbox is checked, a value of 000010 is reported.
  • If the Is the Individual Hispanic/Latino? = Y: Yes, a value of 000001 is reported.

Using the values described above, if a student has both the American Indian and White checkboxes marked, a value of 100010 is reported (combination of both character positions).

Numeric, 6 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Race Ethnicity


ContactThis component is not reported if the Homeless component is reported for a student.
An address is reported if the student has an active Household address prior to the Count Date that is marked as Physical and is not marked as Secondary.  An address is also reported if the student has an active household address with Secondary and Mailing marked.  If more than one address that meets report criteria is found, reports the address that includes a household relationship to the student with Guardian marked and the lowest Emergency Priority number. If multiple Guardians or no Guardians are found, reports the address with the highest record ID.
Address Type DescriptorThe type of address being reported. Reports as Physical if the student has an active household address with Physical marked. Reports as Mailing if the student has an active household address with Secondary and Mailing marked.

Census > Household > Address > Physical, Mailing

Street Number NameThe number and name of the address being reported. Reports Number + Prefix + Street + Tag + Direction.

Alphanumeric,100 characters

Census > Households > Address Info


Apartment Room Suite NumberReports additional address information, such as apartment, room, suite, or lot number.Census > Households > Addresses > Apt


The city or town of the address.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters

Census > Households > Address Info > City

State Abbreviation DescriptorThe abbreviation of the state of the address.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Census > Households > Address Info > State


Postal CodeThe 5 or 9 digit zip code of the address.

Numeric, 10 digits

Census > Households > Address Info > Zip

Telephone NumberThe primary telephone number of the student's parent or guardian. Reports the household Phone Number

Census > Households > Phone


Enrollment Date

The month, day and year of the first day the student enrolled in the district. If a student exits the district and then re-enrolls, the date of the re-enrollment should be reported. The date in this field should not change if a student is merely changing buildings within the same district.
Logic reports the District Start Date. If null, the following calculation is used:

  • Logic identifies the most recent enrollment record with an End Status not = 19 or null and then reports the Start Date of the following enrollment record.
  • If no enrollment record has End Status not = 19 or null, the Start Date of the student's oldest enrollment record is reported.
  • If the most recent enrollment record has an End Status not = ** or null, the enrollment record is disregarded.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Enrollment > State Reporting Fields > District Start Date, Start Date, End Date


Enrollment Type

Indicates the type of enrollment record submitted.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Exit Status

The primary reason the student is no longer enrolled in the school district.
If the student transferred to another school building within the same school district, the previous school should report an Exit Code of 19 and leave the Date Exited field blank. This prevents the student from appearing in the previous school's subsequent submissions.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Status


Exit Date

The day, month and year of the date the student last attended school, graduated or officially left the school district's educational setting plus one day. This field only reports if an Exit Status other than 19 or null reports.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Enrollments > End Date + 1 day


Exit Type

Indicates the type of exit record submitted.

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Not dynamically stored

Additional Graduation Award
Indicates if the student has a graduation record with a state seal selected. If the student has a Graduation Seal record with a Data Earned within the Course Date and Previous Count Date and a State Seal of 01, 02, 03, 04, or 05, reorts the State Seal

Numeric, 2 digits
Student Information > General > Graduation > Graduation Seals


Student Residency

Indicates the student’s residency or non-residency status for membership within the district.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Resident District


Tuition Funded EnrollmentReports as true if the Tuition Funded Enrollment field is marked on the student's enrollment.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters
Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Tuition Funded Enrollment

General Education FTE

General Ed FTE

Full time equivalency for which the student is eligible for instructional programs provided to regular and special education students in grades K-12. Adult education participants are not included within this number.

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > FTE in General Education


Program Participation

Program Eligibility Participation

Used to identify which type of categorical program/service the student is eligible and/or participating in. 

