Individual Education Plan (Hawaii) [.2223 - .2227]

Classic View: Student Information > Special Ed > General > Documents

Search Terms: Special Ed Documents

The Individual Education Plan is used to capture student special education plan information and match the required documentation provided by the state of Hawaii. This document describes each editor, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a description of each field on the editor, and any special considerations and instructions. 

Plan formats are selected in Plan Types. Documented below is the IEP with Transition, with references to editors that are not included on the without Transition Plan. The current print formats include:

  • HI IEP with Transition 2022
  • HI IEP without Transition 2022

Editor Home

The Editor Home lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan.

Editor Home

NameThe name of the editor.

The state of the editor.  Statuses can be:

  • In Progress: indicates a user has entered and saved data in that editor.
  • Not Started: is the default status for all editors.
  • Complete: indicates a user has clicked the Complete button on the editor and the editor is read only. This does not lock the editor from further editing, but indicates the user considers the editor to be finished.
  • Not Needed: indicates a user has clicked the Not Needed button on the editor. This is usually done for editors that do not apply to the student.
Modified ByThe date and the user by whom the editor was last edited.
Completed ByThe date and the user who clicked the Complete button for that editor.

General IEP Information

The following table lists the buttons available for the editors:


Different editors have different save options. Click the arrow next to the Save & Stay button to view all saving options for any given editor.

  • Save captures progress and navigates the user to the Editor Home or to the Master Screen for List editors. See the Editor Types section for additional information.
  • Save & Stay captures progress and keeps the user on the current editor. This save button is the default save option and usually found within the detail screen of List editors, such as Goals and Objectives. 
  • Save & Next captures progress and navigates the user to the next editor.
  • Save & New captures progress and creates a new record. This save button is usually found within the detail screen of a list editor, such as Goals and Objectives. See the Editor Types section for additional information.

Retrieves a new copy of data from the student's record. This includes enrollment, student, parent/guardian, and team member information. This also returns any accidentally deleted people records. Manually entered fields will not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

A side panel displays listing all applicable Enrollment records for the student. See the Enrollments tool documentation for additional information.

CancelNavigates the user to the Editor Home screen or to the Master Screen for List editors.


i.e. Complete, Not Needed, etc.

Changes the status of the editor. 

  • Complete indicates the editor is finished. This makes the editor read-only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. To further edit after an editor is marked Complete, the user will have to click In Progress.
  • Not Needed indicates the editor does not apply to the student's plan. This makes the editor read only. However, this does not lock the editor from further editing. To further edit after an editor is marked Not Needed, click the In Progress button.
  • In Progress only displays when the editor is in the Complete or Not Needed status and allows additional edits to be made.

Prints the entire plan.

EditorsOpens a side panel listing all the available editors and their status. Select an editor from this list to navigate to that editor or click Close to collapse the side panel.
PreviousNavigates the user to the previous editor.
NextNavigates the user to the next editor.

Editor Types

There are two types of editors available: List or Basic editors. When navigating to a Basic editor, the list of fields within the editor display. List editors display a master list of all records within that editor. Clicking an existing record or the New button will open the detail view for an individual record. An example list editor is the Goals and Objectives editor.

Padlock Icon

Only one user at a time can actively work on an editor. A person with a padlock iconImage of the Padlock Icondisplays in the Editors side pane, Editor Home, and Master Screen of list editors indicating which editors currently have users working on them. Hovering over the icon displays the name of the user who has checked out the editor, including the current user (you).

Editors that are currently being edited are read only for all other users. The name of the person working on the editor displays in the header. Once the editing user navigates away from an editor, that editor becomes available to work on.

Template Banks

Certain fields within several editors have a paper icon next to their name. When the icon is clicked, a side panel displays with the available library of predetermined text for that field. See the Template Banks article for additional information.


The following section lists each editor and describes each field on the editor. Available editors include:

Education Plan 

The Education Plan editor includes the various dates associated with the plan, why the IEP meeting was held, and how student progress is reported.

This editor must be saved before entering data into other editors.

Education Plan Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd HocValidation
Plan Type
The type of plan. Options include: 
  • Annual
  • Initial
  • Amendment
  • FAPE for Private School & Homeschool Students
IEP Conference DateThe actual conference date.N/AThis field auto-populates from the Actual Conference Date on the most recent record on the Conference Actual editor.
Start Date
The day on which the plan begins for the student.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > planStartDate

* This is required in order to Complete the editor.

This field auto-populates to be one day after the Initial Conference Announcement, but can be modified.

In order to Complete the editor, this date must be after the IEP Conference Date.

IEP Annual Due Date
The one year due date for the next IEP.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor. T
Reevaluation Due Date
The three year due date for the next IEP.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor. This field auto-populates to 3 years from the most recent Evaluation, regardless of the locked status. It can be modified if needed.
Initial Consent Date
The date consent was received from the parent/guardian.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor. This is a read-only field.

This field auto-populates from the student's initial Evaluation > Initial Provision of Special Education and the Related Services editor > School Received Consent Form Date field.
Parent was provided an explanation and copy of the procedural safeguards.
Indicates the parent/guardian was given a copy of the procedural safeguards.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor.
Date safeguards provided
The date the procedural safeguards were provided to the parent/guardian.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor.
Parent was provided a copy of the IEP at no cost.
Indicates the parent/guardian was given a copy of the IEP.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor.
Date IEP provided
The date a copy of the IEP was given to the parent/guardian.N/A* This is required in order to Complete the editor.

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Enrollment Information

The Enrollment Information editor reports Special Education information from the student's Enrollment record. This editor is read only.

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General Evaluation Information section for additional information.

Enrollment Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd hocValidation
Eligibility Category
The student's eligibility area.N/A

* This is required in order to Complete the editor.

This is a required element for saving this editor.

This will auto populate from the most recent locked Evaluation > Eligibility Decision editor > Eligibility Category field, but it can be modified.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Special Ed Status
The student's special ed status.N/A

* This is required in order to Complete the editor. This will auto populate based on the selected Enrollment record.

DistrictThe student's district of residence.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > subDistrictThis field is pulled from the Enrollment record, then System Administration > Resources > School > State Data Elements > Sub-District.
Complex AreaThe location of the building.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > complexDistrictThis field is pulled from the Enrollment record, then System Administration > Resources > School > State Data Elements > Complex Area.
GradeThe student's current grade.

Enrollment > Grade


This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
School NameThe name of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > Enrollments > residentSchool

This field is pulled from the Enrollment record.
School PhoneThe phone number of the school associated with the student's Enrollment record.Learner Planning > Learning Plans > School > Phone
This field is pulled from the Enrollment record, then System Administration > Resources > School.
School YearThe school year associated with the student's Enrollment record.N/AThis field is pulled from the Enrollment record.

