Student Interchange - Graduation Guidelines (Colorado) [.2215 - .2227]

Classic View: CO State Reporting > Data Pipeline > Student Interchange > Graduation Guidelines

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The Graduation Guidelines Report tracks graduation requirements for students. The information in this report is not part of the October Count.

Graduation Guidelines Extract

Report Logic

One record per Guideline - Assessment, Transcript record or Certificate - reports per student. When a student has more than one guideline, that student has multiple records on the extract.

Only records that have dates on or prior to the entered effective date report. This applies to all assessments, transcript records and courses that are considered for graduation guidelines.

The student must have an active primary enrollment as of the entered effective date on the report editor. When there is no active primary enrollment as of the effective date, the most recent primary enrollment reports based on the start date.

Only guidelines met during the selected reporting school year are included. The School Year is considered to be from the earliest Calendar Start Date of all selected calendars to the latest Calendar End Date of all selected calendars.

Report Editor

Report TypeSelection determines the Student Interchange report that generates. Choose Graduation Guidelines.
Ad hoc FilterSelect a saved ad hoc filter to only include those students in the filter in the report, assuming those students meet the reporting logic and business rules of this report.
Effective DateThe entered date is auto-populated to the current date and returns those students actively enrolled in the selected calendar on this date.
All GuidelinesWhen marked, student guidelines report for all school years and enrollments. 
  • Enrollment-specific data reports from the current year's enrollment.
  • Demographic-specific data reports based on the entered Effective Date. 
All instances of a guideline report, regardless of the calendar/school year in which the guidelines were achieved. When a student has three ACT assessments that meet the report criteria, all three report in separate lines.
Date restrictions do not apply to guidelines. Concurrent Enrollment guideline for previous school year reports only from student Transcript records.

When NOT marked, no Local Measure Guidelines report. Logic for specific guidelines may exist. See the Guidelines table included in the Assessment Reporting Logic section.
Report Legal NameWhen marked, the student's name and gender report from the Protected Identity Information section on the student's Identities record.
FormatThe Graduation Guidelines report can be generated in either CSV or HTML formats.
Calendar SelectionSelect at least one calendar to generate the report. Calendars can be selected by Active Year, School or Year.
Report GenerationThe Student Layout extract can be generated immediately using the Generate Report button. Or, use the Submit to Batch button to select when the report is generated. See the Batch Queue article for more information on this functionality.

Generate the Report

  1. Select the Graduation Guidelines from the Report Type field.
  2. If desired, select students from an existing Ad hoc Filter.
  3. Enter the desired Effective Date.
  4. Mark the All Guidelines checkbox, if desired.
  5. Mark the Report Legal Name checkbox, if desired.
  6. Select the Format of the report.
  7. Select the Calendar(s) from which to report information.
  8. Click the Generate Extract button or the Submit to Batch button. The report displays in the desired format.

Graduation Guidelines - HTML Format  

Graduation Guidelines - CSV Format  

Report Layout

Data ElementDescriptionLocation
Reporting School District Code/ BOCES Code
The number assigned to a school district by the state department of education.

Numeric, 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Information > State District Number

SASIDA unique number assigned to a student by the Department of Education.

Numeric, 10 digits
Census > People > Demographics > Person Identifiers > Student State ID

School Code

Four-digit number assigned to the school.

When a student has a Special Education Attendance Code of 31: Administrative Unit OR 32: State-Operated Program, the four-digit code reports from the Serving District field on the student' most recent enrollment record as of the entered effective date, the end date of report generation, or the most recent enrollment closest to the end date of report generation. 

For all other students, the student's latest enrollment where the Special Education Start Date is populated and at least one active Special Education date falls within the reporting period or the most recent enrollment closest to the end date of report generation. 

  • The Service Agency/Facility code reports, if populated.
  • If the Service Agency/Facility Code field is not populated, the School of Accountability reports, if populated.
  • If the School of Accountability field is not populated, the School Number of the student's most current enrollment or most recent enrollment as of the Effective Date or End Date of report generation.
  • If all of these fields are not populated, a value of 0000 reports.