  • Reports for Programs active on or between the Count Date and Previous Count Date that have State Reported marked and are associated with an enrollment. Reports Code if one of the following Codes is selected: 3060, 3500, 7760, 9110, 9120, 9130, 9210, 9220, 9222, 9229, or 9230. 
  • Reports for Title I Programs active on or between the school year Start Date and the extract Count Date. Reports as 6010 if one of the following Codes is selected: 6011, 6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6016, 6017, 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, or 6029. 
  • Military Connections Reporting: If the student has an active Military Connections record on or between the Previous Count Date and Count Date, reports as 9140. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Programs

Program Admin > Programs > Code, State Reported

Census > People > Military Connections

System Administration > Calendar > School Years

Personal CurriculumThese fields report based on if any of the following droplists are not null: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Visual, Performing & Applied Arts, World Languages, Health/Physical Education.

Personal Curriculum Credit Modification

Indicates the academic area(s) for which the student has a Personal Curriculum Credit Modification. This may be reported multiple times (once per academic area code).
Report values are based on which Personal Curriculum Credit has a value entered:

  • 1 = English Language Arts
  • 2 = Mathematics
  • 3 = Science
  • 4 = Social Studies
  • 5 = Visual, Performing & Applied Arts
  • 6 = World Languages
  • 8 = Health/Physical Education 

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > General > MSDS > Personal Curriculum Credit

Student Information > General > Personal Curriculum


Personal Curriculum Type 

The reason for the Personal Curriculum Credit Modification. Reports the value Subject selected:

  • 1 - IEP
  • 2 - Transfer
  • 3 - General Enhanced
  • 4 - General Modified

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > General > MSDS > Personal Curriculum Credit > Subject; Student Information > General > Personal Curriculum


Homeless DemographicsReports component if student has an active homeless record within the Previous Count Date and Count Date. Primary Nighttime Residence must not have a blank value.


Indicates the student meets Federal requirements for being considered homeless.
Reported values include:

  • 10 - Shelters
  • 11 - Transitional housing
  • 12 - Awaiting Foster Care Placement
  • 13 - Doubled-Up
  • 14 - Hotel/Motel
  • 15 - Unsheltered

Logic reports Primary Nighttime Residence.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless


Unaccompanied Youth

Reports as true if marked, or as false if not.

Logic reports true if Unaccompanied Youth = Yes. Reports false if Unaccompanied Youth = No.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > Program Participation > Homeless



LEP Instructional Program 

The primary type of English language acquisition program in which the student is currently enrolled in. Students may report more than one code however, the first reported code is considered the primary instructional program. If LEP Service Type is 05-12 and is active on the Snapshot Date, reports Service Type.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > LEP Services


 Primary Language 

Indicates the primary language spoken in the student's home for students who have an LEP program. If the student has an LEPInstructionalProgram reported, reports the Primary Language. 

Numeric, 3 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Home Primary Language 

Home LanguageIndicates if another language is spoken in the student's home. If the student has an LEPInstructionalProgram reported, reports the Native Language. Never reports as ENG. 

Numeric, 3 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Native Language 


LEP Exit Date 

Date the student stopped receiving LEP programming or services. Reports the Program Exit Date if the date falls between the Snapshot Date and Previous Snapshot Date.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > Program Exit Date


LEP ReEntry Date 

Date the student, who had previously transitioned out of an English acquisition program in the last two years, was reclassified as LEP after transitioning. If the student has an active LEP record with a Status of LEP and a prior LEP record with a Status of Exited LEP, reports the Identified Date of the current LEP record.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Program Participation > LEP > Identified Date


Title I TASThese fields report based on if the program is active on or between the school year Start Date and the extract Count Date, if State Reported is selected on the Program Participation record. If State Reported is selected, reports Code in TASInstructional Services if Code is 6011, 6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6016, or 6017. Reports code in TASSupportServices if Code is 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, or 6028. Program applies to all enrollments if Location is null. Program school must match enrolled school if Location is not null.

TAS Instructional Services 

Indicates the Title I instructional service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

If a Code of 6011, 6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6016, or 6017 is selected, reports the Code in TASInstructionalServices. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Program Participation

 TAS Support Services 

Indicates the Title 1 support service(s) received by the student in a Targeted Assistance Schools program.

If a Code of 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, or 6028 is selected, reports the Code in TASSupportServices. 

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > Program Participation > Programs

Initial IEP

Only pulls from locked evaluations with a format of Campus (MI) ESR Format or MI ESR 2012 that have a Type of Initial.