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Student Information

The Student Information editor displays basic information about the student such as demographic information. This is a read-only editor. 

The Refresh button retrieves a fresh copy of data from the student's record. See the General IEP Information section for additional information.

Student Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd Hoc
Last NameThe student's last name.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


First NameThe student's first name.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


Middle NameThe student's middle name.

Census > People > Demographics > Middle Name


SuffixThe student's suffix.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


AgeThe age of the student.Census > People > Demographics > Age
BirthdateThe student's birthdate.

Census > People > Demographics > Birth Date


GenderThe student's gender.

Census > People > Demographics > Gender


Language At Home
The student's language they speak at home.Census > People > Demographics > Language At Home
First Language
The student's first language spoken.Census > People > Demographics > First Language
Language Most Used
The language the student uses most frquently.Census > People > Demographics > Language Most Used

The student's address.

This field becomes a dropdown if more than one address exists for the student. The primary household displays by default.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

Student NumberThe student's identification number.Census > People > Demographics > Student Number
State IDThe student's state identification number.Census > People > Demographics > State ID
Case Manager Information
These fields are read-only.
NameThe first and last name of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members
TitleThe role of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members
PhoneThe phone number of the team member.Student Information > Special Ed > General > Team Members

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Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Information editor populates based on the guardian checkbox on the student's Relationships tool. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian. 

The Delete button next to each parent/guardian can be used to remove a parent/guardian from the IEP. 

The Refresh button retrieves a new copy of parent/guardians' data. This will also return any accidentally deleted people. Manually entered fields will not change when the refresh button is clicked. The user must Save after clicking Refresh to capture changes.

Parent/Guardian Information Editor

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FieldDescriptionAd HocValidation
Last NameThe last name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Last Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
First NameThe first name of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > First Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Middle NameThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
SuffixThe suffix of the parent/guardian.

Census > People > Demographics > Suffix Name


This field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
RelationshipThe relation of the parent/guardian to the student.Census > People > RelationshipsThis field populates from Census. This is part of the header for the parent/guardian.
Print SequenceThe print order of the parent/guardian(s) on the IEP.N/AIf no Sequence is selected, parent/guardian(s) print in the order displayed in the UI. If any Sequences are selected, only parent/guardian(s) with a sequence number will print in the order defined.
AddressThe parent/guardians' address.

Census > Households > Address Info

address.number; address.street; address.tag; address.prefix; address.dir; address.apt;; address.state;

This field populates from Census. 

If there are multiple addresses for a person, they will have a drop down with an option to select which address. If there is only one address, the drop down will only hold one option. The populated address will be the one marked "Primary."

Home PhoneThe home phone number of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Household PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Work PhoneThe work phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Work PhoneThis field populates from Census.
Cell PhoneThe cell phone of the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > Cell PhoneThis field populates from Census.
EmailThe primary email address for the parent/guardian.Census > People > Demographics > EmailThis field populates from Census.
Interpreter Required
Indicates an interpreter is needed for the the parent/guardian.N/AN/A

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Conference Announcement

The Conference Announcement editor is used to document planned meetings of the IEP team.

This editor is not optional and must be completed.

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Conference Announcement List Screen

Conference Announcement List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Meeting DateThe date of the meeting.
Meeting LocationThe location of the meeting.
Print in PlanIndicates this meeting information will print on the Plan.

Conference Announcement Detail Screen

Conference Announcement Detail

Print in PlanIndicates this meeting information will print on the Plan.This defaults to unmarked.
Scheduled Conference Date
The meeting date.N/A
Scheduled Conference Time
The meeting time.N/A
Announcement DateThe date a notification was sent notifying the team members of the meeting.N/A
Scheduled Conference LocationThe location of the meeting. Options include: Virtual, Phone, or In-Person.N/A
Conference Location (specify)The location of the meeting, if clarification or details are needed.N/A
Plan ProcessIndicates the type of plan processes needed for the student. Options include:
  • If IDEA eligible, develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  • Determine educational placement.
  • Review the plan's effectiveness/appropriateness in meeting the needs of your child, revise and renew it, if needed.


Learning LossIndicates the student needs an Learning Loss Plan. Options include:
  • Address Learning Loss (including education loss, skill loss, lack of expected progress, and any new needs) due to significant school disruption (e.g. pandemic, flood, volcanic activity).



Indicates the student needs an Discipline Plan. Options include:

  • Discuss a manifestation Determination (MD) - Student Discipline
First NameThe first name of the team member.

This field is required for saving this editor.

This field displays information from the Special Education Team Member tool. Any Team Member with an active status will display here as read-only.

The user can also enter an additional entry for this field and when they do, an open text field displays and the user will be required to enter a value.

Last NameThe last name of the team member.

This field is required for saving this editor.

This field displays information from the Special Education Team Member tool. Any Team Member with an active status will display here as read-only.

The user can also enter an additional entry for this field and when they do, an open text field displays and the user will be required to enter a value.

RoleThe role of the team member.

This field is required for saving this editor.

Values available in this dropdown include locked attributes:

  • General Education Teacher
  • Related Service Provider
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Specialized Support Instructional Personnel
  • Principal
  • Vice Principal

Unlocked Attribute values include:

  • determined by district
InvitedIndicates this team member has been invited to the meeting.


ExcusedIndicates this team member is excused from the meeting.

This field only displays when the Role for that person is one of the following:

  • General Education Teacher
  • Related Service Provider
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Specialized Support Instructional Personnel
  • Principal
  • Vice Principal
Designee for AdminIndicates this team member has been designated as an administrator for the meeting.When Role is Principal or Vice Principal, this check box is grayed out.
Admin/Designee Statement
This section becomes available when the Designee for Admin checkbox is selected.
Admin Designee Statement: Indicates why an admin is being used in the meeting.This is required for saving the editor when available.

Conference Notification

The Conference Notification editor is used to document when notifications were sent out informing the team of meetings.

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Conference Notification List Screen

Conference Notification List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Scheduled MeetingThe date of the planned meeting.
Mutually AgreedIndicates if the parent/guardian consented to the meeting date.

Conference Notification Detail Screen

Conference Notification Detail

Conference Notification
Scheduled Meeting Date The date of the scheduled meeting.This field is required for saving the editor.

The options in this field are determined from the Conference Announcement entries.