Default value: zero fill

Numeric, 4 digits

Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > Serving District


Student Information > General > Enrollments > Special Education Fields > Service Agency/Facility Code


Student Information > General > Enrollments > State Reporting Fields > School of Accountability


System Administration > Resources > School > School Editor > State School Number


First Name

Reports the student's first name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's First Name reports from the Legal First Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > First Name

Identity.first Name

Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal First Name


Last Name

Reports the student's last name.

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Last Name reports from the Legal Last Name field.

Alphanumeric, 30 characters

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Last Name

Identity.last Name

Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Last Name



Reports the student's gender.

  • 01 - Female
  • 02 - Male

When the Report Legal Name checkbox is marked, the student's Gender reports from the Legal Gender field. 

Numeric, 2 digits

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Gender


Census > People > Identities > Protected Identity Information > Legal Gender


Birth DateStudent's date of birth.

Date field, 8 characters (MMDDYYYY)

Census > People > Demographics > Person Information > Birth Date


Census > People > Identities > Identities Editor > Birth Date

Guideline Type

Reports the name of the guideline associated with the student. The type of guideline affects the remaining fields in the extract.

This field reports a value of 0 (English) or 1 (Math) depending on whether the assessment or transcript/course record is for English or Math.

Numeric, 1 digit

Guideline Name

Assessments, Transcript records, or a Course from the schedule, which at the completion of the course is posted on the transcript can report. The CO Code associated with the assessment or Transcript/Course records reports.

The following assessment types report:

  • Accuplacer (CO Code of ACR, ACS, ACE)
  • ACT (CO Code of ACT)
  • ACT WorkKeys (CO Code of AWK)
  • Advanced Placement (CO Code of AP)
  • Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (CO Code of ASV)
  • District Capstone (CO Codes of CAP)
  • SAT (CO Code of SAT)

The following Transcript and Course Record types report:

  • International Baccalaureate (CO Code of IB)
  • Concurrent Enrollment (CO Code of CE)
  • District Capstone (CO Codes of CAP)

See the Assessment Reporting Logic table for additional logic related to these assessments and transcript records.

Alphanumeric, 3 digits

Student Information > General > Assessments >

Student Information > Counseling > General > Transcripts


Assessment > Test Setup > Test Detail > National Code


Scheduling > Courses > Course > Course Information > Type


Guideline Score

For assessments, reports the scale score of the assessment, if available. If not available, the raw score reports. If that is not available, a NULL value reports.

For transcript records, reports the score that is posted to the transcript.

See the Assessment Reporting Logic table for additional logic related to these assessments and transcript records.

Numeric, 2 digits

Student Information > General > Assessments


Student Information > Counseling > General > 



School Year of Completion

Reports the school year in which the student took the assessment or in which the course was taken.

A course or assessment taken in the 2018-19 school year reports as 20182019.

See the Assessment Reporting Logic table for additional logic related to these assessments and transcript records.

Date Field, 8 characters (YYYYYYYY)

Student Information > General > Assessments


Student Information > Counseling > General > Transcripts


IEP Accommodation

Reports a value of 1 when the Guideline Accommodation field includes the option for 1: Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Otherwise, reports a value of 0.

Note that the Guideline Accommodation field is multi-select; when the field contains multiple values, all are considered and reported.

Numeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Graduation > Guideline Accommodation


EL Accommodation

Reports a value of 1 when the Guideline Accommodation field includes the option for 2: English Learners (EL).

Otherwise, reports a value of 0.

Note that the Guideline Accommodation field is multi-select; when the field contains multiple values, all are considered and reported.

Numeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Graduation > Guideline Accommodation

GT Accommodation

Reports a value of 1 when the Guideline Accommodation field includes the option for 3: Gifted and Talented.

Otherwise, reports a value of 0. 

Note that the Guideline Accommodation field is multi-select; when the field contains multiple values, all are considered and reported.

Numeric, 1 character

Student Information > General > Graduation > Guideline Accommodation

District of CompletionReports the district code of the reporting school.

When reporting from Assessments, the Testing District Code reports from the student's Assessment record. When that field is not populated, the District Code reports from the District Information editor.

When reporting from Transcripts, the District Number reports. When that field is not populated, the District ID reports (visible in the database only). If both the District Number and District ID fields are not populated, the District Code from the District Information editor reports.

When reporting from the Course Roster, the District Code reports.