Date Of Parental Consent 

Date on which the entity received the signed Parental Consent to Evaluate form.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Report > Evaluation Header > Consent Date


BIE ONLY: Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Date of Parental Consent

Initial IEP Completion DateThe completion of an IEP is the date the notice of the offer of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) was made.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation > FAPE Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Initial IEP Completion Date


Timeliness Of Initial IEP 

Indicates the appropriate timeliness status for the evaluation of eligibility for the student.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Report > Evaluation Header > Evaluation Compliance


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Timeliness of Initial IEP 


Result Of Initial IEP 

If the student is found eligible for the initial IEP, enter a code of 1. If the student is found ineligible on the initial IEP, enter a code of 2.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents Tab > Evaluation Report > Evaluation Header > Initial Eval Result 


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Result of Initial IEP


Days Beyond Timeline 

If the evaluation and completion of the initial IEP went beyond the 30 school-day or agreed-upon written extension timeline (codes "13", "14", "15", "16" or "17" in TimelinessOfInitialIEP), enter the number of school days beyond that timeline the completion of the initial IEP required. Leave blank if completion occurred within the timeline (codes "11" or "12" in TimelinessOfInitialIEP) or if the evaluation will never be completed (codes "18", "19", "20" or "21" in TimelinessOfInitialIEP).

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Report > Evaluation Header > Extension Days


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Days Beyond Timeline 


Part C Transition Timeliness

Reports the Part C Transition Timeliness.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Evaluation Report > Evaluation Header > Part C Transition Timeliness


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Part C Transition Timeliness

Special Education

These fields report based on the most recent locked amended plan, if one is found. Otherwise, reports from the most recent original plan (IEP or IFSP). Documents must be active between the Snapshot Date and the Previous Snapshot Date to report. The student must also have an active Early Intervention Service recorded on the Early Intervention Services editor of their IFSP or Special Education Program recorded on the Special Education Programs editor of their IEP.

If the Special Education checkbox is selected on the MSDS tab, Special Ed data reports from the student's enrollment if no IEP is found.

Primary Disability 

The student's primary disability.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Primary Disability 


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Primary Disability


Secondary Disability 

Indicates additional characteristics related to the student's disability(s). Multiple values may report.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollment Tab > Special Ed Fields > Additional Disability 


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Secondary Disability


IEP Date 

The date of the student's most recent individual education plan (IEP) or, if a student who currently receives special education programs or services enrolls in a new school, the date the parent consents to placement or implementation of the previous IEP in the new school.
If reporting from an IEP, report Offer for a FAPE.  The most recent locked IEP within the date ranged entered on the extract editor is used. If an unlocked IEP is more recent than the most recent locked IEP, the unlocked IEP is ignored.
If reporting from an IFSP:

  • Report Initial IFSP Date
  • If Initial IFSP Date is not found, report Annual IEP/IFSP Date
  • If Annual IEP/IFSP Date is not found, report Other Review Date.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents > Education Plan Editor > Offer of a FAPE, Initial IFSP Date, Annual IEP/IFSP Date, Other Review Date

SEPlan. fapeOfferDate
SEPlan. evaluationDate
(when type = ‘Interim’)
SEPaln. evaluationDate
(when type = ‘Annual’)
SEPlan.annual ReviewDate

BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > IEP Date 

 Type of Plan

Reports the type of plan being reported. Reports as follows:

  • 01: IFSP
  • 02: IEP
  • 03: NPSP

Numeric, 2 digits

Calculated from Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents
Additional Plan Date

Only prior IEPs, IFSPs, or NPSPs to the current plan report in this field.

Reports the date if student has an IEP, IFSP, or NPSP that occurs within the Previous Count Date and Count Date.

  • IEP: Reports Offer of a FAPE.
  • IFSP: Reports Current IFSP Date.
  • NPSP: Reports Offer of a FAPE.

Up to 3 plans can be reported. Only original documents are reported. If the most recent document is an amendment, the original document associated with the amendment is ignored. 