Mutually Agreed Upon:

Indicates if the parent/guardian consents to the meeting date. Options include:

  • Yes, parent agrees to date and time of meeting and knows the purpose(s) of the meeting.
  • No (unable to move forward until three attempts)
These options are hard coded.
Notified Date:
The date the parent/guardian was notified of the planned meeting date.There is space for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd notification fields.
Notified By: Indicates who sent the notification to the parent/guardian.N/A
Notify Method:

The manner in which the parent/guardian was notified. Options include:

  • Phone
  • Personal Contact
  • Regular Mail
  • Return Receipt Required
  • Personally Delivered
  • Email
  • Fax
These options are hard coded.
Notified Outcome: The outcome of the notification.
Outside Agency Parent Consent Tracking

Indicates which outside agency is involved, if applicable. Options include:

  • Department of Health - Early Intervention
  • Department of Health - Developmental Disabilities Division
  • Department of Health - Child/Adolescents Mental Health Division
  • Department of Human Services - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Other (specify)
When Other (specify) is marked, the user will be able to manually enter their own value.
Consent to Invite Needed Indicates that an Outside Agency should be invited and the Consent to Invite document is needed.N/A
Consent to Invite Received Indicates a signed Consent to Invite document was returned to the district.N/A
Consent Received Date The date the signed Consent to Invite document was returned to the district.This field becomes available and required when the Consent to Invite Received check box is selected.
Team Member Notification Tracking
This table is read only and displays the following columns:
  • Team Member Name
  • Date
  • Method
  • Notified By
  • Outcome
  • >

All of these read only values come from the user selecting the Add Notification button and entering information on a side panel recording when notifications were made to certain team members.

Notification Tracking (side panel)
This displays when the user clicks Add Notification or on the ">" from a previous entry in the table.
Team Member Name: The name of the team member.

The options in this field are determined from the marked entries from Conference Announcement > Invited checkbox.

This displays as First Name Last Name, Role.

Date: The date the team member was notified.N/A

The manner in which the team member was notified. Options include:

  • Phone
  • Personal Contact
  • Regular Mail
  • Return Receipt Required
  • Personally Delivered
  • Email
  • Fax
These options are hard coded.

Multiple options may be selected.
Notified By:The person who reached out to the team member.N/A
Outcome: The response or end result of the notification.N/A

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Conference Actual

The Conference Actual editor is used to document meetings that took place.

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Conference Actual List Screen

Conference Actual List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Scheduled MeetingThe date of the planned meeting.
Actual MeetingThe date the meeting took place.
Actual LocationThe location of the meeting.

Conference Actual Detail Screen

Conference Actual Detail

Actual Conference Notification: <date of actual conference>
The "<date of actual conference>" will populate based on the Actual Conference Date entered.
Scheduled Meeting Date The date of the planned meeting.The options in this field are determined from the Conference Announcement > Scheduled Conference Date entries.
Scheduled Conference Time The time of the planned meeting.The options in this field are determined from the Conference Announcement entries.

This field is read-only.
Scheduled Conference Location The planned conference location.The options in this field are determined from the Conference Announcement entries.

This field is read-only.
Scheduled Conference Location (specify) The location of the meeting, if clarification or details are needed.The options in this field are determined from the Conference Announcement entries.

This field is read-only.
Actual Conference DateThe date the meeting took place.This is required for saving the editor.
Actual Conference TimeThe time the meeting took place.This is required for saving the editor.
Actual Conference Location

The location of the meeting. Options include:

  • Phone
  • Virtual
  • In-Person

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The values available are hard-coded.

Actual Conference Location (specify) The location of the meeting, if clarification or details are needed.N/A
Plan Process:

Indicates the type of plan processes needed for the student. Displays two rows of checkboxes, Scheduled and Actual. Options include:

  • If IDEA eligible, develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  • Determine educational placement.
  • Review the plan's effectiveness/appropriateness in meeting the needs of your child, revise and renew it, if needed.

The Scheduled column is read only and is determined based on the Scheduled Meeting Date selected.

The Actual column can be edited.

This field has two parts to it. The first part, "Scheduled" are read only values that are checked as appropriate upon selection of the Scheduled Meeting Date field above. The second part, "Actual" are editable values that allow the user to manually select the appropriate values.
Learning Loss:

Indicates the student needs an Learning Loss Evaluation. Displays two rows of checkboxes, Scheduled and Actual. Options include:

  • Address Learning Loss (including education loss, skill loss, lack of expected progress, and any new needs) due to significant school disruption (e.g. pandemic, flood, volcanic activity)

The Scheduled column is read only and is determined based on the Scheduled Meeting Date selected.

The Actual column can be edited.

This field has two parts to it. The first part, "Scheduled" are read only values that are checked as appropriate upon selection of the Scheduled Meeting Date field above. The second part, "Actual" are editable values that allow the user to manually select the appropriate values.

Indicates the student needs an Discipline Evaluation. Displays two rows of checkboxes, Scheduled and Actual. Options include:

  • Discuss a manifestation Determination (MD) - Student Discipline
This field has two parts to it. The first part, "Scheduled" are read only values that are checked as appropriate upon selection of the Scheduled Meeting Date field above. The second part, "Actual" are editable values that allow the user to manually select the appropriate values.
Team Member NameThe name of the team member.

This field is read-only and auto populates based on Team Members entered within the Conference Announcement editor who have the Invited checkbox marked.

The First Name, Last Name, and Role fields display.

AttendedIndicates the team member attended the meeting.N/A
Admin/DesigneeIndicates if the team member is an admin designee for the meeting.This field is read-only and auto selected if it was selected within the Conference Announcement editor.
ExcusedIndicated the team member was excused from the meeting.This field is read-only and auto selected if it was selected within the Conference Announcement editor.
Reason for Excusal The reason the team member was excused from the meeting.This field is blank upon entering the editor and will require the user to enter a value if the corresponding Excused checkbox is marked.

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Effects of Disability

The Effects of Disability editor is used to document the ways in which the student's disability impacts them. 

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Effects of Disability List Screen

Effects of Disability List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
SequenceThe order in which the records will display and print.
NeedThe title of the record.

Effects of Disability Detail Screen

Effects of Disability Detail

SequenceThe order in which the records will display and print.

This is a required element for saving the editor. Only whole numbers can be used. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.

TitleThe name given to the record.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

DescriptionA detailed description of the way in which the student's disability impacts their life.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

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Considerations of Special Factors

The Consideration of Special Factors editor is used to document the special factors the team will be considering when developing the student's plan.

Consideration of Special Factors Editor

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Considerations when developing an IEP (check all that were considered)

The following factors must be considered:

The considerations when creating the IEP for the student The options include:
  • a. Strengths of the student and concerns of parents for enhancing the education of the student.
  • b. Results of the initial or most recent evaluation.
  • c. As appropriate, performance on any general State or district-wide assessment.
  • d. Age of the student and the age-appropriateness of the setting.
  • e. Special Factors (see items 1-6 below).

