Michigan Special Education


Evaluation Summary Report (Michigan)
This article describes the editors available in the Michigan Evaluation.
Individual Education Plan (Michigan)
This article describes the editors available in the Michigan IEP.
Outcome Measures Plan (Michigan)
This article describes the editors available in the Michigan OMP.
BIE Sped Tab (Michigan)
This article describes the special education tab created for Michigan BIE districts.
Individual Family Service Plan (Michigan)
This article describes the editors available on the IFSP for Michigan.
Permission to Place (Michigan)
This article describes the editors available on the Permission to Place plan for Michigan.
Non-Public Service Plan (Michigan)
This article describes the editors available on the Non-Public Service Plan for Michigan.
IFSP Evaluation Summary Report (Michigan)
This article provides information on the editors available on the Michigan IFSP Evaluation Summary Report.
Archived Special Ed Documents (Michigan)
This article lists the archived print formats for Michigan's Special Ed documents.