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents



Support Services 

Reports the code(s) representing any special education support services that are provided to the student. The primary service must be reported first.  
Maximum occurrences = 5.
The most recent locked IEP within the date ranged entered on the extract editor is used. If an unlocked IEP is more recent than the most recent locked IEP, the unlocked IEP is ignored.    
Order of reporting:

  • SupportServiceCode1 - Reports the Related Service Program Code with the greatest amount of time (minutes per session times session frequency)
  • SupportServiceCode2 - Reports the Related Service Program Code with the second greatest amount of time (minutes per session times session frequency)
  • SupportServiceCodes 3-5 continue the reporting logic where SupportServiceCode5 reports the Related Service Program Code with the fifth greatest amount of time.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents Tab > IEP > Related Services


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Support Services 1


Program Service Code 

Code representing the special education program or service in which the student participates. The primary program must be reported first with a maximum of 3. If a Special Ed Exit Date is reported, both active and inactive services within the Count Date window will report. If a Special Ed Exit Date is not reported, only active services will report.
The most recent locked IEP within the date ranged entered on the extract editor is used. If an unlocked IEP is more recent than the most recent locked IEP, the unlocked IEP is ignored.  
Order of reporting:

  • ProgramServiceCode1 - Report the Program Service Code with the greatest amount of time (minutes per session times session frequency).
  • ProgramServiceCode2 - Report the Program Service Code with the second greatest amount of time (minutes per session times session frequency).
  • ProgramServiceCode3 - Report the Program Service Code with the third greatest amount of time (minutes per session times session frequency).

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents Tab > IEP > Program Services Editor


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Program Service Code 1 


Primary Educational Setting 

Code that best represents the student’s primary educational setting. Use the code most appropriate based on the student's age group and the location/facility type or the percentage of time spent in general education and special education settings.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Special Ed > Documents Tab > IEP > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Setting


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Special Ed Setting 


Placed By Another Dist IEP 

Indicates when the student, as stipulated in his/her current IEP, participates in a center program, a cooperative-agreement program designed specifically for special education students, or a cross-district special education program. The program must serve both in-district and out-of-district students. This field does NOT apply to students who have moved into the district or who came into a school district by school-of-choice programs.
If Start Status = 21 and Special Ed Status = 1, student reports True.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Status; Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Special Ed Status


Spec Ed Exit Reason 

The reason the student is no longer participating in special education programs and/or services. Only reports if Exit Date is within the extract Date Range.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > Exit Reason


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > SPED Exit Reason


Spec Ed Exit Date 

Date of the first day after the date the student last participated in special education programs and/or services because of the exit reason. Only reports if within the extract Date Range.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Ed Fields > Exit Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > SPED Exit Date


Section 52 FTE 

The full time equivalency (FTE) for which the student is eligible for special education programs or services provided to students with disabilities. All students who do not qualify as a Section 53 student should be listed as Section 52. Special education students are reported whether or not they generate a special education FTE. For students in a classroom program only, report the FTE in the Special Education classroom.

Reports as 0 for students who have an Exit Date or Spec Ed Exit Date reported. 

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > FTE Section 52


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > FTE Section 52 


Section 53 FTE 

The full time equivalency (FTE) for which the student is eligible for special education programs or services provided to students with disabilities and who qualify for Section 53 membership. Special education students are reported whether or not they generate a special education FTE. For students in a classroom program only, report the FTE in the Special Education classroom.

Reports as 0 for students who have an Exit Date or Spec Ed Exit Date reported. 

Numeric, 3 digits 

Student Information > General > Enrollment > Special Ed Fields > FTE Section 53


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > FTE Section 53

EC Special Ed Assessment Type

Only reports Early Childhood assessment types. Multiple assessments report if their dates fall within the extract Date Range.

Assessment Tool 

The method of determining the child's level of functioning within the three areas assessed at the initiation of special education service and when he/she either exits from early childhood special education, begins kindergarten or within thirty (30) days of his/her sixth birthday.

Numeric, 3 digits 

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcomes Plan > Child Outcomes Review > Assessment Tool


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Assesment Tool


Other Tool Comments 

The description of the type of assessment tool used, when it is not one of the values provided in the Assessment Tool column.
If Assessment Tool = 18, Other Tool is reported.

Numeric, 25 digits 

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcomes Plan > Child Outcomes Review > Other Tool


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Other Tool Used


Entry Assessment Date 

The month, day and year of the first day when the child was assessed for entry into the early childhood special education program.
If the Entry checkbox is checked, report the Date. 