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

1. Does the student's behavior impede the student's learning or the learning of others?

If yes, the team must consider, if appropriate, strategies to address the behavior (including positive behavioral interventions, strategies and supports).

Indicates the student's behavior impacts the their learning.

Yes or No

Explain or reference data:A text field used to provide additional detail.

This field displays when the corresponding drop down is set to "Yes".

This is a required element for saving the editor.

2. Is the student limited in English proficiency?

If yes, the team must consider the student's language needs as these needs relate to the IEP.

Indicates the student is limited in their English proficiency.

Yes or No

Explain or reference data:A text field used to provide additional detail.

This field displays when the corresponding drop down is set to "Yes".

This is a required element for saving the editor.

3. Is the student blind or visually impaired?

If yes, the team must provide instruction in Braille and the use of Braille, unless it determines, after an appropriate evaluation, that instruction in Braille or use of Braille is not appropriate.

Indicates the student is blind or visually impaired.

Yes or No

Explain or reference data:A text field used to provide additional detail.

This field displays when the corresponding drop down is set to "Yes".

This is a required element for saving the editor.

4. Does the student have any communication needs?

If yes, the team must consider and address these needs.

Indicates the student has communication needs.

Yes or No

Explain or reference data:A text field used to provide additional detail.This field displays when the corresponding drop down is set to "Yes".

This is a required element for saving the editor.

5. Is the student deaf or hard of hearing?

If yes, the team must consider and address the full range of academic, language, communication and instructional needs, including the need to provide opportunities for communication and instruction in the student's language and communication mode.

Indicates the student is deaf or hard of hearing.

Yes or No

Explain or reference data:A text field used to provide additional detail.

This field displays when the corresponding drop down is set to "Yes".

This is a required element for saving the editor.

6. Does the student require assistive technology devices and services?

If yes, the team must consider and address these needs.

Indicates the student needs assistive technology.

Yes or No

Explain or reference data:A text field used to provide additional detail.

This field displays when the corresponding drop down is set to "Yes".

This is a required element for saving the editor.

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Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

The Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) editor is used to document the student's current level of academic achievement and functional performance.

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PLAAFP List Screen

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance List Screen

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
SequenceThe order in which the records will display and print.
Type of ConcernThe type of concern.
Area of ConcernThe area of concern.

PLAAFP Detail Screen

Present Levels of Performance Detail

Sequence:The order in which the records will display and print.This is a required element for saving the editor. The value of this field determines what order the record displays on the UI and printed document.
Type of Concern:The type of concern. Options include:
  • Academic
  • Functional

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Area of Concern:

The area of concern. When Academic is selected as the Type of Concern, options include:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Reading Decoding
  • Reading Fluency
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Written Expression
  • Math Calculation
  • Math Reasoning
  • Pre-K Literacy
  • Pre-K Math
  • Pre-K Writing
  • Other

When Functional is selected as the Type of Concern, options include:

  • Daily Living/Adaptive
  • Executive Functioning
  • Speech/Language/Communication
  • Behavior
  • Vocational Skills
  • Vision
  • Hearing
  • Transition
  • Motor Skills
  • Other

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are determined by the "Type of Concern" drop down and are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Other (specify):An other area of concern, if applicable.

This field displays when "Other" is selected from the corresponding drop down. This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Source of Concern:

The source of concern. Options include:

  • Parent(s)/Guardian(s)
  • Teacher
  • Related Services
  • Other
The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.
Site Source of Information:The source of information. Options include:
  • Observation
  • Work Samples
  • Curriculum Based Assessments
  • Standardized Assessments
  • Parent Interview/Report
  • Teacher Interview/Report
  • School Personnel Interview/Report
  • Audio Recording
  • Video Recording
  • Checklists
  • Report Cards
  • Attendance Records
  • Private Provider Reports
  • Progress Reports
  • Other

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Strengths:The student's strengths.N/A
Needs:The student's needs.N/A

Describe the concerns of the parent(s)/family for enhancing the education of the student. This may include concerns about reading achievement, early language/communication or early literacy skills, other academic areas, health-enhancing physical activity, social and emotional needs, sensory needs, behavior, the child's future and postsecondary transition, etc.

A text field used to provide additional details.N/A
Describe the concerns (if any) of the student for enhancing their education.A text field used to describe the concerns of the student regarding their education.N/A
Information related to this Area of Concern is documented within (check all that apply):Where the documentation for the area of concern will be. Options include:
  • Goals/Objectives
  • Supplementary Aids and Services
  • Other

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Validation for these options include:

  • Goals/Objectives
    • The Goals/Objectives Card and Table appears on the editor for the user to complete.
  • Supplementary Aids and Services
    • The Supplementary Aids and Services editor will be required to be in a Complete status upon locking.
  • Other
    • The Other Card and Table appears on the editor for the user to complete.

This table is read only and displays the following columns:

  • +/-
  • Goal
  • >

All of these read only values come from the user selecting the "Add Goal" button and entering information on a side panel recording what goals and objectives are needed.

Goals and Objectives - Side Panel
Area of ConcernThe area of concern.This is a read only field of the Area of Concern field from the record corresponding to this side panel.
StrengthsThe student's strengths.This is a read only field of the Strengths field from the record corresponding to this side panel.
NeedsThe student's needs.This is a read only field of the Needs field from the record corresponding to this side panel.
SequenceIndicates the display and print order of the record.

This is a required element for saving the side panel. Duplicate numbers are not allowed.

Goal Statement

The goal statement.N/A
BaselineThe baseline of the goal.N/A
Level of AttainmentThe level of attainment the student is striving for to achieve their goal.N/A

Measurement of Student Learning

The measurement of the goal. Options include:
  • Observation
  • Work Samples
  • Curriculum Based Assessments
  • Standardized Assessments
  • Teacher Interview/Report
  • Audio Recording
  • Video Recording
  • Checklists
  • Other

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Other (specify):Other, if applicable.This field displays when the measurement type of "Other" is selected.
Mark here if the measurable goal will be part of ESYIndicates if the goal is part of the Extended School Year program.N/A

This table is inline editable and and displays the following columns:

  • Sequence
  • Short-Term Objectives
  • x

This table is inline editable and displays the following columns:

  • Plan Name
  • Date of Plan
  • Delete

If a Plan Name is entered, the corresponding "Date of Plan" must be filled out in order to complete the editor.

^ Back to Top

Supplementary Aids and Services

The Supplementary Aids and Services editor is used to describe any additional services needed.

Click here to expand...

Supplementary Aids and Services List Screen

Supplementary Aids and Services List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Service NameThe name of the service.
FrequencyThe frequency of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.
ESYIndicates the service is part of an Extended School Year program.

