Grade Calc Options


Grade Calculation Options (Instruction)
This article describing establishing grade calculation options for calculating In Progress grades or proficiency estimates in Campus Instruction.
Determine grade calculations for a course section via Grade Book Setup - Video
The Grade Claculation tool allows teachers to determine how grading tasks and/or standards are calculated for a course section. This video demonstrates how to determine grade calculations.
Determine grade calculations for a course section via Grade Book Setup - Simulation
Grade Calc Options allow teachers to determine how assignments and categories contribute to a student’s grade. In this lesson teachers need to define grade calculations for the new school year.
Using Rollup Grade Calculations
This article describes using the Rollup Calculation to estimate the proficiency estimate for parent standards.
Cumulative Grading (Instruction)
This article describes establishing Cumulative Grading settings in the Grade Book.
Configure cumulative grading for a course section - Video
Setting up cumulative grading allows teachers to set a starting term for calculating grades across multiple terms. Cumulative grading is set up in Grade Calc Options.
Configure cumulative grading for a course section - Simulation
Cumulative grading allows users to define a starting term for calculating cumulative grades across multiple terms. In this lesson, a teacher needs to configure cumulative grading for his reading standards.
Establish Composite Grading Rules
This article describes establishing composite grading rules and viewing composite grades in the Grade Book.
Configure composite grading for a course section - Video
From the Grade Book tool, teachers can set up composite grading for a course section. This video demonstrates how to configure composite grading for a course section.
Configure composite grading for a course section - Simulation
Composite grading can be configured for a course section using Grade Calculation Options within the Grade Book tool. In this lesson, a teacher needs to setup composite grading for a course section.
Understand Power Law Proficiency Estimates - Video
The Power Law method of estimating student proficiency is used to calculate a trend score for the student on a standard. This video will describe the process used to calculate the trend and best practices for using it.