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcomes Plan > Child Outcomes Review > Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Entry Assessment Date


Exit Assessment Date 

The month, day and year of the first day when the child was assessed upon his/her exit from early childhood special education.
If the Entry checkbox is checked, report the Date.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcomes Plan > Child Outcomes Review > Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Exit Assessment Date


Outcome 1A

Reports to what extent the student shows age-appropriate social-emotional skills and functioning, across a variety of settings and situations.

See options in the following Outcome Options table.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcome Plan > Child Outcomes Review > 1. Child has positive social relationships


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Outcome 1A


Outcome 1B 

Indication of the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to positive social-emotional skills (including positive social relationships) since his/her last assessment.
Exit test only (Exit checkbox is selected). Do not report this column if Entry assessment information is being reported.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcome Plan > Child Outcomes Review > 1. Child has positive social relationships


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Outcome 1B

BIEMISped. outcome1B

Outcome 2A 

Reports to what extent the child shows age-appropriate acquiring and use of knowledge and skills across a variety of settings and situations.

See options in the following Outcome Options table.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcome Plan > Child Outcomes Review > 2. Child acquires and uses knowledge and skills


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Outcome 2A


Outcome 2B

Indication of the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to acquiring and using knowledge and skills since his/her last assessment.
Exit test only (Exit checkbox is selected). Do not report this column if Entry assessment information is being reported.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcome Plan > Child Outcomes Review > 2. Child acquires and uses knowledge and skills


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Outcome 2B


Outcome 3A

Reports to what extent the child shows age-appropriate action taken to meet needs across a variety of settings and situations.

See options in the following Outcome Options table.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcome Plan > Child Outcomes Review > 3. Child takes appropriate action to meet his/her need


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Outcome 3A


Outcome 3B 

Indication of the child's acquisition of new skills or behaviors related to taking appropriate action to meet needs since his/her last assessment.
Exit test only (Exit checkbox is selected). Do not report this column if Entry assessment information is being reported.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Outcome Plan > Child Outcomes Review > 3. Child takes appropriate action to meet his/her need


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Outcome 3B 


Incident ID 

ID assigned to the incident by the local district. Used to track both incidents and student consequences.

Numeric, 10 digits

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Incident ID


Date Of Incident 

Date indicating when the incident occurred.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident


Incident Type 

The primary and most recent reason that led to the disciplinary action. Events will only be reported if a State Event Code and State Resolution Code are included. Reports the first two characters of the State Event Code.

Numeric, 2 digits 

Student Information > General > Behavior > Behavior Event > Event Name

Serious Bodily Injury

Indicates is serious bodily injury resulted from the behavior event. If Injury is 4, reports as T.

Alphanumeric, T or F

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Injury


Sexual Assault

Indicates if the behavior event involved sexual assault. If Sexual Assault is marked, reports as T.

Alphanumeric, T or F

Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Participant > Sexual Assault


Initial Consequence Type

The State Resolution Code of the first determined state resolution to the behavior event.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > General > Behavior > Behavior Resolution


Initial Days

The number of days the first resolution lasted (in half-day increments).

Decimal, ##.##

Student Information > General > Behavior > Duration in School Days


Initial Start Date

The date of the first resolution.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Behavior > Resolution Start Date


Secondary Consequence Type

The State Resolution Code of the second resolution.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > General > Behavior > Behavior Resolution


Secondary Days

The number of days the second resolution lasted (in half-day increments).

Numeric, ##.##

Student Information > General > Behavior > Duration in School Days


Secondary Start Date

The date of the second resolution.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > General > Behavior > Resolution Start Date


Other Consequence Type

The State Resolution Code of any additional resolutions.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > General > Behavior > Behavior Resolution


Other Days

The number of days any additional resolutions lasted (in half-day increments).

Numeric, ##.##

Student Information > General > Behavior > Duration in School Days


Other Start DateThe date of the additional resolution.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD
Student Information > General > Behavior > Resolution Start Date


Follow Up 

Indicates measures done to follow-up after the incident and/or educational services provided to the student. If more than one action/service occurred, report the primary education service or referral first. Additional codes may be reported as needed.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > General > Behavior > Behavior Resolution > Expulsion - Follow- Up


AttendanceThis component reports if the student has an End Date within the extract Date Range and an End Status that is not 19 or null, or if the extract Reporting Window is EOY.