Supplementary Aids and Services Detail Screen

Supplementary Aids and Services Detail


Supplementary Aids and Services

The name of the service.This is a required element for saving the editor.
LocationThe location of the service. Options include: 
  • General Education
  • Special Education
  • Combination

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Addresses Need(s)The needs addressed by the service.This is a required element for saving the editor. This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s). The options in this field are populated from the Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.
Addresses Goal(s)The goal addressed by the service.This is a required element for saving the editor. This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s) after at least one value from Addresses Need(s) is selected. The options in this field are populated from the Goal field tied to the above selected Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.
Duration and Frequency
Projected Beginning DateThe start date of the service.This is a required element for saving the editor.
Projected Ending DateThe end date of the service.This is a required element for saving the editor.
Extended School YearIndicates the service is part of an Extended School Year program.N/A
Extended School Year QuarterThe quarter of the Extended School Year program. Options include: 
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Other

This field becomes available when Extended School Year is marked.

After how many non-instructional days?
Indicates extended school year services will be offered after how non-instructional days.
Any additional information regarding the extended school year program.N/A
Description of Frequency and Amount is acceptableThe frequency of the service.When this is marked, Duration, Session Frequency and Service Frequency become grayed out and Frequency and Amount becomes available and required.
Duration (in minutes)The duration of the service.This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Session Frequency

#of times per

The number of session frequency.This is a required element for saving the editor when available.
Service FrequencyThe service frequency. Options include: 
  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Frequency and Amount

Frequency and Amount does not need to be in units of time. It may be stated as a description of the circumstance or situation when and where the service is needed. Do not write “As Needed”.

A description of the service frequency.This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

^ Back to Top

Program Modifications

The Program Modifications editor is used to document any program changes the student needs to meet their needs.

Click here to expand...

Program Modifications List Screen

Program Modification List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Service NameThe name of the service.
FrequencyThe frequency of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.
ESYIndicates the service is part of an Extended School Year program.

Program Modifications Detail Screen

Program Modifications Detail


Program Modification

The name of the program that needs to be changed

This is a required element for saving the editor.


The location of the program. Options include:

  • General Education
  • Special Education
  • Combination

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Addresses Need(s)The needs addressed by the program.

This is a required element for saving the editor. This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s). The options in this field are populated from the Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Addresses Goal(s)The goal addressed by the program.

This is a required element for saving the editor. This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s) after at least one value from Addresses Need(s) is selected.

The options in this field are populated from the Goal field tied to the above selected Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Duration and Frequency
Projected Beginning DateThe start date of the program.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Projected Ending DateThe end date of the program.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Extended School YearIndicates the program is part of an Extended School Year program.N/A
Extended School Year Quarter

The quarter of the Extended School Year program.

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Other
This field becomes available when Extended School Year is marked.
After how many non-instructional days?
Indicates extended school year services will be offered after how non-instructional days.
Any additional information regarding the extended school year program.
Description of Frequency and Amount is acceptableThe frequency of the program.When this is checked, Duration, Session Frequency and Service Frequency become grayed out and Frequency and Amount becomes available and required.
Duration (in minutes)The duration of the program.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Session Frequency # of times per

The number of session frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Service Frequency

The service frequency. Options include:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

This is a required element for saving the editor. 

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Frequency and Amount

Frequency and Amount does not need to be in units of time. It may be stated as a description of the circumstance or situation when and where the service is needed. Do not write “As Needed”.

A description of the service frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

^ Back to Top

Supports for School Personnel

The Supports for School Personnel editor is used to document any supports needed to aid staff.

Click here to expand...

Supports for School Personnel List Screen

Supports for School Personnel List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
SupportThe name of the support.
Description of SupportThe support details.
Person ProvidingThe person providing the support.
All New/Additional StaffIndicates the support applies to new staff members.

Supports for School Personnel Detail Screen

Supports for School Personnel Detail


The name of the support. Options include:

  • Consultation
  • Training
  • Other

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Other (specify)An Other support, if applicable.When Other is selected, this appears and is required.
Position Providing the SupportThe service position providing the support.This field is required. Options available are pulled from System Admin > Special Ed > Service Position.
Support applies to any new/additional staffIndicates the support applies to new staff members.N/A
Description of SupportThe support details.

This is a required element for saving the editor

Duration and Frequency
Projected Beginning DateThe first day of the support.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Projected Ending DateThe last day of the support.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Duration (in minutes)The duration of the support.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Session Frequency # of times per

The number of sessions per frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Service Frequency

The frequency of the service.

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Additional Comments

Any additional information concerning the duration and frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

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Special Education / Specially Designed Instruction

The Special Education/Specially Designed Instruction editor is used to document the student's specially designed instruction.

Click here to expand...

Special Education Specially Designed Instruction List Screen

Specially Designed Instruction List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Service NameThe name of the service.
FrequencyThe frequency of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.
ESYIndicates the specially designed instruction is part of an Extended School Year program.

Special Education Specially Designed Instruction Detail Screen

Specially Designed Instruction Detail

Service Type

The Service Type. Options include:

  • Academic
  • Functional

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.


The service name. When Academic is selected as the Service Type, the options include:

  • Speaking
  • Listening Comprehension
  • Reading Decoding
  • Reading Fluency
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Written Expression
  • Math Calculation
  • Math Reasoning
  • Pre-K Literacy
  • Pre-K Math
  • Pre-K Writing
  • Other

When Functional is selected, the options include:

  • Attention
  • Behavior
  • Daily Living/Adaptive
  • Motor Skills
  • Organization
  • Speech/Language/Communication
  • Transition
  • Vocational Skills
  • Other

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are dependent on the previous fields selection and are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Instructional Delivery

The delivery method for instruction. Options include:

  • Individual
  • Small Group
  • Combination

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 


The location of the instruction. Options include:

  • General Education
  • Special Education
  • Combination

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Addresses Need(s)The needs addressed by the specially designed instruction.

This is a required element for saving the editor. This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s). The options in this field are populated from the Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Addresses Goal(s)The goal addressed by the specially designed instruction.

This is a required element for saving the editor. This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s) after at least one value from Addresses Need(s) is selected. The options in this field are populated from the Goal field tied to the above selected Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Duration and Frequency
Projected Beginning DateThe first day of the specially designed instruction.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Projected Ending DateThe last day of the specially designed instruction.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Extended School YearIndicates the specially designed instruction is part of an Extended School  Year program.N/A
Extended School Year Quarter

The quarter of the Extended School Year program.

