Individual Education Plan (Illinois) [.2215 and previous]

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The editors available on the Individual Education Plan provide all required information by the State of Illinois. Editors and fields are listed below. Included here are descriptions of editors and any specific instructions for entering data into Campus, as well as the section of the print format in which the information will appear.

The current format of this document is the IL IEP 2019 Format. Plan formats are selected in Plan Types.

Image of the Illinois IEP editorsIllinois IEP Editors

Editor names which appear in bold indicate that information has been entered and saved in that editor.

Individual Education Plan Editors

The following table lists the editors available on the student's Individual Education Plan, the section(s) of the print format that include the entered information, a Description what the editor is used for and any special considerations and instructions for using the editor.

Editor Name

Section of the Printed Form


Special Considerations or Instructions

Plan Information

Header and Purpose of Conference Sections

The Plan Header Editor includes the initial date information related to the student's IEP and basic information concerning the student's IEP meeting.

Plan Start and End Date are both required fields. Plan Start Date will default to one day after the Meeting Date Plan End Date will default to one year after the entered Start Date minus one day.

This editor must be saved before proceeding to other editors. Once the editor is saved, the Created By and Date and Modified By and Date will be recorded at the bottom of the editor.

Student Information

Student Identification Information

The Student Demographics editor populates basic information about the student such as demographic information and student and school address.

Clicking Refresh Student Information will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information about the student, from the Demographics, Households, Enrollments and School tools. 

The last three fields in this editor, Graduation Date, Medicaid Number and Placement is in Resident School are not populated automatically.

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian Information

The Parent/Guardian Demographics Editor populates based on established student/guardian relationships created on the student's Relationships tab or indicated by the guardian checkbox on the Households tab. The editor includes Demographics information for the student's guardian.

Clicking Refresh Guardian Information will synchronize information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's guardian's Demographics and Households tool.

Enrollment Information

Student Identification Information

The Enrollment Editor populates basic special education information based on selections made in the State Reporting and Special Ed Fields sections of the student's active Enrollments tool.

Clicking Get Special Ed Status from Enrollment will synchronize the information in the editor with the most recent information from the student's Enrollments tool. District and School information does not populate automatically. Once an IEP is completed and locked, the values in the editor will update in Enrollments.

Procedural Safeguards

Procedural Safeguards

The Procedural Safeguards Editor indicates that the Parent/Guardians were informed of their rights regarding the IEP and includes what documents were provided to them. The editor describes any communication with the student and the student's parents/guardians regarding their rights and education plan documents.


Meeting Participants


The Meeting Participants Editor lists meetings that can include the student, the student's team members and the student's parents/guardians. Each meeting record describes the type and location of the meeting, as well as lists basic dates regarding the student's IEP.

Team members must be created on the Team Members tool before attendees can be added to a meeting. Meetings will only be included in the printed IEP if the Print in IEP checkbox is marked.

Documentation of Evaluation Results Documentation of Evaluation ResultsThe Documentation of Evaluation Results editor records conclusions reached through the evaluation concerning the student's strengths and deficits in various areas of education. N/A
Eligibility Determination (NOT SLD) Eligibility Determination: All Disabilities (Other than Specific Learning Disability)The Eligibility Determination (NOT SLD) editor records the student's determined disabilities (other than specific learning disabilities) and how that determination was made. N/A
Intervention/Eval Results (SLD) Documentation of Intervention/Evaluation Results (Specific Learning Disability)The Intervention/Eval Results (SLD) editor records initial performance discrepancies found for the student and the results of steps taken to address those discrepancies. N/A
Eligibility Determination (SLD) Eligibility Determination (Specific Learning Disability)The Eligibility Determination (SLD) editor records the student's determined specific learning disabilities and how that determination was made. N/A


Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

The PLAAFP (Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance) editor provides a summary of the student's current achievement in school, including strengths and areas needing improvement. Users must also describe how the student's disability will affect participation in school and post secondary endeavors.


Transition Assessments

Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments section of the Secondary Transition area

The Transition Assessments Editor is designed to record the assessments which were administered to determine the student's need for Transition Services. This information can be used as part of the student's IEP in preparing the student for post-secondary life.

This section is divided into Employment, Education, Training and Independent Living Skills. Measurable goals are established based on these assessments in the Post Secondary Outcomes editor.

Post Secondary Outcomes

Post-Secondary Outcomes

The Post Secondary Outcomes Editor is used to establish measurable post secondary goals and outcomes for the student based on the Transition Assessments that have been completed.


Course of Study

Course of Study

The Course of Study Editor is used to record long-range educational plans based on the student's future plans for high school and afterwards, detailed in the Transition Assessments and Post Secondary Outcomes sections.


Transition Services

Transition Services

The Transition Services editor describes the services provided to the student during the transition from school to post-secondary life.


