Lockers Archive


Locker Schedule Wizard - [.2124 - .2227] - Video
The Locker Schedule Wizard allows schools to assign lockers to students en masse. This video demonstrates how to batch assign lockers to students.
Locker Batch End Wizard - [.2124 - .2227] - Video
The Locker Batch End Wizard allows schools to end or delete locker assignments from selected criteria. This video demonstrates how to batch end date locker assignments for groups of students.
Combination Rotation Wizard - [.2124 - .2227] - Video
The Combination Rotation Wizard can be used to designate which locker combination is active for a school year. This video explains how to rotate locker combinations in the Combination Rotation Wizard.
Locker Location - [.2124 - .2227] - Video
The Locker Location tab is used to organize lockers by location in the school, such as by wings or sections. This video describes how to create new locker locations in the Locker Location tab.
Manage Locks - [.2124 - .2227] - Video
The Locks tab is used to enter information on locks that are owned by the school. This video describes how to create school-owned serial numbers and combinations in the Locks tab.
Manage Locker Detail Information - [.2124 - .2227] - Video
The Lockers tab is used to view and define locker numbers, combinations, serial numbers, and locations. This video demonstrates how to define lockers using the Lockers tab.