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Other
This field becomes available when Extended School Year is checked.
After how many non-instructional days?
Indicates extended school year services will be offered after how non-instructional days.
Any additional information regarding the extended school year program.
Description of Frequency and Amount is acceptableThe frequency of the service.When this is checked, Duration, Session Frequency and Service Frequency become grayed out and Frequency and Amount becomes available and required.
Duration (in minutes)The duration of the service.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Session Frequency # of times per

The number of session frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Service Frequency

The service frequency. Options include:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Frequency and Amount

Frequency and Amount does not need to be in units of time. It may be stated as a description of the circumstance or situation when and where the service is needed. Do not write “As Needed”.

A description of the service frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

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Related Services

The Related Services editor is used to document any related services to be provided to the student.

Click here to expand...

Related Services List Screen

Related Services List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Service NameThe name of the service.
FrequencyThe frequency of the service.
Start DateThe first day of service.
End DateThe last day of service.
ESYIndicates the specially designed instruction is part of an Extended School Year program.

Related Services Detail Screen

Related Services Detail

ABA Service

Indicates if the service is direct or indirect. Options include:

  • Direct
  • Indirect

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Related Service

The name of the related service. Options include:

  • Audiology
  • Counseling
  • Hearing Services
  • Interpreting Services
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Orientation and Mobility
  • Parent Education and Training
  • Physical Therapy
  • Psychological Services
  • Recreation
  • Skilled Nursing
  • Social Worker
  • Speech-Language Pathology Services
  • Transportation
  • Vision Services
  • Other

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Other (specify)An other related service, if applicable.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available. This field becomes available when Other from the corresponding drop down is selected.

Instructional Delivery

The delivery method for service. Options include:

  • Individual
  • Small Group
  • Combination

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 


The location of the service. Options include:

  • General Education
  • Special Education
  • Combination

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Addresses Need(s)The needs addressed by the related service.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s). The options in this field are populated from the Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Addresses Goal(s)The goal addressed by the related service.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

This field is pre-populated upon entering the editor and will require the user to select a value(s) after at least one value from Addresses Need(s) is selected. The options in this field are populated from the Goal field tied to the above selected Area of Concern within the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Duration and Frequency
Projected Beginning DateThe first day of the service.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Projected Ending DateThe last day of the service.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Extended School YearIndicates the specially designed instruction is part of an Extended School Year program.
Extended School Year Quarter

The quarter of the Extended School Year program.

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Other
This field becomes available when Extended School Year is checked.
After how many non-instructional days?
Indicates extended school year services will be offered after how non-instructional days.
Any additional information regarding the extended school year program.
Description of Frequency and Amount is acceptableThe frequency of the service.When this is marked, Duration, Session Frequency and Service Frequency become grayed out and Frequency and Amount becomes available and required.
Duration (in minutes)The duration of the service.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Session Frequency # of times per

The number of session frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Service Frequency

The service frequency. Options include:

  • Day
  • Week
  • Month

This is a required element for saving the editor.

The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

Frequency and Amount

Frequency and Amount does not need to be in units of time. It may be stated as a description of the circumstance or situation when and where the service is needed. Do not write “As Needed”.

A description of the service frequency.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

^ Back to Top

Transition Services

The Translation Services editor is used to document any transition services to be provided to the student.

This editor is not available on the HI IEP without Transition plan.

Transition Services

Click here to expand...

Transition Services
Age Level of Student

The age of the student. Options include:

  • Age 14 or younger
  • Age 16 or younger

This is a required element for saving the editor. The values in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. The value selected determines which information displays on the editor and is noted below.

The Student is pursuing:

The student's goal for their education. Options include:

  • Diploma
  • Certificate of Completion
The values in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Student's Interests and Desired Post-School Activities:

In the areas of postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including support employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living or community participation.

The student's post secondary goals.


Beginning at age 14 or younger if appropriate, statement of transition service needs include the following:

The transition service statement. Options include:

  • Instruction
  • Employment
  • Community Experiences
  • Post-School Adult Living
  • Related Services
  • Daily Living Skills (if appropriate)
  • Functional Vocational Assessment

This field is only available when "Age 14 or younger" is selected above. The values in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district

Transition Assessments

This card is only available when "Age 16 or younger" is selected above.

Date of AssessmentThe date of assessment.N/A
Transition Assessment

The assessment for the student's transition. Options include:

  • Student Interview
  • Family Interview
  • Teacher Interview or Supervisor Evaluation
  • Observation
  • Information from the Psychological Evaluation
  • Specialty Areas
  • Curriculum-Based Vocational Assessments
  • Adaptive Behavior/Daily Living Skills Assessments
  • General and Specific Aptitude Tests
  • Interest Inventories
  • Intelligence Tests
  • Temperament Inventories/Instruments
  • Career Maturity or Employability Tests
  • Self-Determination Assessments
  • Transition Planning Inventories
  • Other

The values in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Other (specify)Any other assessment outcome, if applicable.

This field is available when Other is selected from the drop down above.

This is a required element for saving the editor when available.

Results of Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments

This card is only available when "Age 16 or younger" is selected above.

TrainingThe student's training assessment.N/A
EducationThe student's education assessment.N/A
EmploymentThe student's employment assessment.N/A
Independent LivingThe student's independent living assessment.N/A
Age of Majority

This card is available regardless of which age selection is made above.

Beginning at least one year before the student reaches the age of majority (18). The student and his/her parent(s) have been informed that the rights will transfer to the student on reaching age 18 unless a legal guardian has been appointed.Indicates the student has been made aware of their rights at age 18.N/A
Date Notice GivenThe date notice was given.N/A

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Postsecondary Goals

The Postsecondary Goals editor is used to document the student's goals post school.

This editor is not available on the HI IEP without Transition plan.

Postsecondary Goals

Click here to expand...

Training:The student's training goal.
Education:The student's educational goal.
Employment:The student's employment goals.
Where appropriate, Independent Living Skills:The student's independent living goals.

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Course of Study

The Course of Study editor is used to document the student's credits and graduation requirements.

This editor is not available on the HI IEP without Transition plan.

Course of Study

Click here to expand...

Anticipated Graduation DateThe student's projected graduation date.N/A
Credits Earned to Date:The number of credits the student has earned.N/A
Total number of credits for graduation:The number of credits the student needs in order to graduate.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Total Credits:The calculated total of credits added based on the school year selected below.This field is a read only calculation of the credits added within the tables below.
School Year: 
This is the header of the card and the value populates based on the School Year information entered in the School Year field.
School YearThe selected school year.N/A
This table is inline editable and and displays the following columns:
  • Quarter
  • Course
  • Credits
  • X
School Year: 
This is the header of the card and the value populates based on the School Year information entered in the School Year field.
School YearThe selected school year.N/A
This table is inline editable and and displays the following columns:
  • Quarter
  • Course
  • Credits
  • X

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Transition Services Needed

The Transition Services Needed editor is used to document if the student requires transition services.