Home Based Services

Home-Based Support Services Program

The Home Based Services Editor records plans for the student to receive services after the age of 18 in a home setting, if the student is considered eligible.

This editor does not include the actual implementation of these services, but rather plans for determining eligibility, enrolling the student and developing an assistance program.

Functional Behavioral Assessment Functional Behavioral Assessment (as appropriate)The Functional Behavioral Assessment editor records the information gathered to determine if the student would benefit from a Behavioral Intervention Plan. N/A
Behavioral Intervention Plan Behavior Intervention Plan (as appropriate)The Behavioral Intervention Plan editor records the plan reached by the team to address a specific target behavior. N/A

Reporting on Goals

Reporting on Goals

The Reporting on Goals Editor indicates the ways in which the student's parent will be notified of progress towards the achievement of the student's Goals and Objectives.


Goals and Objectives

Goals and Objectives/ Benchmarks

The Goals and Objectives editor lists the annual goals the student is working toward within the time frame of the IEP and the objectives or benchmarks identified to achieve those goals.

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next the header of the summary section.

Special Factors

Consideration of Special Factors

The Special Factors editor indicates if the student requires any supplementary aids and/or services due to special disability factors.


Linguistic and Cultural Accomm.

Linguistic and Cultural Accommodations

The Linguistic and Cultural Accommodations editor indicates if the student receives any accommodations as a result of linguistic or cultural causes.


Supp. Aids, Accomm. and Modifications

Supplementary Aids, Accommodations and Modifications

The Accommodations and Supports Editor provides the option to list the accommodations and aids the student receives as part of the IEP. The second section of the editor includes additional supports for school personnel.


District Level AssessmentsClassroom-Based Assessments, District-Wide Assessments,The District Level Assessments editor indicates if the student requires accommodations to participate in district assessments or if the student will take alternate assessments instead.N/A
State Academic AssessmentsState Academic Assessments, State Assessment of Language Proficiency and Assessment AccommodationsThe State Academic Assessments editor indicates which assessments the student will participate in, with and without accommodations.N/A
Assessment Accommodations Assessment AccommodationsThe Assessment Accommodations editor lists accommodations provided to the student for participating in specific assessments. Mark the Print in IEP checkbox to include the accommodation in the printed document. 

General Ed. Services

Participation in General Education Classes and Participation in Special Education Classes/Services

The General Ed. Services Editor describes the in-classroom services the student receives as part of the IEP.

Only active Services with a Type of Class can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Services report in the General Education or Special Education sections of the printed IEP based on Location of Services selected for the Service - Inside or Outside General Education.

SPED Services

Participation in General Education Classes and Participation in Special Education Classes/Services

The Special Education Services editor lists services provided to the student in a Special Education setting.

Only active Services with a Type of Normal Service can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Services report in the General Education or Special Education sections of the printed IEP based on Location of Services selected for the Service - Inside or Outside General Education.

Related Services

Participation in General Education Classes and Participation in Special Education Classes/Services

The Related Services editor lists additional services provided to the student.

Only active Services with a Type of Related can be included in this editor. Services, Service Providers and Service Positions are established in System Administration.

Services report in the General Education or Special Education sections of the printed IEP based on Location of Services selected for the Service - Inside or Outside General Education.

Educational Environment (EE) Calculation (Ages 3-5) Educational Environment (EE) Calculation (Ages 3-5)The EE Calculation Ages 3-5 editor records the minutes the student spends in regular early childhood and special education early childhood services. N/A
Educational Environment (EE) Calculation (Ages 6-21) Educational Environment (EE) Calculation (Ages 6-21)The EE Calculation Ages 6-21 editor records minutes the student spends in and out of a General Education Setting. N/A

Educational Services &Placement 

Educational Environment Considerations

The Educational Services and Placement Editor describes the student's educational environment, including the extent to which the student is educated with other students who are non-disabled.


Placement Options Considered

Placement Considerations

The Placement Options Considered Editor lists considerations and ramifications of the IEP, the possible reasons each placement option could be rejected and whether the IEP team accepted the placement.




The Transportation editor indicates if any special transportation services are provided to the student.


Extended School Year 

Extended School Year Services

The Extended School Year editor indicates if extended school year services are needed for the student to complete his or her education.


Manifestation Determination Manifestation Determination (as appropriate)The Manifestation Determination editor records behavioral concerns and whether those concerns are determined to be as a result of the student's disability or not. N/A

Additional Notes 

Additional Notes/Information

The Additional Notes editor provides a space for notes and comments regarding the student's IEP meetings.


Autism Considerations Autism ConsiderationsThe Autism Considerations editor records student needs and how those needs are addressed specifically in relation to a disability on the autism spectrum. 

Template Banks are established in System Administration and available by clicking the white paper icon next the header of the summary section.