Numeric 4 digits
System Administration > Resources > District Information > District Code

Student Information > General > Transcripts > District Number

Student Information > General > Assessments > Testing District

Assessment Reporting Logic

Assessments require a Subject of English or Math, or have English or Math as part of the Assessment Name (Assessment > Test Setup) and be listed on the student's Assessment record (Student Information > General > Assessments). 

The District of Completion for the Guideline reports from the Testing District field on the student's Assessment record. This field displays when the Testing District field is marked on the Test Detail record. 

Testing District on Assessment Detail, Testing District on Student Assessment Record

When the Testing District field is not populated, the District of Completion reports from the District Code field on the District Information editor.

Name (Guideline Name)LogicGuideline ScoreReported Value



National Code:









Looks for National code of AAF, ACE, ACR, ACS, ANR, ANW, AR, or QAS and the date falls within the reporting school year, then:

  • Reports 0 when the code is ACR, ACS, ANR or ANW.
  • Reports 1 when the code is AAF, ACE, AR or QAS. 

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

  • When the Scale Sore contains a value, that value reports.
  • When there is no Scale Score, the Raw Score reports.
  • When there is no Scale Score or Raw Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.

EX: 20182019


National Code: ACT

When the student has an assessment with the National Code of ACT and the date falls within the reporting school year, then: 

  • Reports 0 when Name or Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 when Name of Subject is Math.

When multiple assessments exist in one subject, the most recent assessment reports.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

  • Reports the Scale Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score, reports the Raw Score.
  • When there is no Raw Score or Scale Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.

EX: 20182019

ACT WorkKeys (AWK)

National Code: AWK

When the student has an assessment with National Code ACTWorkeys and the date falls within the reporting school year, then:

  • Reports 0 when the Name or Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 when Name of Subject is Math.

When the Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type, which reports one line for English as 0 and one line for Math as 1.

When multiple assessments exist in one subject, the most recent assessment reports.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

  • Reports the Scale Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score, reports the Raw Score.
  • When there is no Raw Score or Scale Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.

EX: 20182019

Advanced Placement (AP)

National Code: AP

When a student has an assessment with a National Code of AP and the date falls within the reporting school year and has a Scale Score of 1-5, then:

  • Reports 0 if the Name or Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if Name of Subject is Math.

When the Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report. One line reports 0 for English; the second line reports 1 for Math.

When multiple assessments exist in one subject, the most recent assessment reports.

When the Subject is not populated or any other value exists, the guideline does not report.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

When the Scale Score is a value of 1-5, that value reports.

For any other values, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.

EX: 20182019

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASV)

National Code: ASVAB

When the student has an assessment with National Code ASVAB and the date falls within the reporting school year, then report as follows: 

  • Reports 0 if the assigned Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the assigned Subject is Math.
  • When the assigned Subject is English/Math, reports two identical lines for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type - one line with 0 for English and one line with 1 for Math.
  • When the assigned Subject is null or any other value, the guideline does not report.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

  • When the student has an assessment of ASVAB or AFQT with a Scale Score, that value reports.
  • When there is no Scale Score, reports the Raw Score.
  • When there is no Raw Score or Scale Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019

Concurrent Enrollment (CE)

National Code: CE


If the student has a transcript record that is marked as Concurrent (the Concurrent checkbox is marked) that occurred during the reporting school year, reports as follows:

  • Reports 0 if the Concurrent/Capstone Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the Concurrent/Capstone Subject is Math.
  • When Concurrent/Capstone Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type -  one line reports as 0 for English and one line reports as 1 for Math.
  • When the Concurrent/Capstone Subject field is not populated, values from the course (roster) report.

When a Transcript record exists for the course, a Roster record does not report. Only the current year reports.

District of Completion reports from the District Number assigned on the Transcript record. If that field is not populated, District of Completion reports from the District ID (database only value). If that field is not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

When the student has a roster record in a course marked as Type CE OR the Concurrent checkbox is marked that occurred during the reporting school year, reports as follows: 

  • Reports 1 if the Concurrent/Capstone Subject Area is Math.
  • Reports 0 if the Concurrent/Capstone Subject Area is English. 
  • When the Concurrent/Capstone Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type -  one line reports as 0 for English and one line reports as 1 for Math.
  • When the Concurrent/Capstone Subject Area is null or any other value, the guideline does not report.
  • Reports 1 if the Passing Grade is marked on the score the student received.  
  • Reports 0 if Passing Grade is NULL on the score the student received.  
  • When the All Guidelines checkbox IS NOT marked on the report editor, all CE records for the student in the selected calendar/year are included in the report.
  • When the All Guidelines checkbox IS marked on the report editor, all records for the student from all calendars/years report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019

If reporting from the Transcript, the calculation uses the Course Information Date on the Transcript.