This editor is not available on the HI IEP without Transition plan.

Transition Services Needed

Click here to expand...

Discussed, not neededIndicates the student does not need transition services for their instruction goals.N/A
Transition Services Needed to Assist the Student in Meeting Postsecondary Goals (include timeline for achievement)Indicates the student needs transition services for their instruction goals.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Person or Agency ResponsibleThe person or agency responsible for aiding the student with their transition needs.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Discussed, not neededIndicates the student does not need transition services for their employment goals.N/A
Transition Services Needed to Assist the Student in Meeting Postsecondary Goals (include timeline for achievement)Indicates the student needs transition services for their employment goals.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Person or Agency ResponsibleThe person or agency responsible for aiding the student with their transition needs.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Community Experiences
Discussed, not neededIndicates the student does not need transition services for their community experience goals.N/A
Transition Services Needed to Assist the Student in Meeting Postsecondary Goals (include timeline for achievement)Indicates the student needs transition services for their community experience goals.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Person or Agency ResponsibleThe person or agency responsible for aiding the student with their transition needs.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Post School Adult Living
Discussed, not neededIndicates the student does not need transition services for their post school adult living goals.N/A
Transition Services Needed to Assist the Student in Meeting Postsecondary Goals (include timeline for achievement)Indicates the student needs transition services for their post school adult living goals.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Person or Agency ResponsibleThe person or agency responsible for aiding the student with their transition needs.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Related Services
Discussed, not neededIndicates the student does not need related services.N/A
Transition Services Needed to Assist the Student in Meeting Postsecondary Goals (include timeline for achievement)Indicates the student needs related services.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Person or Agency ResponsibleThe person or agency responsible for aiding the student with their related service needs.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Daily Living Skills (if appropriate)
Discussed, not neededIndicates the student does not need transition services for their daily living skills goals.N/A
Transition Services Needed to Assist the Student in Meeting Postsecondary Goals (include timeline for achievement)Indicates the student needs transition services for their daily living skills goals.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

Person or Agency ResponsibleThe person or agency responsible for aiding the student with their transition needs.

When the corresponding "Discussed, not needed" field is selected, this field will be grayed out.

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Extended School Year

The Extended School Year editor is used to document the student's participation in an extended school year program.

Extended School Year Editor

Click here to expand...

The student is in need of an Extended School Year

Indicates the student requires an Extended School Year program. Options include: Yes or No.

The student is in need of an Extended School Day

Indicates the student requires an Extended School Day program. Options include: Yes or No.

The student is in need of an Extended School Year during the following Quarter(s):

Indicates the school quarter in which the ESY program will take place. Options include:

  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Spring
  • Summer
The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.
CommentsAny comments related to the ESY or ESD program.N/A
Extended School Year Goals
This is a read only display of any and all goals marked as ESY along with their corresponding objectives.
Extended School Year Services
The following is a read only table of any Services marked as ESY. The following columns display:
  • Service Type
  • Service
  • Frequency
  • Duration
  • Location

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State-Wide Assessments

The State-Wide Assessments editor is used to document any accommodations the student requires when taking state administered tests

Click here to expand...

State-Wide Assessments List Screen

State-Wide Assessments List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
AssessmentThe name of the assessment.
Assessment MannerThe way in which the student is administered the assessment.
AccommodationsAny accommodations the student requires to take the assessment.

State-Wide Assessments Detail Screen

State-Wide Assessments Detail


 The name of the assessment. Options include:

  • ACCESS for ELLs
  • ACT
  • End of Course
  • Kaeo
  • SBA
  • Not Applicable due to Age/Grade

This is a required element for saving the editor. The values in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. When "Not Applicable due to Age/Grade" is selected, the remaining fields should become grayed out.

Assessment Manner

The manner in which the student will partake in the assessment. Options include:

  • Without Accommodations
  • With Accommodations
  • Alternate

This is a required element for saving the editor. The values are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.  The value of "Alternate" should only appear when the following Assessments are selected:

  • ACCESS for ELLs
  • SBA

The value of "With Accommodations" should only appear when the following Assessments are selected:

  • ACCESS for ELLs
  • Kaeo
  • SBA
A student may be eligible to take the Hawaii Alternate Assessment if the IEP team determines that the student meets all of the following criteria:

Indicates criteria the student meets to receive an alternate assessment. Options include:

  • The student demonstrates significant cognitive disabilities that may be combined with limited adaptive skills, physical or behavioral limitations.
  • The student requires a highly specialized educational program with intensive modifications and supports in order to access grade level academic standards.
  • The student's daily instruction is substantively different from that of their peers without disabilities and requires extensive, repeated individualized instruction and support across multiple settings.
  • The student's difficulty with the demands of the general academic curriculum is not due to social, cultural or environmental factors; expectations of poor performance; or excessive absences.

This is a required element for saving the editor when "Alternate" is selected from Assessment Manner.

All four check boxes must be selected prior to saving the editor. The values are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 


The support or accommodation the student requires. When ACCESS for ELLS is the selected assessment, the following options include:

  • Braille Version of test (paper only, contracted, L,R,W)
  • Braille Version of test (paper only, uncontracted, L,R,W)
  • Extended Speaking test response time (S)
  • Extended Testing of a test domain over multiple days (L,R,W,S)
  • Extended Testing time within the school day (L,R,W,S)
  • Human Reader for items (L,S,W)
  • Human Reader for repeat items (L,S,W)
  • Human Reader for repeat of response options (L)
  • Human Reader for response options (L)
  • Interpreter Signs test directions in ASL (L,R,W,S)
  • Large Print version of test (paper only, L,R,W,S)
  • Manual Control of item audio (online L,S,W and Paper L,S)
  • Repeat Item audio (online L,S,W and Paper L,S)
  • Repeat Test items by human reader (paper only, L,W,S)
  • Scribed Response (L,R,W)
  • Student Responds using a recording device, which is played back and transcribed by student (W)
  • Word Processor or similar keyboarding device to respond to test items (L,R,W)
  • Test May be Administered by school personnel in non-school setting (L,R,W,S)

When Kaeo or SBA are the selected assessment, the following options include:

  • 100s Number Table
  • Abacus
  • Alternate Response Options
  • American Sign Language (ASL) (for ELA listening items and math items)
  • Braille
  • Braille (paper/pencil assessment)
  • Braille Transcript (ELA listening passages)
  • Calculator (grades 6 and above)
  • Closed Captioning (for ELA listening items)
  • Math Manipulatives
  • Multiplication Table (grades 4 and above)
  • Print on Demand
  • Read Aloud (for ELA reading passages, all grades)
  • Scribe (for ELA performance task full writes)
  • Speech-to-Text
  • Text-to-Speech (available for ELA reading passages, all grades)
  • Word Prediction
  • DS: Amplification
  • DS: Audio Glossary
  • DS: Bilingual Dictionary
  • DS: Color Contrast (embedded)
  • DS: Color Contrast (non-embedded)
  • DS: Color Overlays
  • DS: Illustration Glossaries (embedded)
  • DS: Illustration Glossaries (non-embedded)
  • DS: Magnification
  • DS: Masking
  • DS: Medical Supports
  • DS: Mouse Pointer
  • DS: Noise Buffers
  • DS: Read Aloud
  • DS: Read Aloud in Spanish
  • DS: Scribe
  • DS: Separate Setting
  • DS: Simplified Test Directions
  • DS: Streamline
  • DS: Text-to-Speech
  • DS: Translated Student Interface Messages
  • DS: Translated Test Directions
  • DS: Translations (Dual Language)
  • DS: Translations (Glossary) (embedded)
  • DS: Translations (Glossary) (non-embedded)
  • DS: Translations (Stacked)
  • DS: Turn Off Any Universal Tools

This field is a required element for saving the editor when "With Accommodations" is selected from Assessment Manner. The values are determined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

Accommodations/support specifics and notes:Any additional information regarding the accommodation or support.N/A

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Least Restrictive Environment

The Least Restrictive Environment editor records information related to the student's placement and interaction with non-disabled peers.

Least Restrictive Environment

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Total Building Instructional Weekly Minutes

Minutes per week instructional time available for this student (excluding lunch)

The total time the student has available in the building per week.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Total Special Ed Weekly Minutes

Minutes per week of special ed & related services for this student (excluding lunch)

The time the student will participate in special ed and related services per week.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Percent of Time Student Spends in a General Education Setting

Building Instructional minutes minus Special Ed minutes divided by Building Instructional minutes.

The percentage of time the student will spend in a general education setting.

This field is blank upon entering the editor and will populate to with the percentage based on auto calculation of Total Building minutes minus Total Sped Minutes divided by Total Building minutes.

Both fields must be filled out before any calculations will appear.

The student is:

Indicates the age of the student. Options include:

  • Age 3-5 and in Preschool
  • Age 5-22 and in Kindergarten or above

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district.

LRE Continuum:

The options when Age 3-5 and in Preschool is selected include:

  • A1: Reg EC - at least 10 hrs/wk
  • A2: Reg EC - at least 10 hrs/wk other location
  • B1: Reg EC - less than 10 hrs/wk
  • B2: Reg EC - less than 10 hrs/wk other location
  • C1: Separate Class
  • C2: Separate School
  • C3: Residential School
  • D1: Home
  • D2: Service Provider Location

The options when Age 5-22 and in Kindergarten or above include:

  • 9: Gen Ed Setting 80% or more
  • 10: Gen Ed & Special Ed Setting
  • 11: Special Ed Setting
  • 12: Public Separate Facility
  • 13: Private Separate Facility
  • 14: Public Residential Facility
  • 15: Private Residential Facility
  • 16: Homebound/Hospital

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are defined at a state level and cannot vary by district. 

LRE Continuum Description:

A description of the LRE Continuum. Options include:

  • A1: Regular EC Program at least 10 hours per week and receives a majority of SPED/Related Services in that location. 

  • A2: Regular EC Program at least 10 hours per week and receives a majority of SPED/Related Services in some other location. 

  • B1: Regular EC Program less than 10 hours per week and receives a majority of SPED/Related Services in that location.
  • B2: Regular EC Program less than 10 hours per week and receives a majority of SPED/Related Services in some other location.
  • C1: Separate Class - A program that includes less than 50% nondisabled children (i.e., children not on IEPs). This includes but is not limited to special education classrooms in regular school buildings; trailers or portables; childcare facilities; other community-based settings, etc.

  • C2: Separate School designated for children with disabilities.

  • C3: Residential School for children with disabilities or inpatient medical facility.
  • D1: Home - Child received the majority of his/her special education services at home and does not attend an early childhood program or special education program.

  • D2: Service Provider Location – Child receives the majority of hours of special education and related services at the service provider location (i.e., private clinicians office, clinician’s office located in school building, hospital, etc.) and does not attend an early childhood or special education program.

  • 9: General Education Setting (80% or more of the school day)
  • 10: General Education and Special Education Setting
  • 11: Special Education Setting
  • 12: Public Separate Facility
  • 13: Private Separate Facility
  • 14: Public Residential Facility
  • 15: Private Residential Facility
  • 16: Homebound/Hospital

This field is read only and displays more information regarding the LRE Continuum code selected in the above drop down.

Explain the extent, if any, that the student will not participate with nondisabled students in the general education class, extracurricular and other non-academic activities.A text field used to describe the extent to which the student will not participate with nondisabled students.

This is a required element for saving the editor.

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Prior Written Notice

The Prior Written Notice editor provides a space for descriptions and explanations related to proposed or refused actions for a student.

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Prior Written Notice List Screen

Prior Written Notice List

Column NameDescription
Padlock IconThe user currently working on the record.
Meeting InformationThe meeting purpose information.
Date Provided to ParentsThe date the notice was provided to the student's parent/guardian(s).
Print in PlanIndicates this record will print on the Plan.

Prior Written Notice Detail Screen

Prior Written Notice Detail

Print in PlanIndicates this record will print on the Plan.Defaults to unmarked.
Meeting Information:The meeting purpose information.

This is a required element for saving the editor. The options in this field are determined from the Conference Actual entries. The values in this field will be the title of the selected Conference Purpose along with the Actual Conference Date. This value is also displayed on the Prior Written Notice Main List Editor as the primary sort option.

Date provided to parents:The date the notice was provided to the student's parent/guardian(s).

This is a required element for saving the editor.

Admin / DesigneeIndicates this team member has been designated as an administrator for the meeting.This field is read only with information auto populating from the Conference Actual and whoever is marked as the Designee for Admin. 
Description of proposed or refused action:A description of the proposed or refused action.N/A
Explanation of why the action is proposed or refused:An explanation of why the action is proposed or refused.N/A
Description of other options considered:A description of other options considered.N/A
Reasons these options were rejected:An explanation for why these other options were rejected.N/A
Description of the evaluation procedures, test, records, or reports used as a basis for the proposed/refused action:An explanation for the data used for the basis of the action.N/A
Other relevant factors:Any other information that may be relevant.N/A

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