Days Attended 

The number of days the student actually attended. This field does not address instructional days or clock hours.

For the EOY count day, reports based on the last day of school, not including summer school. For services that are not school-based (e.g., services provided in the home), reports how many days out of the days available that the student received services.
The data populating this field for the end-of-year collection or at the student's exit from the district is a cumulative count of the student's attendance for the entire academic school year, as of the last day of attendance.

All days that have a Status of A and an Excuse that is null or a value other than X are not included. Days with a Status other than A are included in the count. Only Whole Day Absences are subtracted from this count.

Use the following calculation if student's enrolled grade has an MSDS Attendance Model that is Minute Based or null:

  • Whole Day Present, where student sum of absence minutes is 50% or less than the scheduled Instructional minutes for the day.
  • Whole Day Absent, where student sum of absence minutes is more than 50% of scheduled Instructional minutes for the day.

Use the following calculation if student's enrolled grade has a MSDS Attendance Model that is Period Based:

  • Whole Day Present, where student is flagged as absent for 50% or less than the number of scheduled instructional periods for the day.
  • Whole Day Absent, where student is flagged as absent for more than 50% of scheduled instructional periods for the day.

Absent is defined by the attendance code combinations of Absent Excused, Absent Unexcused, and Absent Unknown.

Attendance is calculated from the student's schedule in both of the following attendance models:

  • Course must be marked for Attendance.
  • Day must be marked as Instructional.

If the student's enrollment has a Service Type of P or N and a Start Status of 01, 04, 07, 14, 15, 16, or 17, all attendance that falls between the Count Date and Previous Count Date is aggregated for all prior enrollments in the school year that had a Service Type of P or N, unless the enrollment has an End Status that is not 19 or null. If the student's enrollment has a Service Type of S and a Start Status of 01, 04, 07, 14, 15, 16, or 17, all attendance that falls between the Count Date and Previous Count Date is aggregated for all prior enrollments in the school year that had a Service Type of S, unless the enrollment has an End Status that is not 19 or null.

If student exits the District and re-enrolls, attendance days are calculated from the latest enrollment. If start code is 01, 04, 07, 14, 15, 16 or 17, attendance should be aggregated from all enrollments from the same school for the school year.

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Attendance AND System Administration > Calendar > Days AND Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date and Service Type AND MI State Reporting > SRSD Extract > Previous Count date and Count Date

Student Information > General > Enrollments > Grade Sys Admin > Calendar > Grade Levels > MSDS Attendance Model

System Administration > Attendance > Attendance Codes > Status, Excuse

System Administration > Calendar > Periods

Course > Attendance

System Administration > Calendar > Days > Instruction

Calculated, not dynamically stored

Total Possible Attendance 

Total possible days in attendance from the first day of school, the date of new enrollment, or the beginning of a program (e.g., summer school).

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Attendance AND System Administration > Calendar > Days AND Student Information > General > Enrollments > Start Date and Service Type AND MI State Reporting > SRSD Extract > Previous Count date and Count Date

Calculated, not dynamically stored


Supplemental Nutrition Eligibility 

The student's eligibility status for free or reduced-price meal/milk program for the current school year.

 Reports the lowest number from any eligibility status tied to the reported calendar year. If Eligibility = paid or null, reports as null.

Numeric, 1 digit

FRAM > Eligibility > Eligibility


Early On

Early On must be selected on the student's MSDS tab for these fields to report. Reports based on IFSPs with a plan type of MI IFSP 2010, 2012, 2014, or 2015.

Service Coord Agency

The type of agency providing service coordination for this child through Part C.

Alphanumeric, 3 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Education Plan > Referral Agency


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Referral Agency


Primary Service Setting

The environment in which the majority of services are provided. Reports the EO Primary Service Setting from the IFSP if available, or as the Special Ed Setting if null.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Education Plan > EO Primary Service Setting

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Enrollment Status > Special Ed Setting


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Primary Service Setting


Service Code

The type of services provided through Part C programs. Reports the state code for the Early Related Service.