District Capstone (CAP) 

National Code: CAP

Assessment Logic

Whenthe  student has an assessment with National Code CAP and the date falls within the reporting school year and has a Scale Score of 0-2, then:

  • Reports 0 if the assigned Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the assigned Subject is Math.
  • When the Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type - one line reports as 0 for English and one line reports as 1 for Math.

When the Subject is null or contains any other value, the guideline does not report. 

District Capstone needs to be added to the National Test Dictionary.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor. 

Transcript Logic

When a student has a transcript record where Capstone is marked that occurred during the reporting school year, then:

  • Reports 1 if the Concurrent/Capstone Subject Area is Math. 
  • Reports 0 if  the Concurrent/Capstone Subject Area is English.

If the Subject is null or contains any other value, the guideline does not report.

District of Completion reports from the District Number assigned on the Transcript record. If that field is not populated, District of Completion reports from the District ID (database only value). If that field is not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.


When the Scale Score is 0 or 1, that value reports. 

For any other value, the guideline does not report.


Reports 1 when the Passing Grade is checked on the score the student has received. 

Reports 0 when the Passing Grade is NULL on the score the student has received.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019

If reporting from the Transcript, the calculation uses the Course Information Date on the Transcript.

Industry Certificate (IC)

National Code: CRT,  IC
When the student has an assessment with National Code of IC or CRT, and the date falls within the reporting school year and has a Scale Score of 0-2, then:
  • Reports 0 if the assigned Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the assigned Subject is Math.
  • When the Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type - one line reports as 0for English and one line reports as 1 for Math. 

All other subjects do not report. 

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

Reports scale score if score is:

  • 0 - Non-passing grade per district 
  • 1 - Passing grade per district 
  • 2 - PWR endorsed requirements  

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019

International Baccalaureate (IB)

National Code: IB
When the student has an assessment with National Code IB and the date falls within the reporting school year, then:
  • Reports 0 if the assigned Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the assigned Subject is Math.

When the Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report. One line reports 0 for English; the second line reports 1 for Math.

When multiple assessments exist in one subject, the most recent assessment reports.

When the Subject is not populated or any other value exists, the guideline does not report.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.
  • Reports the Scale Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score, reports the Raw Score.
  • When there is no Raw Score or Scale Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019


National Code: SAT

When the student has assessment with National Code SAT and the date falls within the reporting school year, then:

  • Reports 0 if the assigned Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the assigned Subject is Math.

All other subjected do not report.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.

  • Reports the Scale Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score, reports the Raw Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score or Raw Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019

Collaboratively Developed (COL)

National Code: COL
When the student has an assessment with National Code COL and the date falls within the reporting school year, then:
  • Reports 0 if the assigned Subject is English.
  • Reports 1 if the assigned Subject is Math.
  • When the Subject is English/Math, two identical lines report for all values EXCEPT Guideline Type - one line reports as 0for English and one line reports as 1 for Math.
All other subjected do not report.

District of Completion reports from the Testing District on the student's Assessment record. If not populated, District of Completion reports from the District Code populated on the District Information editor.
  • Reports the Scale Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score, reports the Raw Score.
  • When there is no Scale Score or Raw Score, the guideline does NOT report.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019

Local Measure (LM)

National Code: LM
When the All Guidelines checkbox is NOT marked on the extract editor, no Local Measure Guidelines report (21-22 format and later).

When the All Guidelines checkbox IS marked on the extract editor AND the student has a State Seal/Guideline of Local Measure record with any of the following values AND a date that falls within the reporting school year, the guidelines reports as follows:

  • Guideline Met is EM: English Met, reports a value of 0.
  • Guideline Met is MM: Math Met, reports a value of 1.
  • Guideline Met is EMM: English/Math Met, a value does not report.

Reports a score of 1 for all applicable guidelines.

Reports the school year in which the assessment was taken.  

EX: 20182019