Order of reporting: 

  • SupportServiceCode1 - Logic Update Report Related Service Program Code with the greatest amount of time (Minutes per session times session frequency) 
  • SupportServiceCode2 - Logic Update Report Related Service Program Code with the second greatest amount of time (Minutes per session times session frequency) 
  • SupportServiceCode3 - Logic Update Report Related Service Program Code with the third greatest amount of time (Minutes per session times session frequency) 
  • SupportServiceCode4 - Logic Update Report Related Service Program Code with the fourth greatest amount of time (Minutes per session times session frequency) 
  • SupportServiceCode5 - Logic Update Report Related Service Program Code with the fifth greatest amount of time (Minutes per session times session frequency)

Numeric, 3 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Service > Early Related > State Code


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Service Code 1


Current IFSP Date

The date of the notice of Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) associated with the child's most recent individualized family service plan (IFSP).

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Date

BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Current IFSP Date


Timely Start of Service

Part C Indicator 1: Indicates the Start Status for the services identified on the child's IFSP.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Education Plan > Timeliness of Locked Plan


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Timely Start of Service


Part C Exit Reason

The reason given for a child discontinuing services through Part C.


Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Transition Plan > Reason


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Part C Exit Reason


Part C Exit Date

The date on which the child ceased receiving Part C services. If the Part C Exit Date is between the Snapshot and Previous Snapshot Dates, reports the Part C Exit Date.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Transition Plan > Part C Exit Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Part C Exit Date


Transitional IFSP

Part C Indicator 8A: Indicate if the transition IFSP was completed within the required timeframe.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Transitional IFSP Timeliness


Transition Conference

Part C Indicator 8C: Indicates if the transition IFSP conference was held within the required timeframe.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Transition Conference Timeliness

Initial IFSP

This component reports if the Initial Referral Date is between the Snapshot Date and the Previous Date, Early On is selected on the student's Enrollment tab, and the student has an Evaluation with a print format of miESR10Eval, miESR12EC, miESR14EC, or miESR15EC.

Referral Date

The date the agency responsible for completing the evaluation, assessment and determination of eligibility for services under Part C of IDEA were first made aware of the possibility of eligibility.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP ESR > Eval Header > Date of Referral


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > IFSP Referral Date


Referral Agency

The type of agency who referred the child as potentially eligible for Part C services.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP ESR > Eval Header > Referral Agency


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > IFSP Service Coordination Agency


IFSP Timeliness

Indicates whether the initial IFSP was completed within the required timeframe under Part C regulations.

Options are:

  • 01: Timely
  • 02: Untimely
  • 03: Untimely for Acceptable Reason

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP ESR > Eval Header > IFSP Timeliness


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > IFSP Timeliness


Result of Initial IFSP

Indicates the results of the initial referral and service plan for Part C.

Options are:

  • 01: Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed
  • 02: Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed - Special Ed services refused
  • 03: Eligible for Part C only

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP ESR > Eligibility Determination > Result of IFSP


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Result of Initial IFSP

Initial IFSP DateThe date of the child's initial Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Reports the Completed IFSP Meeting Date.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP Eval > Completed IFSP Meeting Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Initial IFSP Date

Part B Referral

Early On must be selected on the student's MSDS tab for these fields to report.

SEA Notification

Part C Indicator 8B: Indicates if notification to the SEA occurred at least 90 days and no more than 9 months prior to the child's third birthday for toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Eval Header


BIE ONLY: Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > SEA Notification


LEA Notification

Part C Indicator 8B: Indicates if notification to the LEA occurred at least 90 days and no more than 9 months prior to the child's third birthday for toddlers potentially eligible for Part B preschool services.

Alphanumeric, Y or N

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Eval Header


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > LEA Notification

Parent Last NameThe parent's last name, family name, or surname. Often, this is the person responsible for signing the student's IFSP, or another adult who is a primary caregiver of the child.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent First NameThe parent's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent Street AddressThe street address where the parent lived at the time of reporting, or the parent's last known address.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent Street Address 2The mailing address that differs from the parent's primary address.

Alphanumeric, 100 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent CityThe city of the parent's address.

Alphanumeric, 50 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics
Parent StateThe state of the parent's address.

Alphanumeric, 2 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent Zip CodeThe zip code of the parent's address.

Numeric, 5 digits
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics
Parent Phone NumberThe parent's primary contact phone number.

Numeric, 10 digits
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics
Parent Address UnknownReports as true if the parent does not have an address on file. Otherwise reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Parent Phone UnknownReports as true if the parent does not have an phone number on file. Otherwise reports blank.

Alphanumeric, 4 characters
Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > IFSP > Parent/Guardian Demographics

Part C Assessment

Early On must be selected on the student's MSDS tab for these fields to report.

Data Source

The comprehensive assessment tool used. Options are:

  • A: AEPS
  • B: E-LAP
  • C: HELP
  • D: EIDP
  • E: Brigance
  • F: Other
  • G: Carolina
  • H: IDA
  • I: Battelle
  • J: Bayley

Alphanumeric, 1 character

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Assessment Tool


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Assessment Type


Other Source Comments

The assessment tool used when a different assessment tool was used.

Alphanumeric, 25 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Other Tool Used


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Other Source Comments


Assessment Date

The date on which the assessment was administered.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Assessment Date


Assessment Type

The type of assessment being administered. Part C assessments are required to be completed when the child enters Part C services, annually while the child is receiving services, and upon exit from Part C. Options are:

  • 01: Entry
  • 02: Annual
  • 03: Exit

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Entry/Annual/Exit


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Assessment Type


Parent Input

Input provided by the child's parent or guardian.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Parent Input


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Parent Input


Parent Input Date

The date on which the parent/guardian input was collected.

Date field, YYYY-MM-DD

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Parent Input Date


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Part C Parent Input Date


Social Relationships

The child's assessment rating for positive relationships.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > #1


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Social Relationships


New Social Relationships

When reporting an annual or exit assessment, indicates if the child showed any new skill or behaviors related to positive social relationships. Only reports for Exit and Annual test types.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > #1


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > New Social Relationships


Knowledge Skills

The child's assessment rating for acquisition and use of knowledge and skills.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > #2

SEPOutcomeMeasures. skillsScore

BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > New Knowledge Skills


New Knowledge Skills

When reporting an annual or exit assessment, indicates if the child showed any new skill or behaviors related to acquisition and use of knowledge. Only reports for Exit and Annual test types.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > #2


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > New Knowledge Skills



The child's assessment rating for the ability to take appropriate actions to meet their needs.

Numeric, 1 digit

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > #3


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > Actions


New Actions

When reporting an annual or exit assessment, indicates if the child showed any new skill or behaviors related to taking action to meet their needs. Only reports for Exit and Annual test types.

Alphanumeric, 5 characters

Student Information > Special Ed > Documents > Plan > OMP > Child Outcomes Review > #3


BIE ONLY:  Student Information > Special Ed > MI Sped > New Actions

Seclusion and RestraintComponent reports if the student has any behavior incidents between the Previous Count Date and Count Date with a value selected for Seclusions and Restraints.
Date OccurredThe date of the incident. 

Alphanumeric, 8 characters
Behavior > Behavior Management > Incident > Date of Incident
Number SecludedReports the number of times the student has a behavior response of Secluded

Numeric, 3 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Behavior Response > Response Type > Secluded

Number RestrainedReports the number of times the student has a behavior response of Physical Restraint. 

Numeric, 3 digits
Behavior > Behavior Management > Behavior Response > Response Type > Restrained

Early Reading Deficiency

Component reports if the question Was there a reading deficiency identified any time during the current school year? is marked. If null, this component does not report.

For the Fall and Spring collection periods, this component only reports if the student has exited enrollment (Exit Status is not 19, 00, or null).

Reading Deficiency IdentifiedIf Was there a reading deficiency identified any time during the current school year? is Yes, reports true. If No, reports false.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Early Reading Deficiency

Reading Deficiency ContinuationIf Is there a reading deficiency identified that still exists at the end of the current school year? is Yes, reports true. If No, reports false.

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Early Reading Deficiency

Reading Deficiency Activities

Reports the option(s) selected for What additional instructional-time grant related activities were delivered to the student? Options are:  

  • 01: Before School
  • 02: During School
  • 03: After School
  • 04: Summer Program
  • 05: Other Allowable Grant Activities
  • 06: Read At Home


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Early Reading Deficiency


 Outcome Options




Not Yet


Between Not Yet and Emerging




Between Emerging and Somewhat




Between Somewhat and Completely



Previous Version















